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The deliverables for this milestone are: \begin{description} \item[P2P payments] -- \item[Anonymous auction] -- \end{description} \end{abstract} \vfill \hfill {\footnotesize Version: 1.0} \thispagestyle{empty} \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage \section{P2P payments} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \section{Anonymous auctions} \subsection{Transscript and Replay for libbrandt} At the beginning of our project, the most recent implementation of Brandt-Vickrey auctions was from Markus Teich (\url{https://git.gnunet.org/libbrandt.git/}). In our own fork at \url{https://git.kesim.org/oec/libbrandt}, we added the following functionality: \begin{description} \item[Transscript generation] The unit-test file \href{https://git.kesim.org/oec/libbrandt/src/branch/transcript/test\_brandt.c}{test\_brandt.c} has been extended to generate and print a transscript for each auction, containing parameters of the auction---such as number of bidders, prices and auction type---and the list of all messages that the seller has received during the protocol execution. The definition of the transcript structure is given in appendix \ref{transcript}. \item[Replay of transscript] The new file \href{https://git.kesim.org/oec/libbrandt/src/branch/transcript/replay.c}{replay.c} reads a transcript from stdin, parses it and executes an auction, replaying all messages from the transcript. On success, it prints a result in JSON form to stdout: \begin{lstlisting}[language=typescript] interface BrandtVickreyAuctionWinner { // The index of the bidder into the // `BrandtVickreyAuctionTranscript`.bidder array. bidder: number; // The index of the winning price into the // `BrandtVickreyAuction`.prices array. price_idx: number; // The winning price price: Amount; } \end{lstlisting} \end{description} \subsection{Policy extensions framework for GNUN Taler} General policy extension framework \subsection{Brandt-Vickrey-auction extension for GNU Taler} Extension \verb|policy_brandt_vickrey_auction| added \begin{itemize} \item \verb|get_policy_details| generates hash-code for a policy by building the hash $H(h_a || p_b)$, where $h_a$ is the hash of the auction meta data and $p_b$ is the public key of the bidder. Both parameters are part of the policy structure provided during a deposit. \item the POST-handler receives the transcript and the list of policy-details of former deposit-operations. It parses the transcript and calls an external program to replay the auction and determine the winners and winning price. \end{itemize} \subsection{Future work} \subsubsection{libbrandt} use libsodium make it compatible with current version of GNUNET \subsubsection{policy framework} add escrow policy and merge refund to it \subsubsection{brandt-vickrey-auction} verify signatures of transscript %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage \part*{Appendix} \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Appendix} \appendix \section{Definition of a Transcript of Brandt-Vickrey-Auctions} \label{transcript} The following definition is provided in TypeScript and taken from \url{https://docs.taler.net/core/api-exchange.html#tsref-type-BrandtVickreyAuction}. \begin{lstlisting}[language=typescript] // This structure defines an auction of Brandt-Vickory kind. // It is used for the PolicyBrandtVickreyAuction. interface BrandtVickreyAuction { // Start date of the auction time_start: Timestamp; // Maximum duration per round. There are four rounds in an auction of // Brandt-Vickrey kind. time_round: RelativeTime; // This integer m refers to the (m+1)-type of the Brandt-Vickrey-auction. // - Type 0 refers to an auction with one highest-price winner, // - Type 1 refers to an auction with one winner, paying the second // highest price, // - Type 2 refers to an auction with two winners, paying // the third-highest price, // - etc. auction_type: number; // The vector of prices for the Brandt-Vickrey auction. The values MUST // be in strictly increasing order. prices: Amount[]; // The type of outcome of the auction. // In case the auction is declared public, each bidder can calculate the // winning price. This field is not relevant for the replay of a // transcript, as the transcript must be provided by the seller who sees // the winner(s) and winning price of the auction. outcome_public: boolean; // The public key of the seller. pubkey: EddsaPublicKey; // The seller's account details. payto_uri: string; } // This structure defines the transcript of an auction // of Brandt-Vickrey kind. interface BrandtVickreyAuctionTranscript { // The auction definition. auction: BrandtVickreyAuction; // The public keys of the bidders, in Crockford Base32 encoding. bidders: EddsaPublicKey[]; // Signatures of the auction in Crockford Base32 encoding. // One signature per bidder. signatures: EddsaSignature[]; // List of policy hash codes that identify policy details associated with // each bidder. Those codes were generated by the policy extension // policy_brandt_vickrey_auction during the deposit of coins for this // auction. policy_hash_codes: HashCode[]; // The transcript of all messages received by the seller. transcript: BrandtVickreyAuctionMessage[]; // Optionally, the seller can provide the winners it had calculated. winners?: BrandtVickreyAuctionWinner[]; // The signature over the hash of this JSON object, without the // key ``sig`` and in normalized form, basically over // H(auction, bidders, signatures, transcripts, winners?) // It is signed by the private key that corresponds to the public key // in `BrandtVickreyAuction`.``pubkey``. // This signature is in Crockford Base32 encoding. sig: EddsaSignature; } interface BrandtVickreyAuctionMessage { // The index of the bidder into the // `BrandtVickreyAuctionTranscript`.``bidders`` array. bidder: number; // The raw message in Crockford Base32 encoding. msg: string; // The signature over the message. The signature is in Crockford Base32 // encoding. It must be signed by the private key corresponding to the // bidder's public key in `BrandtVickreyAuctionTranscript`.``bidders``. sig: EddsaSignature; } \end{lstlisting} \newpage %\includepdf[pagecommand=\section{Age restriction and Legal Issues}\label{legal},frame=true,pages=1,scale=.9]{Age_restriction_and_legal_issues.pdf} %\includepdf[pages=2-,scale=.9,frame=true]{Age_restriction_and_legal_issues.pdf} \end{document}