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\newcommand{\TODO}[1]{\orange{TODO: #1}}
\title{Are you old enough to buy this?}
\subtitle{Zero-Knowledge Age Restriction for GNU Taler}
\author{Özgür Kesim}
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
\institute{Code Blau GmbH, FU Berlin, TU Dresden}
\date{31 May 2024}
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
\section*{Prolog}%{Who am I, what do I want and who pays for all this?}
\begin{frame}{Who am I}
Özgür Kesim,
\item security consultant for 20+ years,
\item PhD candidate at FU Berlin,
\item member of GNU Taler dev-team.
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2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
\url{} \hfill \url{} \hfill
\begin{frame}{What to expect}
Present a solution to age restriction and its integration in GNU Taler.
Show concepts from cryptography by example:
Zero-Knowledge protocol, Security Game and Security Proof
This will be technical.
\item[] \underline{Rigorous} introduction into GNU Taler
\item[] Demos
\centering NGI Pointer program of the European Commission\\[2em]
\centering Project \textit{Concrete Contracts} in the
\textit{KMU-innovativ} programm\\[2em]
\section[Introduction\newline\scriptsize Age Restriction in E-commerce]{Introduction}
\begin{frame}{Youth protection}
Broad consensus in society about the necessity to protect minors from
harmful content.
Also wanted from policy makers:\\[1em]
11. Member states should encourage the \textbf{use of
conditional access tools} by content and service providers in
relation to content harmful to minors, \textbf{such as
age-verification systems}, ...
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From the
{\textit{Recommendation Rec (2001) 8 of the Committee of
Ministers to member states on self-regulation concerning cyber
content}} of the Council of Europe.
\begin{frame}{Age restriction in E-commerce}
Verification of minimum age requirements in e-commerce.\\[2em]
\item[Common solutions:]
& \blue{Privacy} & \tikzmark{topau} \blue{Ext. authority}& \\[\medskipamount]
1. ID Verification & bad & required & \\[\medskipamount]
2. Restricted Accounts & bad & required & \\[\medskipamount]
3. Attribute-based & good & required &\tikzmark{bottomau} \\[\medskipamount]
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[orange,thick,rounded corners]
($(pic cs:topau) +(0,0.5)$) rectangle ($(pic cs:bottomau) -(0.3, 0.2)$);
\bf Principle of subsidiarity is ignored
\begin{frame}{Principle of Subsidiarity}
Functions of government\\
---such as granting and restricting rights---\\
should be performed\\
{\it at the lowest level of authority possible},\\
as long as they can be performed {\it adequately}.
For age-restriction, the lowest level of authority is:\\
Parents, guardians and caretakers
\begin{frame}{Our goal}
A design and implementation of an age restriction scheme\\
with the following properties:
\item It ties age restriction to the \textbf{ability to pay} (not to ID's),
\item maintains the \textbf{anonymity of buyers},
\item maintains \textbf{unlinkability of transactions},
\item aligns with the \textbf{principle of subsidiarity},
\item is \textbf{practical and efficient}.
\centering \includegraphics[height=0.9\textheight]{images/wallet-age.png}
\Section{The quest for a solution to age restriction}{A journey through cryptic territory}
\begin{frame}{Basic assumption and ideas}
Assumption: Bank accounts are under control of adults/guardians.
Sketch of scheme, independent of payment service protocol:
\item<2-> \textit{Guardians} \textbf{commit} to a maximum age
\item<4-> \tikzmark{sstart}\textit{Minors} \textbf{attest} their adequate age
\item<6-> \textit{Merchants} \textbf{verify} the attestations
\item<7-> \textit{Minors} \textbf{derive} age commitments from existing ones
\item<9-> \textit{Exchanges} \textbf{compare} the derived age commitments
\item<10-> \tikzmark{send}{\large \texttt{GOTO}} 2.
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
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\draw[line width=1pt,->]
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
([shift=({-6mm, 1mm})]pic cs:send) to
([shift=({-1cm, 1mm})]pic cs:send) to
([shift=({-1cm, 1mm})]pic cs:sstart) to
([shift=({-6mm, 1mm})]pic cs:sstart);
\node[circle,minimum size=15pt,fill=blue!15] at (140:3) (Guardian) {$\Guardian$};
\draw[->] (Guardian) to [out=50,in=130, loop] node[above]
{$\Commit$} (Guardian);
\node[circle,minimum size=15pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:0) (Client) {$\Child$};
\draw[,|->] (Guardian) to node[above,sloped,align=left]
{{\scriptsize }} (Client);
\draw[->,blue] (Client) to [out=-125,in=-190, loop] node[below,left]
{\blue{$\Attest$}} (Client);
\node[circle,minimum size=15pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:4) (Merchant) {$\Merchant$};
\draw[blue,|->] (Client) to node[sloped, above]
{\blue{\scriptsize }} (Merchant);
\draw[->,blue] (Merchant) to [out=50,in=130, loop] node[above]
{\blue{$\Verify$}} (Merchant);
\draw[->,orange] (Client) to [out=-35,in=-100, loop] node[below]
{\orange{$\Derive$}} (Client);
\node[circle,minimum size=15pt,fill=black!15] at ( 60:4) (Exchange) {$\Exchange$};
\draw[orange,|->] (Client) to node[sloped,above,align=left]
{\orange{\scriptsize }} (Exchange);
\draw[->,orange] (Exchange) to [out=50,in=130, loop] node[above]
{\orange{$\Compare$}} (Exchange);
\begin{frame}{Specification of the Function Signatures}
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Searching for functions \uncover<2->{with the following signatures}
&\bf \Commit\uncover<2->{:
&(\age, \omega) &\mapsto (\commitment, \pruf)
&\scriptstyle \N_\Age \times \Omega &\scriptstyle \to \Commitments\times\Proofs,
%FIXME: This is how Attest was defined in the orignal paper (_with_) commitment!
%&\bf \Attest\uncover<3->{:
% &(\minage, \commitment, \pruf) &\mapsto \attest
% &\scriptstyle \N_\Age\times\Commitments\times\Proofs &\scriptstyle \to \Attests \cup \{\Nil\},
% }
&\bf \Attest\uncover<3->{:
&(\minage, \pruf) &\mapsto \attest
&\scriptstyle \N_\Age\times\Proofs &\scriptstyle \to \Attests \cup \{\Nil\},
&\bf \Verify\uncover<4->{:
&(\minage, \commitment, \attest) &\mapsto b
&\scriptstyle \N_\Age\times\Commitments\times\Attests &\scriptstyle \to \Z_2,
&\bf \Derive\uncover<5->{:
&(\commitment, \pruf, \omega) &\mapsto (\commitment', \pruf', \blinding)
&\scriptstyle \Commitments\times\Proofs\times\Omega &\scriptstyle \to \Commitments\times\Proofs\times\Blindings,
&\bf \Compare\uncover<6->{:
&(\commitment, \commitment', \blinding) &\mapsto b
&\scriptstyle \Commitments\times\Commitments\times\Blindings &\scriptstyle \to \Z_2,
with $\Omega, \Proofs, \Commitments, \Attests, \Blindings$
sufficiently large sets.\\[1em]
% The blindings $\beta$ ensure that only the Exchange can compare commitments.\\[1em]
We will define basic and security requirements later.\\[1em]
$\Commitments=$ \textit{c$\Commitments$mmitments},
$\commitment=$ \textit{Q-mitment} (commitment),
$\Proofs=$ \textit{$\Proofs$roofs},
$\pruf=$ \textit{$\pruf$roof},\\
$\Attests=$ \textit{a$\Attests$testations},
$\attest=$ \textit{a$\attest$testation},
$\Blindings=$ \textit{$\Blindings$lindings},
$\blinding=$ \textit{$\blinding$linding}.
\begin{frame}{Naïve scheme}
\node[circle,minimum size=20pt,fill=blue!15] at (140:3) (Guardian) {$\Guardian$};
\node[circle,minimum size=20pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:0) (Client) {$\Child$};
\node[circle,minimum size=20pt,fill=black!15] at ( 60:4) (Exchange) {$\Exchange$};
\node[circle,minimum size=20pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:4) (Merchant) {$\Merchant$};
\draw[->] (Guardian) to [out=50,in=130, loop] node[above]
{$\Commit$} (Guardian);
\draw[->,blue] (Client) to [out=-125,in=-190, loop] node[below,left]
{\blue{$\Attest$}} (Client);
\draw[->,blue] (Merchant) to [out=50,in=130, loop] node[above]
{\blue{$\Verify$}} (Merchant);
\draw[->,orange] (Client) to [out=-35,in=-100, loop] node[below]
{\orange{$\Derive$}} (Client);
\draw[->,orange] (Exchange) to [out=50,in=130, loop] node[above]
{\orange{$\Compare$}} (Exchange);
\draw[,|->] (Guardian) to node[above,sloped,align=left]
{\scriptsize ($\commitment$, $\pruf_\age$)} (Client);
\draw[blue,|->] (Client) to node[sloped, above]
{\blue{\scriptsize($\minage$, $\commitment$, $\attest$) }} (Merchant);
\draw[orange,|->] (Client) to node[sloped,above,align=left]
{\orange{\scriptsize($\commitment$, $\commitment'$, $\beta$) }} (Exchange);
% \pause{Why should $\Merchant$ trust those $\commitment$? Will solve later.
% \tiny (Hint: blind signature from $\Exchange$)}
\begin{frame}{Problem of unlinkability}
\node[circle,minimum size=20pt,fill=black!15] at ( 60:4) (Exchange) {$\Exchange$};
\node[circle,minimum size=20pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:0) (Client) {$\Child$};
\draw[->,orange] (Client) to [out=-35,in=-100, loop] node[below]
{\orange{$\footnotesize \Derive()$}} (Client);
\draw[->,orange] (Exchange) to [out=50,in=130, loop] node[above]
{\orange{$\footnotesize \Compare()$}} (Exchange);
\draw[orange,|->] (Client) to node[sloped,above,align=left]
{\orange{\tiny \uncover<2->{$(\commitment_i,\commitment_{i+1})$}}} (Exchange);
Simple use of $\Derive()$ and $\Compare()$ is problematic.
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\item Calling $\Derive()$ iteratively generates sequence
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$(\commitment_0, \commitment_1, \dots)$ of commitments.
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\item Exchange calls $\Compare(\commitment_i, \commitment_{i+1},~.~)$
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\item[$\implies$]Exchange identifies sequence
\item[$\implies$]{\bf Unlinkability broken}
\begin{frame}{Achieving Unlinkability}
Given $\Derive()$ and $\Compare()$, define the Zero-Knowledge-protocol
\orange{$\DeriveCompare$} as follows (sketch):
Let $\kappa \in \N$ (say: $\kappa = 3$)
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\item generates $(\commitment_1,\dots,\commitment_\kappa)$
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and $(\beta_1,\dots,\beta_\kappa)$ from $\commitment_0$\\
by calling $\kappa$ times $\Derive(\commitment_0, \pruf_0, \omega_i)$
\item calculates $h_0:=H\left(H(\commitment_1, \beta_1)\parallel \dots\parallel H(\commitment_\kappa, \beta_\kappa)\right)$
\item sends $\commitment_0$ and $h_0$ to $\Exchange$
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\item[4.] saves $\commitment_0$ and $h_0$ and sends $\Child$ random $\gamma \in \{1,\dots,\kappa\}$
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\item[5.] reveals $h_\gamma:=H(\commitment_\gamma, \beta_\gamma)$ and all $(\commitment_i, \beta_i)$, except $(\commitment_\gamma, \beta_\gamma)$
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2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
\item[6.] compares $h_0$ and
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$H\left(H(\commitment_1, \beta_1)\parallel ...\parallel h_\gamma\parallel ...\parallel H(\commitment_\kappa, \beta_\kappa)\right)$
\item[7.] evaluates $\Compare(\commitment_0, \commitment_i, \beta_i)$ for all $i \neq \gamma$.
If all steps succeed, $\commitment_\gamma$ is the new commitment.
\begin{frame}{Achieving Unlinkability}%{Certainty trade-off}
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With \orange{$\DeriveCompare$}
\item $\Exchange$ learns nothing about $\commitment_\gamma$ or $H(\commitment_\gamma)$,
\item trusts outcome with $\frac{\kappa-1}{\kappa}$ certainty,
\item i.e. $\Child$ has $\frac{1}{\kappa}$ chance to cheat.
\item<2->[$\implies$] \textbf{Gives us unlinkability at the price of (adjustable) uncertainty!}
\item similar to the cut\&choose {\it refresh} protocol in GNU Taler
\item still need to define $\Derive()$ and $\Compare()$.
\begin{frame}{Refined scheme}
\node[circle,minimum size=25pt,fill=blue!15] at (130:3) (Guardian) {$\Guardian$};
\node[circle,minimum size=25pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:0) (Client) {$\Child$};
\node[circle,minimum size=25pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:5) (Merchant) {$\Merchant$};
\node[circle,minimum size=25pt,fill=black!15] at ( 60:5) (Exchange) {$\Exchange$};
\draw[->] (Guardian) to [out=150,in=70, loop] node[above]
{$\Commit(\age)$} (Guardian);
\draw[->] (Guardian) to node[below,sloped]
{($\commitment$, $\pruf_\age$)} (Client);
\draw[->,blue] (Client) to [out=-50,in=-130, loop] node[below]
% FIXME: This is in the original paper:
% {\blue{$\Attest(\minage, \commitment, \pruf_{\age})$}} (Client);
{\blue{$\Attest(\minage, \pruf_{\age})$}} (Client);
\draw[blue,->] (Client) to node[sloped, below]
{\blue{$(\attest_\minage, \commitment)$}} (Merchant);
\draw[->,blue] (Merchant) to [out=-50,in=-130, loop] node[below]
{\blue{$\Verify(\minage, \commitment, \attest_{\minage})$}} (Merchant);
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
\draw[orange,<->] (Client) to
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
node[sloped,below,align=center] {\orange{$\commitment \mapsto \commitment_\gamma$}}
node[sloped,above,align=center] {\orange{$\DeriveCompare$}} (Exchange);
\begin{frame}{Sensible solutions}
Quest for functions should lead to \textit{sensible} solutions.
F. e. $\Verify()$ should not simply always return \texttt{true}.
We need more requirements.
% \begin{frame}{Achieving Unlinkability}
% \scriptsize
% $\DeriveCompare : \Commitments\times\Proofs\times\Omega \to \{0,1\}$\\
% \vfill
% $\DeriveCompare(\commitment, \pruf, \omega) =$
% \begin{itemize}
% \it
% \itemsep0.5em
% \item[$\Child$:]
% \begin{enumerate}
% \scriptsize
% \itemsep0.3em
% \item for all $i \in \{1,\dots,\kappa\}:
% (\commitment_i,\pruf_i,\beta_i) \leftarrow \Derive(\commitment, \pruf, \omega + i)$
% \item $h \leftarrow \Hash\big(\Hash(\commitment_1,\beta_1)\parallel\dots\parallel\Hash(\commitment_\kappa,\beta_\kappa) \big)$
% \item send $(\commitment, h)$ to $\Exchange$
% \end{enumerate}
% \item[$\Exchange$:]
% \begin{enumerate}
% \setcounter{enumi}{4}
% \scriptsize
% \itemsep0.3em
% \item save $(\commitment, h)$ \label{st:hash}
% \item $\gamma \drawfrom \{1,\dots ,\kappa\}$
% \item send $\gamma$ to $\Child$
% \end{enumerate}
% \item[$\Child$:]
% \begin{enumerate}
% \setcounter{enumi}{7}
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
% \scriptsize
% \itemsep0.3em
% \item $h'_\gamma \leftarrow \Hash(\commitment_\gamma, \beta_\gamma)$
% \item $\mathbf{E}_\gamma \leftarrow \big[(\commitment_1,\beta_1),\dots,
% (\commitment_{\gamma-1}, \beta_{\gamma-1}),
% \Nil,
% (\commitment_{\gamma+1}, \beta_{\gamma+1}),
% \dots,(\commitment_\kappa, \beta_\kappa)\big]$
% \item send $(\mathbf{E}_\gamma, h'_\gamma)$ to $\Exchange$
% \end{enumerate}
% \item[$\Exchange$:]
% \begin{enumerate}
% \setcounter{enumi}{10}
% \scriptsize
% \itemsep0.3em
% \item for all $i \in \{1,\dots,\kappa\}\setminus\{\gamma\}: h_i \leftarrow \Hash(\mathbf{E}_\gamma[i])$
% \item if $h \stackrel{?}{\neq} \HashF(h_1\|\dots\|h_{\gamma-1}\|h'_\gamma\|h_{\gamma+1}\|\dots\|h_{\kappa-1})$ return 0
% \item for all $i \in \{1,\dots,\kappa\}\setminus\{\gamma\}$:
% if $0 \stackrel{?}{=} \Compare(\commitment,\commitment_i, \beta_i)$ return $0$
% \item return 1
% \end{enumerate}
% \end{itemize}
% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Basic Requirements}
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
Candidate functions
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
\[ (\Commit, \Attest, \Verify, \Derive, \Compare) \]
must meet \textit{basic requirements}:
\item Existence of attestations
\item Efficacy of attestations
\item Derivability of commitments and attestations
More details in the published paper and \hyperlink{fr:detailedBasicRequirements}{Appendix}.
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\begin{frame}{Security Requirements}
Candidate functions must also meet \textit{security requirements},
defined via security games:
\bf Requirement:& Unforgeability of minimum age\pause\\
\bf $\leftrightarrow$\hfill Game:& Forging an attestation\pause\\[0.5em]
\bf Requirement: & Non-disclosure of age \pause\\
\bf$\leftrightarrow$\hfill Game: & Age disclosure by commitment or attestation \pause\\[0.5em]
\bf Requirement:& Unlinkability of commitments and attestations\pause\\
\bf $\leftrightarrow$\hfill Game:& Distinguishing derived commitments and attestations
Meeting the security requirements means that adversaries can win
those games only with negligible advantage.
Adversaries are arbitrary polynomial-time algorithms, acting on all
relevant input.
\begin{frame}{Security Requirements}{Simplified Example}
\item[Game $\Game{FA}$: Forging an attest]~\\
\item $ (\age, \omega) \drawfrom \N_{\Age-1}\times\Omega $
\item $ (\commitment, \pruf) \leftarrow \Commit(\age, \omega) $
\item $ (\minage, \attest) \leftarrow \Adv(\age, \commitment, \pruf)$
\item Return 0 if $\minage \leq \age$
\item Return $\Verify(\minage,\commitment,\attest)$
\item[]~\\[0.5em] Adversary $\Adv$ wins the game, if $\Game{FA}$ returns 1.
\item[Requirement: Unforgeability of minimum age]
\Forall_{\Adv\in\PPT(\N_\Age\times\Commitments\times\Proofs\to \N_\Age\times\Attests)}:
\Probability\Big[\Game{FA} = 1\Big] \le \negl
% \pause
% Note: This example does not take $\Derive()$ into account.
\begin{frame}{Our task}
Finding functions
\[ (\Commit, \Attest, \Verify, \Derive, \Compare) \]
that meet the basic and security requirements.
\section*{A solution}
\begin{frame}{Instantiation with ECDSA}
We propose a solution based on ECDSA.
Think: One key-pair per age group.
\begin{frame}{Definition of Commit with ECDSA}%{Definition of Commit}
\item[To \blue{Commit} to age group $\age \in \{1,\dots,\Age\}$]~\\
\item Guardian generates ECDSA-keypairs, one per age group:
\[\langle(q_1, p_1),\dots,(q_\Age,p_\Age)\rangle\]
\item Guardian then \textbf{drops} all private keys
$p_i$ for $i > \age$:
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
\[\Big \langle(q_1, p_1),\dots,
(q_\age, p_\age),
(q_{\age +1}, \red{\Nil}),\dots,
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
(q_\Age, \red{\Nil})\Big\rangle\]
\item[] then set \begin{itemize}
\item[\bf Commitment:] $\Vcommitment := (q_1,~\dots~\dots~\dots~,q_\Age)$
\item[\bf Proof:] $\Vpruf_\age := (p_1, \dots, p_\age, \Nil,\dots,\Nil)$
\item Guardian gives child $\langle \Vcommitment, \Vpruf_\age \rangle$
\begin{frame}{Attest and Verify with ECDSA}
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Child has
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\item ordered public-keys $\Vcommitment = (q_1, \dots~\dots~\dots, q_\Age) $,
\item (some) private-keys $\Vpruf = (p_1, \dots, p_\age, \Nil, \dots, \Nil)$.
\item<2->[To \blue{Attest} a minimum age (group) $\blue{\minage} \leq \age$:]~\\
Sign a message with ECDSA using private key
$p_\blue{\minage}$. The signature $\sigma_\blue{\minage}$ is the
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Merchant gets
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\item ordered public-keys $\Vcommitment = (q_1, \dots, q_\Age) $
\item Signature $\sigma_\blue{\minage}$
\item<4->[To \blue{Verify} a minimum age (group) \blue{$\minage$}:]~\\
Verify the ECDSA-Signature $\sigma_\blue{\minage}$ with public key $q_\blue{\minage}$.
\begin{frame}{Derive and Compare with ECDSA}
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Child has
$\Vcommitment = (q_1, \dots, q_\Age) $ and
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$\Vpruf = (p_1, \dots, p_\age, \Nil, \dots, \Nil)$.
\item<2->[To \blue{Derive} new $\Vcommitment'$ and $\Vpruf'$:]
Choose random $\beta\in\Z_g$ and calculate
\Vcommitment' &= \big(q'_1,~\ldots~\ldots~\ldots~,q'_\Age\big) &&:= \big(\beta * q_1,\ldots~\ldots,\beta * q_\Age\big) ,\\
\Vpruf' &= \big(p'_1,\ldots,p'_\age, \Nil, \ldots, \Nil\big) &&:= \big(\beta p_1,\ldots,\beta p_\age,\Nil,\ldots,\Nil\big)
\item $\beta*q_i$ is scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve.
\item $p'_i*G$ = $(\beta p_i)*G = \beta*(p_i*G) = \beta*q_i = q'_i$
\item[$\implies$] {\bf $p'_i$ actually \textit{is} private key to $q'_i$}
Exchange gets $\Vcommitment = (q_1,\dots,q_\Age)$, $\Vcommitment' = (q_1', \dots, q_\Age')$ and $\beta$
\item[To \blue{Compare}, calculate:]
$(\beta * q_1, \ldots , \beta * q_\Age) \stackrel{?}{=} (q'_1,\ldots, q'_\Age)$
\begin{frame}{Instantiation with ECDSA}
(Commit, Attest, Verify, Derive, Compare)\\
as defined in the instantiation with ECDSA\\[0.5em]
\item meet the basic requirements,\\[0.5em]
\item also meet all security requirements.\\
Security proofs by reduction, details are in the paper.
\begin{frame}{Example: Proof of Unforgeability}
\item[Game $\Game{FA}$: Forging an attest]~\\
1. $(\age, \omega) \drawfrom \N_{\Age-1}\times\Omega $\\
2. $(\commitment, \pruf) \leftarrow \Commit(\age, \omega) $\\
3. $(\minage, \attest) \leftarrow \Adv(\age, \commitment, \pruf)$\\
4. Return 0 if $\minage \leq \age$\\
5. Return $\Verify(\minage,\commitment,\attest)$\\
$\Forall_{\Adv}: \Probability\Big[\Game{FA} = 1\Big] \le \negl$
Proof by reduction:
\item Adversary wins if $1 = \Verify(\minage,\commitment,\attest)$.
\item That means: $\sigma$ was a valid ECDSA-signature, validated with $q_m$.
\item But adversary does not have the private key $p_m$ to $q_m$.
\item[$\implies$] So winning this game would require to existentially forge
the signature, which is negligible.
\begin{frame}{Instantiation with Edx25519}
But... isn't ECDSA considered to be difficult to implement correctly?
We also formally define another signature scheme, Edx25519:\\[1em]
\item based on EdDSA (Bernstein et al.),
\item generates compatible signatures,
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\item allows for key derivation from both, private and public keys, independently and
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\item is already in use in GNUnet.
Current implementation of age restriction in GNU Taler uses Edx25519.
% \begin{frame}{Instantiation with ECDSA}
% \framesubtitle{Full definitions}
% \scriptsize
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2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
% \begin{align*}
% \Commit_{E,\FDHg{\cdot}}(\age, \omega) &:= \Big\langle
% \overbrace{(q_1,\ldots,q_\Age)}^{= \Vcommitment},\;
% \overbrace{(p_1,\ldots,p_\age, \Nil,\ldots,\Nil)}^{= \Vpruf \text{, length }\Age}
% \Big\rangle\\
% \Attest_{E,\HashF}(\bage, \Vcommitment, \Vpruf) &:=
% \begin{cases}
% \attest_\bage := \Sign_{E,\HashF}\big(\bage,\Vpruf[\bage]\big) & \text{if } \Vpruf[\bage] \stackrel{?}{\neq} \Nil\\
% \Nil & \text{otherwise}
% \end{cases}\\
% %
% \Verify_{E,\HashF}(\bage, \Vcommitment, \attest) &:= \Ver_{E,\HashF}(\bage, \Vcommitment[\bage], \attest)\\
% %
% \Derive_{E, \FDHg{\cdot}}(\Vcommitment, \Vpruf, \omega) &:=
% \Big\langle(\beta * q_1,\ldots,\beta * q_\Age),
% (\beta p_1,\ldots,\beta p_\age,\Nil,\ldots,\Nil), \beta \Big\rangle \\
% & \text{ with } \beta := \FDHg{\omega} \text{ and multiplication } \beta p_i \text{ modulo } g \nonumber\\
% %
% \Compare_E(\Vcommitment, \Vcommitment', \beta) &:=
% \begin{cases}
% 1 & \text{if } (\beta * q_1, \ldots , \beta * q_\Age) \stackrel{?}{=} (q'_1,\ldots, q'_\Age)\\
% 0 & \text{otherwise}
% \end{cases}
% \end{align*}
% \end{frame}
\section{Integration with GNU Taler}
\begin{frame}{GNU Taler}{}
\node[circle,fill=black!10] at (3, 4) (Exchange) {$\Exchange$};
\node[circle,fill=black!10] at (0, 0) (Customer) {$\Customer$};
\node[circle,fill=black!10] at (6, 0) (Merchant) {$\Merchant$};
\draw[<->] (Customer) to [out=65,in=220] node[sloped,above] {\sf withdraw} (Exchange);
\draw[<->] (Customer) to [out=45,in=240] node[sloped,below] {\sf refresh} (Exchange);
\draw[<->] (Customer) to node[sloped, below] {\sf purchase} (Merchant);
\draw[<->] (Merchant) to node[sloped, above] {\sf deposit} (Exchange);
\item Protocol suite for online payment services
\item Based on Chaum's \hyperlink{fr:reminderBlindSignature}{blind signatures}
\item Taxable, efficient, free software
\item Allows for change and refund
\item Privacy preserving: anonymous and unlinkable payments
\item Coins are public-/private key-pairs $(C_p, c_s)$.
\item Exchange \hyperlink{fr:reminderBlindSignature}{blindly signs} $H(C_p)$ with denomination key $d_p$
\item Verification:
1 &\stackrel{?}{=}&
\mathsf{SigCheck}\big(H(C_p), D_p, \sigma_p\big)
\scriptsize($D_p$ = public key of denomination and $\sigma_p$ = signature)
\begin{frame}{Integration with GNU Taler}{Binding age restriction to coins}
To bind an age commitment $\commitment$ to a coin $C_p$, instead of
blindly signing \[ H(C_p), \]
$\Exchange$ now \hyperlink{fr:reminderBlindSignature}{blindly signs}
\[ H\left(C_p\parallel\orange{H(\commitment)}\right) \]
Therefore, verfication of a coin now requires $H(\commitment)$, too:
1 \stackrel{?}{=}
\mathsf{SigCheck}\big(H\left(C_p\parallel\orange{H(\commitment)}\right), D_p, \sigma_p\big)
\begin{frame}{Integration with GNU Taler}
\framesubtitle{Integrated schemes}
\node[circle,minimum size=25pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:0) (Client) {$\Child$};
\node[circle,minimum size=25pt,fill=black!15] at ( 60:5) (Exchange) {$\Exchange$};
\node[circle,minimum size=25pt,fill=black!15] at ( 0:5) (Merchant) {$\Merchant$};
\node[circle,minimum size=25pt,fill=blue!15] at (130:3) (Guardian) {$\Guardian$};
\draw[<->] (Guardian) to node[sloped,above,align=center]
{{\sf withdraw}\orange{, using}\\ $H(C_p\orange{\parallel H(\commitment)})$} (Exchange);
\draw[<->] (Client) to node[sloped,below,align=center]
{{\sf refresh} \orange{ + }\\ \orange{$\DeriveCompare$}} (Exchange);
\draw[<->] (Client) to node[sloped, below]
{{\sf purchase} \blue{+ $(\attest_\minage, \commitment)$}} (Merchant);
\draw[<->] (Merchant) to node[sloped, above]
{{\sf deposit} \orange{+ $H(\commitment)$}} (Exchange);
\draw[->] (Guardian) to [out=70,in=150, loop] node[above]
{$\Commit(\age)$} (Guardian);
\draw[->] (Guardian) to node[below,sloped]
{($\commitment$, $\pruf_\age$)} (Client);
\draw[->,blue] (Client) to [out=-50,in=-130, loop] node[below]
{\blue{$\Attest(\minage, \commitment, \pruf_{\age})$}} (Client);
\draw[->,blue] (Merchant) to [out=-50,in=-130, loop] node[below]
{\blue{$\Verify(\minage, \commitment, \attest_{\minage})$}} (Merchant);
\begin{frame}{Age restriction in the wallet}
\centering \includegraphics[height=0.9\textheight]{images/wallet-age.png}
\begin{frame}{Interested in GNU Taler?}
We are looking for developers, testers, users!
\item[Intro:] \url{}
\item[Learn:] \url{}
\item[Develop:] \url{}, \url{}
\section{Discussion \& Conclusion}
\item Our solution can in principle be used with any token-based payment scheme
\item[] However, GNU Taler best aligned with our design goals
(security, privacy and efficiency).
\item Subsidiarity requires bank accounts being owned by adults.
\item[] However, scheme can be adapted to cases of
\item minors have bank accounts
\item peer-to-peer payments
\item[] Hint: Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and adapted
withdraw protocol.
\item Our scheme offers an alternative to identity management systems (IMS)
% \begin{frame}{Related Work}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Current privacy-perserving systems all based on
% attribute-based credentials (Koning et al.,
% Schanzenbach et al., Camenisch et al., Au et al.)
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
% \item Attribute-based approach lacks support:
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Complex for consumers and retailers
% \item Requires trusted third authority
% \end{itemize}
% \vfill
% \item Other approaches tie age-restriction to ability to pay ("debit cards for kids")
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Advantage: mandatory to payment process
% \item Not privacy friendly
% \end{itemize}
% \end{itemize}
% \end{frame}
Age restriction is a technical, ethical and legal challenge.
Existing solutions are
\item without strong protection of privacy or
\item based on identity management systems (IMS)
Our scheme offers a solution that
\item aligns with subsidiarity
\item preserves privacy
\item is efficient
\item and an alternative to IMS
{\Huge \textbf{Thank you!}}\\
{Interested in GNU Taler?}
\item[Intro:] \url{}
\item[Learn:] \url{}
\item[Develop:] \url{}, \url{}
\begin{frame}{Taler Overview}
\begin{frame}{Basic Requirements - Details}
{\scriptsize \it back to \hyperlink{fr:basicRequirements}{Basic Requirements}}
\item[Existence of attestations]
\Forall_{\age\in\N_\Age \atop \omega \in \Omega}:
\Commit(\age, \omega) =: (\commitment, \pruf)
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
\Attest(\minage, \commitment, \pruf) =
\attest \in \Attests, \text{ if } \minage \leq \age\\
\Nil \text{ otherwise}
\item[Efficacy of attestations]
\Verify(\minage, \commitment, \attest) = \
1, \text{if } \Exists_{\pruf \in \Proofs}: \Attest(\minage, \commitment, \pruf) = \attest\\
0 \text{ otherwise}
\forall_{n \leq \age}: \Verify\big(n, \commitment, \Attest(n, \commitment, \pruf)\big) = 1.
\item[Derivability of commitments and attestations]...
More details in the published paper.
\begin{frame}{Reminder: RSA blind signature}
In RSA, a public key $(e, N)$ and private key $(d, N)$ have the property
\[ x^{ed} = x \mod N \]
Bob (B) creates a blind signature of a message $m$ for Alice (A):
\item chooses random integer $b$
\item calculates $m' := m*b^e$ {\hfill \scriptsize \textit{(blinding)}}
\item sends $m'$ to B.
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
\item signs $m'$, by calculating
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
$\sigma' := (m')^d \mod N$ {\hfill \scriptsize \textit{(B doesn't learn $m$)}}
\item sends $\sigma'$ to A.
\item[] \scriptsize Note: $(m')^d = (m*b^e)^d = m^d*b^{ed} = m^d*b \mod N$
2024-05-30 12:03:40 +02:00
\item unblinds $\sigma'$ by calculating
2024-05-29 18:35:13 +02:00
\[ \sigma := \sigma'*b^{-1} (= m^d) \]
\item[$\implies$]$\sigma$ is a valid RSA signature to message $m$.
\hfill \tiny back to \hyperlink{fr:GnuTaler}{\textit{taler}} or \hyperlink{fr:bindingToCoins}{\textit{binding}}
% \framesubtitle{Details}
% \begin{description}
% \item[Derivability of commitments and proofs:]~\\[0.1em]
% {\scriptsize
% Let \begin{align*}
% \age & \in\N_\Age,\,\, \omega_0, \omega_1 \in\Omega\\
% (\commitment_0, \pruf_0) & \leftarrow \Commit(\age, \omega_0),\\
% (\commitment_1, \pruf_1, \blinding) & \leftarrow \Derive(\commitment_0, \pruf_0, \omega_1).
% \end{align*}
% We require
% \begin{align*}
% \Compare(\commitment_0, \commitment_1, \blinding) = 1 \label{req:comparity}
% \end{align*}
% and for all $n\leq\age$:
% \begin{align*}
% \Verify(n, \commitment_1, \Attest(n, \commitment_1, \pruf_1)) &%
% =
% \Verify(n, \commitment_0, \Attest(n, \commitment_0, \pruf_0))
% \end{align*}}
% \end{description}