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484 lines
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This file is part of TALER
Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Inria & GNUnet e.V.
TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* @file include/taler_exchangedb_lib.h
* @brief IO operations for the exchange's private keys
* @author Florian Dold
* @author Benedikt Mueller
* @author Christian Grothoff
#include "taler_signatures.h"
* Subdirectroy under the exchange's base directory which contains
* the exchange's signing keys.
* Subdirectory under the exchange's base directory which contains
* the exchange's denomination keys.
* @brief On disk format used for a exchange signing key. Signing keys are used
* by the exchange to affirm its messages, but not to create coins.
* Includes the private key followed by the public information about
* the signing key.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PrivateSigningKeyInformationP
* Private key part of the exchange's signing key.
struct TALER_ExchangePrivateKeyP signkey_priv;
* Signature over @e issue
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
* Public information about a exchange signing key.
struct TALER_ExchangeSigningKeyValidityPS issue;
* Information about a denomination key.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformationP
* Signature over this struct to affirm the validity of the key.
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP signature;
* Signed properties of the denomination key.
struct TALER_DenominationKeyValidityPS properties;
* @brief All information about a denomination key (which is used to
* sign coins into existence).
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyIssueInformation
* The private key of the denomination. Will be NULL if the private
* key is not available (this is the case after the key has expired
* for signing coins, but is still valid for depositing coins).
struct TALER_DenominationPrivateKey denom_priv;
* Decoded denomination public key (the hash of it is in
* @e issue, but we sometimes need the full public key as well).
struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub;
* Signed public information about a denomination key.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformationP issue;
* @brief Iterator over signing keys.
* @param cls closure
* @param filename name of the file the key came from
* @param ski the sign key
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate,
* #GNUNET_NO to stop iteration with no error,
* #GNUNET_SYSERR to abort iteration with error!
typedef int
(*TALER_EXCHANGEDB_SigningKeyIterator)(void *cls,
const char *filename,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PrivateSigningKeyInformationP *ski);
* Call @a it for each signing key found in the @a exchange_base_dir.
* @param exchange_base_dir base directory for the exchange,
* the signing keys must be in the #TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DIR_SIGNING_KEYS
* subdirectory
* @param it function to call on each signing key
* @param it_cls closure for @a it
* @return number of files found (may not match
* number of keys given to @a it as malformed
* files are simply skipped), -1 on error
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_signing_keys_iterate (const char *exchange_base_dir,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_SigningKeyIterator it,
void *it_cls);
* Exports a signing key to the given file.
* @param exchange_base_dir base directory for the keys
* @param start start time of the validity for the key
* @param ski the signing key
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure.
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_signing_key_write (const char *exchange_base_dir,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PrivateSigningKeyInformationP *ski);
* @brief Iterator over denomination keys.
* @param cls closure
* @param alias coin alias
* @param dki the denomination key
* @param revocation_master_sig non-NULL if @a dki was revoked
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate,
* #GNUNET_NO to stop iteration with no error,
* #GNUNET_SYSERR to abort iteration with error!
typedef int
(*TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyIterator)(void *cls,
const char *alias,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyIssueInformation *dki,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *revocation_master_sig);
* Call @a it for each denomination key found in the @a exchange_base_dir.
* @param exchange_base_dir base directory for the exchange,
* the signing keys must be in the #TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DIR_DENOMINATION_KEYS
* subdirectory
* @param master_pub master public key (used to check revocations)
* @param it function to call on each denomination key found
* @param it_cls closure for @a it
* @return -1 on error, 0 if no files were found, otherwise
* a positive number (however, even with a positive
* number it is possible that @a it was never called
* as maybe none of the files were well-formed)
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_denomination_keys_iterate (const char *exchange_base_dir,
const struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP *master_pub,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyIterator it,
void *it_cls);
* Mark the given denomination key as revoked and request the wallets
* to initiate /payback.
* @param exchange_base_dir base directory for the exchange,
* the signing keys must be in the #TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DIR_DENOMINATION_KEYS
* subdirectory
* @param alias coin alias
* @param dki the denomination key to revoke
* @param mpriv master private key to sign
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure.
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_denomination_key_revoke (const char *exchange_base_dir,
const char *alias,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyIssueInformation *dki,
const struct TALER_MasterPrivateKeyP *mpriv);
* Exports a denomination key to the given file.
* @param filename the file where to write the denomination key
* @param dki the denomination key
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure.
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_denomination_key_write (const char *filename,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyIssueInformation *dki);
* Import a denomination key from the given file.
* @param filename the file to import the key from
* @param[out] dki set to the imported denomination key
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_denomination_key_read (const char *filename,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyIssueInformation *dki);
* @brief Iterator over auditor information.
* @param cls closure
* @param apub the auditor's public key
* @param auditor_url URL of the auditor
* @param mpub the exchange's public key (as expected by the auditor)
* @param dki_len length of @a asig and @a dki arrays
* @param asigs array of the auditor's signatures over the @a dks, of length @a dki_len
* @param dki array of denomination coin data signed by the auditor, of length @a dki_len
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate,
* #GNUNET_NO to stop iteration with no error,
* #GNUNET_SYSERR to abort iteration with error!
typedef int
(*TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AuditorIterator)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *apub,
const char *auditor_url,
const struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP *mpub,
unsigned int dki_len,
const struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP *asigs,
const struct TALER_DenominationKeyValidityPS *dki);
* Call @a it with information for each auditor found in the
* directory with auditor information as specified in @a cfg.
* @param cfg configuration to use
* @param it function to call with auditor information
* @param it_cls closure for @a it
* @return -1 on error, 0 if no files were found, otherwise
* a positive number (however, even with a positive
* number it is possible that @a it was never called
* as maybe none of the files were well-formed)
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_auditor_iterate (const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AuditorIterator it,
void *it_cls);
* Write auditor information to the given file.
* @param filename the file where to write the auditor information to
* @param apub the auditor's public key
* @param auditor_url the URL of the auditor
* @param asigs the auditor's signatures, array of length @a dki_len
* @param mpub the exchange's public key (as expected by the auditor)
* @param dki_len length of @a dki and @a asigs arrays
* @param dki array of denomination coin data signed by the auditor
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure.
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_auditor_write (const char *filename,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *apub,
const char *auditor_url,
const struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP *asigs,
const struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP *mpub,
unsigned int dki_len,
const struct TALER_DenominationKeyValidityPS *dki);
* Initialize the plugin.
* @param cfg configuration to use
* @return NULL on failure
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Plugin *
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_plugin_load (const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg);
* Shutdown the plugin.
* @param plugin plugin to unload
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_plugin_unload (struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Plugin *plugin);
* Sorted list of fees to be paid for aggregate wire transfers.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AggregateFees
* This is a linked list.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AggregateFees *next;
* Fee to be paid for wire transfers to a merchant.
struct TALER_Amount wire_fee;
* Fee to be paid when we close a reserve and send funds back.
struct TALER_Amount closing_fee;
* Time when this fee goes into effect (inclusive)
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start_date;
* Time when this fee stops being in effect (exclusive).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute end_date;
* Signature affirming the above fee structure.
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
* Read the current fee structure from disk.
* @param cfg configuration to use
* @param wireplugin name of the wire plugin to read fees for
* @return sorted list of aggregation fees, NULL on error
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AggregateFees *
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_fees_read (const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
const char *wireplugin);
* Convert @a af to @a wf.
* @param wireplugin name of the wire plugin the fees are for
* @param[in,out] af aggregate fees, host format (updated to round time)
* @param[out] wf aggregate fees, disk / signature format
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_fees_2_wf (const char *wireplugin,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AggregateFees *af,
struct TALER_MasterWireFeePS *wf);
* Write given fee structure to disk.
* @param filename where to write the fees
* @param wireplugin name of the plugin for which we write the fees
* @param af fee structure to write
* @return #GNUNET_OK on success, #GNUNET_SYSERR on error
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_fees_write (const char *filename,
const char *wireplugin,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AggregateFees *af);
* Free @a af data structure
* @param af list to free
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_fees_free (struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AggregateFees *af);
* Information about an account from the configuration.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AccountInfo
* Section in the configuration file that specifies the
* account. Must start with "account-".
const char *section_name;
* Name of the wire plugin that should be used to access
* the account.
const char *plugin_name;
* payto://-URL of the account.
const char *payto_url;
* Filename containing the signed /wire response, or NULL
* if not given.
const char *wire_response_filename;
* #GNUNET_YES if this account is enabed to be debited
* by the taler-exchange-aggregator.
int debit_enabled;
* #GNUNET_YES if this account is enabed to be credited by wallets
* and needs to be watched by the taler-exchange-wirewatch.
* Also, the account will only be included in /wire if credit
* is enabled.
int credit_enabled;
* Function called with information about a wire account.
* @param cls closure
* @param ai account information
typedef void
(*TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AccountCallback)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AccountInfo *ai);
* Parse the configuration to find account information.
* @param cfg configuration to use
* @param cb callback to invoke
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_find_accounts (const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AccountCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);