GNU Taler Dashboard

Table view | List View

Data from {{ .Timestamp.Format "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST"}}, updated every {{ .Freq }} (no auto-refresh). {{- with .Lasterror }}, Last error: {{ . }} {{end }} {{- $top := . -}} {{- $features := .Features -}} {{- $issues := .Issues -}} {{- $versions := .VersionsByDate -}} Total {{ len $issues }} entries {{- range $vname := $top.TargetVersions }} {{- with $version := $versions.Get . }} {{- end}} {{- end}} {{- range $cat := $top.Categories }} {{- range $tar := $top.TargetVersions }} {{- with $version := $versions.Get . }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{- end}}
{{ $vname }} ({{ $version.Timestamp.Format "02 Jan 06"}})
{{ $version.Description }}
{{ . }}
{{ with $features.ByCategoryAndTarget $cat $tar }}
{{ $l := len .}}{{ if lt 1 $l }}{{ $l }} features{{ else }}1 feature{{ end }}
{{- $unassigned := .Assigned false }}{{if gt $unassigned 0 }}({{ $unassigned}} unassigned){{ end -}}
{{- range . }} {{ if .IsHandled }}🥷{{else}}{{end}} {{.Id}} {{.Summary}}
{{- end}}
{{- end }} {{- with $issues.ByCategoryAndTarget $cat $tar }}
{{ $l := len .}}{{ if lt 1 $l }}{{ $l }} issues{{ else }}1 issue{{ end }}
{{- $unassigned := .Assigned false }}{{if gt $unassigned 0 }} ({{ $unassigned}} unassigned){{ end -}}
{{- range . }} {{ if .IsHandled }}🥷{{else}}{{end}} {{.Id}} {{.Summary}}
{{- end}}
{{ end -}}

taler-dashboard - version: {{.Commit}} -