5791 lines
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5791 lines
186 KiB
This file is part of TALER
Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Taler Systems SA
TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* @file include/taler_exchangedb_plugin.h
* @brief Low-level (statement-level) database access for the exchange
* @author Florian Dold
* @author Christian Grothoff
#include <jansson.h>
#include <gnunet/gnunet_util_lib.h>
#include <gnunet/gnunet_db_lib.h>
#include "taler_json_lib.h"
#include "taler_signatures.h"
* Information about a denomination key.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformation
* Signature over this struct to affirm the validity of the key.
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP signature;
* Start time of the validity period for this key.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start;
* The exchange will sign fresh coins between @e start and this time.
* @e expire_withdraw will be somewhat larger than @e start to
* ensure a sufficiently large anonymity set, while also allowing
* the Exchange to limit the financial damage in case of a key being
* compromised. Thus, exchanges with low volume are expected to have a
* longer withdraw period (@e expire_withdraw - @e start) than exchanges
* with high transaction volume. The period may also differ between
* types of coins. A exchange may also have a few denomination keys
* with the same value with overlapping validity periods, to address
* issues such as clock skew.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_withdraw;
* Coins signed with the denomination key must be spent or refreshed
* between @e start and this expiration time. After this time, the
* exchange will refuse transactions involving this key as it will
* "drop" the table with double-spending information (shortly after)
* this time. Note that wallets should refresh coins significantly
* before this time to be on the safe side. @e expire_deposit must be
* significantly larger than @e expire_withdraw (by months or even
* years).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_deposit;
* When do signatures with this denomination key become invalid?
* After this point, these signatures cannot be used in (legal)
* disputes anymore, as the Exchange is then allowed to destroy its side
* of the evidence. @e expire_legal is expected to be significantly
* larger than @e expire_deposit (by a year or more).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_legal;
* The value of the coins signed with this denomination key.
struct TALER_Amount value;
* Fees for the coin.
struct TALER_DenomFeeSet fees;
* Hash code of the denomination public key. (Used to avoid having
* the variable-size RSA key in this struct.)
struct TALER_DenominationHashP denom_hash;
* If denomination was setup for age restriction, non-zero age mask.
* Note that the mask is not part of the signature.
struct TALER_AgeMask age_mask;
* Signature of events signalling a reserve got funding.
struct TALER_ReserveEventP
struct GNUNET_DB_EventHeaderP header;
* Public key of the reserve the event is about.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
* Signature of events signalling a purse changed its status.
struct TALER_PurseEventP
struct GNUNET_DB_EventHeaderP header;
* Public key of the purse the event is about.
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
* Signature of events signalling a KYC process was completed.
struct TALER_KycCompletedEventP
struct GNUNET_DB_EventHeaderP header;
* Public key of the reserve the event is about.
struct TALER_PaytoHashP h_payto;
* Meta data about an exchange online signing key.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_SignkeyMetaData
* Start time of the validity period for this key.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start;
* The exchange will sign messages with this key between @e start and this time.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_sign;
* When do signatures with this sign key become invalid?
* After this point, these signatures cannot be used in (legal)
* disputes anymore, as the Exchange is then allowed to destroy its side
* of the evidence. @e expire_legal is expected to be significantly
* larger than @e expire_sign (by a year or more).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_legal;
* Enumeration of all of the tables replicated by exchange-auditor
* database replication.
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReplicatedTable
* Record of a single entry in a replicated table.
* Data of which table is returned here?
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReplicatedTable table;
* Serial number of the record.
uint64_t serial;
* Table-specific details.
* Details from the 'denominations' table.
uint32_t denom_type;
uint32_t age_mask;
struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub;
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp valid_from;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_withdraw;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_deposit;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_legal;
struct TALER_Amount coin;
struct TALER_DenomFeeSet fees;
} denominations;
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
uint64_t denominations_serial;
} denomination_revocations;
char *payto_uri;
} wire_targets;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expiration_date;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp gc_date;
} reserves;
uint64_t wire_reference;
struct TALER_Amount credit;
struct TALER_PaytoHashP sender_account_h_payto;
char *exchange_account_section;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
} reserves_in;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date;
struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP wtid;
struct TALER_PaytoHashP sender_account_h_payto;
struct TALER_Amount amount;
struct TALER_Amount closing_fee;
} reserves_close;
struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP h_blind_ev;
uint64_t denominations_serial;
struct TALER_BlindedDenominationSignature denom_sig;
uint64_t reserve_uuid;
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date;
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
} reserves_out;
struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP auditor_pub;
char *auditor_url;
char *auditor_name;
bool is_active;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp last_change;
} auditors;
uint64_t auditor_uuid;
uint64_t denominations_serial;
struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP auditor_sig;
} auditor_denom_sigs;
struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP exchange_pub;
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_SignkeyMetaData meta;
} exchange_sign_keys;
uint64_t esk_serial;
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
} signkey_revocations;
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub;
struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash age_hash;
uint64_t denominations_serial;
struct TALER_DenominationSignature denom_sig;
} known_coins;
struct TALER_RefreshCommitmentP rc;
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP old_coin_pub;
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP old_coin_sig;
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
uint32_t noreveal_index;
} refresh_commitments;
uint64_t melt_serial_id;
uint32_t freshcoin_index;
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP link_sig;
uint64_t denominations_serial;
void *coin_ev;
size_t coin_ev_size;
struct TALER_ExchangeWithdrawValues ewv;
// h_coin_ev omitted, to be recomputed!
struct TALER_BlindedDenominationSignature ev_sig;
} refresh_revealed_coins;
uint64_t melt_serial_id;
struct TALER_TransferPublicKeyP tp;
struct TALER_TransferPrivateKeyP tprivs[TALER_CNC_KAPPA - 1];
} refresh_transfer_keys;
uint64_t shard;
uint64_t known_coin_id;
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub;
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp wallet_timestamp;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp exchange_timestamp;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp refund_deadline;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp wire_deadline;
struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP merchant_pub;
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract_terms;
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
struct TALER_WireSaltP wire_salt;
struct TALER_PaytoHashP wire_target_h_payto;
bool extension_blocked;
uint64_t extension_details_serial_id;
} deposits;
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub;
uint64_t deposit_serial_id;
struct TALER_MerchantSignatureP merchant_sig;
uint64_t rtransaction_id;
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
} refunds;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date;
struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP wtid_raw;
struct TALER_PaytoHashP wire_target_h_payto;
char *exchange_account_section;
struct TALER_Amount amount;
} wire_out;
uint64_t deposit_serial_id;
struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP wtid_raw;
} aggregation_tracking;
char *wire_method;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_date;
struct TALER_WireFeeSet fees;
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
} wire_fee;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_date;
struct TALER_GlobalFeeSet fees;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative purse_timeout;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative kyc_timeout;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative history_expiration;
uint32_t purse_account_limit;
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
} global_fee;
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub;
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP coin_blind;
struct TALER_Amount amount;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp;
uint64_t reserve_out_serial_id;
} recoup;
uint64_t known_coin_id;
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub;
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP coin_blind;
struct TALER_Amount amount;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp;
uint64_t rrc_serial;
} recoup_refresh;
char *name;
char *config;
} extensions;
char *extension_options;
} extension_details;
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
struct TALER_PurseMergePublicKeyP merge_pub;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp purse_creation;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp purse_expiration;
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract_terms;
uint32_t age_limit;
uint32_t flags;
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
struct TALER_Amount purse_fee;
struct TALER_PurseContractSignatureP purse_sig;
} purse_requests;
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
} purse_refunds;
uint64_t partner_serial_id;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
struct TALER_PurseMergeSignatureP merge_sig;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp merge_timestamp;
} purse_merges;
uint64_t partner_serial_id;
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub;
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
} purse_deposits;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
} account_merges;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp request_timestamp;
struct TALER_Amount history_fee;
} history_requests;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp close_timestamp;
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
struct TALER_Amount close;
} close_requests;
struct TALER_WadIdentifierP wad_id;
uint64_t partner_serial_id;
struct TALER_Amount amount;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_time;
} wads_out;
uint64_t wad_out_serial_id;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp purse_expiration;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp merge_timestamp;
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
struct TALER_Amount wad_fee;
struct TALER_Amount deposit_fees;
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
struct TALER_PurseContractSignatureP purse_sig;
} wads_out_entries;
struct TALER_WadIdentifierP wad_id;
char *origin_exchange_url;
struct TALER_Amount amount;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp arrival_time;
} wads_in;
uint64_t wad_in_serial_id;
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp purse_expiration;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp merge_timestamp;
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
struct TALER_Amount wad_fee;
struct TALER_Amount deposit_fees;
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
struct TALER_PurseContractSignatureP purse_sig;
} wads_in_entries;
struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP wtid;
char *account_section;
char *payto_uri;
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp trigger_date;
struct TALER_Amount amount;
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig;
} profit_drains;
} details;
* Function called on data to replicate in the auditor's database.
* @param cls closure
* @param td record from an exchange table
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate,
* #GNUNET_SYSERR to fail with an error
typedef int
void *cls,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TableData *td);
* @brief All information about a denomination key (which is used to
* sign coins into existence).
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKey
* The private key of the denomination. Will be NULL if the private
* key is not available (this is the case after the key has expired
* for signing coins, but is still valid for depositing coins).
struct TALER_DenominationPrivateKey denom_priv;
* Decoded denomination public key (the hash of it is in
* @e issue, but we sometimes need the full public key as well).
struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub;
* Signed public information about a denomination key.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformation issue;
* @brief Information we keep on bank transfer(s) that established a reserve.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_BankTransfer
* Public key of the reserve that was filled.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
* Amount that was transferred to the exchange.
struct TALER_Amount amount;
* When did the exchange receive the incoming transaction?
* (This is the execution date of the exchange's database,
* the execution date of the bank should be in @e wire).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date;
* Detailed wire information about the sending account
* in "payto://" format.
char *sender_account_details;
* Data uniquely identifying the wire transfer (wire transfer-type specific)
uint64_t wire_reference;
* @brief Information we keep on bank transfer(s) that
* closed a reserve.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ClosingTransfer
* Public key of the reserve that was depleted.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
* Amount that was transferred from the exchange.
struct TALER_Amount amount;
* Amount that was charged by the exchange.
struct TALER_Amount closing_fee;
* When did the exchange execute the transaction?
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date;
* Detailed wire information about the receiving account
* in payto://-format.
char *receiver_account_details;
* Detailed wire transfer information that uniquely identifies the
* wire transfer.
struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP wtid;
* @brief A summary of a Reserve
* The reserve's public key. This uniquely identifies the reserve
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP pub;
* The balance amount existing in the reserve
struct TALER_Amount balance;
* The expiration date of this reserve; funds will be wired back
* at this time.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expiry;
* The legal expiration date of this reserve; we will forget about
* it at this time.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp gc;
* Meta data about a denomination public key.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyMetaData
* Start time of the validity period for this key.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start;
* The exchange will sign fresh coins between @e start and this time.
* @e expire_withdraw will be somewhat larger than @e start to
* ensure a sufficiently large anonymity set, while also allowing
* the Exchange to limit the financial damage in case of a key being
* compromised. Thus, exchanges with low volume are expected to have a
* longer withdraw period (@e expire_withdraw - @e start) than exchanges
* with high transaction volume. The period may also differ between
* types of coins. A exchange may also have a few denomination keys
* with the same value with overlapping validity periods, to address
* issues such as clock skew.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_withdraw;
* Coins signed with the denomination key must be spent or refreshed
* between @e start and this expiration time. After this time, the
* exchange will refuse transactions involving this key as it will
* "drop" the table with double-spending information (shortly after)
* this time. Note that wallets should refresh coins significantly
* before this time to be on the safe side. @e expire_deposit must be
* significantly larger than @e expire_withdraw (by months or even
* years).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_deposit;
* When do signatures with this denomination key become invalid?
* After this point, these signatures cannot be used in (legal)
* disputes anymore, as the Exchange is then allowed to destroy its side
* of the evidence. @e expire_legal is expected to be significantly
* larger than @e expire_deposit (by a year or more).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expire_legal;
* The value of the coins signed with this denomination key.
struct TALER_Amount value;
* The fees the exchange charges for operations with
* coins of this denomination.
struct TALER_DenomFeeSet fees;
* Age restriction for the denomination. (can be zero). If not zero, the bits
* set in the mask mark the edges at the beginning of a next age group. F.e.
* for the age groups
* 0-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14, 14-15, 16-17, 18-21, 21-*
* the following bits are set:
* 31 24 16 8 0
* | | | | |
* oooooooo oo1oo1o1 o1o1o1o1 ooooooo1
* A value of 0 means that the denomination does not support the extension for
* age-restriction.
struct TALER_AgeMask age_mask;
* Signature of a function called with information about the exchange's
* denomination keys.
* @param cls closure with a `struct TEH_KeyStateHandle *`
* @param denom_pub public key of the denomination
* @param h_denom_pub hash of @a denom_pub
* @param meta meta data information about the denomination type (value, expirations, fees)
* @param master_sig master signature affirming the validity of this denomination
* @param recoup_possible true if the key was revoked and clients can currently recoup
* coins of this denomination
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *h_denom_pub,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyMetaData *meta,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig,
bool recoup_possible);
* Signature of a function called with information about the exchange's
* online signing keys.
* @param cls closure with a `struct TEH_KeyStateHandle *`
* @param exchange_pub public key of the exchange
* @param meta meta data information about the signing type (expirations)
* @param master_sig master signature affirming the validity of this denomination
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP *exchange_pub,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_SignkeyMetaData *meta,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Function called on all KYC process names that the given
* account has already passed.
* @param cls closure
* @param kyc_provider_section_name configuration section
* of the respective KYC process
typedef void
void *cls,
const char *kyc_provider_section_name);
* Function called with information about the exchange's auditors.
* @param cls closure with a `struct TEH_KeyStateHandle *`
* @param auditor_pub the public key of the auditor
* @param auditor_url URL of the REST API of the auditor
* @param auditor_name human readable official name of the auditor
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *auditor_pub,
const char *auditor_url,
const char *auditor_name);
* Function called with information about the denominations
* audited by the exchange's auditors.
* @param cls closure with a `struct TEH_KeyStateHandle *`
* @param auditor_pub the public key of an auditor
* @param h_denom_pub hash of a denomination key audited by this auditor
* @param auditor_sig signature from the auditor affirming this
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *auditor_pub,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *h_denom_pub,
const struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP *auditor_sig);
* @brief Information we keep for a withdrawn coin to reproduce
* the /withdraw operation if needed, and to have proof
* that a reserve was drained by this amount.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_CollectableBlindcoin
* Our (blinded) signature over the (blinded) coin.
struct TALER_BlindedDenominationSignature sig;
* Hash of the denomination key (which coin was generated).
struct TALER_DenominationHashP denom_pub_hash;
* Value of the coin being exchangeed (matching the denomination key)
* plus the transaction fee. We include this in what is being
* signed so that we can verify a reserve's remaining total balance
* without needing to access the respective denomination key
* information each time.
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
* Withdrawal fee charged by the exchange. This must match the Exchange's
* denomination key's withdrawal fee. If the client puts in an
* invalid withdrawal fee (too high or too low) that does not match
* the Exchange's denomination key, the withdraw operation is invalid
* and will be rejected by the exchange. The @e amount_with_fee minus
* the @e withdraw_fee is must match the value of the generated
* coin. We include this in what is being signed so that we can
* verify a exchange's accounting without needing to access the
* respective denomination key information each time.
struct TALER_Amount withdraw_fee;
* Public key of the reserve that was drained.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
* Hash over the blinded message, needed to verify
* the @e reserve_sig.
struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP h_coin_envelope;
* Signature confirming the withdrawal, matching @e reserve_pub,
* @e denom_pub and @e h_coin_envelope.
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
* Information the exchange records about a recoup request
* in a reserve history.
* Information about the coin that was paid back.
struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo coin;
* Blinding factor supplied to prove to the exchange that
* the coin came from this reserve.
union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP coin_blind;
* Signature of the coin of type
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
* Public key of the reserve the coin was paid back into.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
* How much was the coin still worth at this time?
struct TALER_Amount value;
* When did the recoup operation happen?
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp;
* Public key to which a nonce is locked.
union TALER_EXCHANGEDB_NonceLockTargetP
* Nonce is locked to this coin key.
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin;
* Nonce is locked to this reserve key.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve;
* Information the exchange records about a recoup request
* in a coin history.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RecoupListEntry
* Blinding factor supplied to prove to the exchange that
* the coin came from this reserve.
union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP coin_blind;
* Signature of the coin of type
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
* Hash of the public denomination key used to sign the coin.
struct TALER_DenominationHashP h_denom_pub;
* Public key of the reserve the coin was paid back into.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
* How much was the coin still worth at this time?
struct TALER_Amount value;
* When did the /recoup operation happen?
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp;
* Information the exchange records about a recoup-refresh request in
* a coin transaction history.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RecoupRefreshListEntry
* Information about the coin that was paid back
* (NOT the coin we are considering the history of!)
struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo coin;
* Blinding factor supplied to prove to the exchange that
* the coin came from this @e old_coin_pub.
union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP coin_blind;
* Signature of the coin of type
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
* Public key of the old coin that the refreshed coin was paid back to.
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP old_coin_pub;
* How much was the coin still worth at this time?
struct TALER_Amount value;
* When did the recoup operation happen?
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp;
* Details about a purse merge operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseMerge
* Public key of the reserve the coin was merged into.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
* Amount in the purse, with fees.
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
* Fee paid for the purse.
struct TALER_Amount purse_fee;
* Hash over the contract.
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract_terms;
* Merge capability key.
struct TALER_PurseMergePublicKeyP merge_pub;
* Purse public key.
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
* Signature by the reserve approving the merge.
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
* When was the merge made.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp merge_timestamp;
* When was the purse set to expire.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp purse_expiration;
* Minimum age required for depositing into the purse.
uint32_t min_age;
* Flags of the purse.
enum TALER_WalletAccountMergeFlags flags;
* true if the purse was actually successfully merged,
* false if the @e purse_fee was charged but the
* @e amount was not credited to the reserve.
bool merged;
* Details about a (paid for) reserve history request.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_HistoryRequest
* Public key of the reserve the history request was for.
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP reserve_pub;
* Fee paid for the request.
struct TALER_Amount history_fee;
* When was the request made.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp request_timestamp;
* Signature by the reserve approving the history request.
struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP reserve_sig;
* @brief Types of operations on a reserve.
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveOperation
* Money was deposited into the reserve via a bank transfer.
* This is how customers establish a reserve at the exchange.
* A Coin was withdrawn from the reserve using /withdraw.
* A coin was returned to the reserve using /recoup.
* The exchange send inactive funds back from the reserve to the
* customer's bank account. This happens when the exchange
* closes a reserve with a non-zero amount left in it.
* Event where a purse was merged into a reserve.
* Event where a wallet paid for a full reserve history.
* @brief Reserve history as a linked list. Lists all of the transactions
* associated with this reserve (such as the bank transfers that
* established the reserve and all /withdraw operations we have done
* since).
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveHistory
* Next entry in the reserve history.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveHistory *next;
* Type of the event, determines @e details.
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveOperation type;
* Details of the operation, depending on @e type.
* Details about a bank transfer to the exchange (reserve
* was established).
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_BankTransfer *bank;
* Details about a /withdraw operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_CollectableBlindcoin *withdraw;
* Details about a /recoup operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Recoup *recoup;
* Details about a bank transfer from the exchange (reserve
* was closed).
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ClosingTransfer *closing;
* Details about a purse merge operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseMerge *merge;
* Details about a (paid for) reserve history request.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_HistoryRequest *history;
} details;
* @brief Data from a deposit operation. The combination of
* the coin's public key, the merchant's public key and the
* transaction ID must be unique. While a coin can (theoretically) be
* deposited at the same merchant twice (with partial spending), the
* merchant must either use a different public key or a different
* transaction ID for the two transactions. The same coin must not
* be used twice at the same merchant for the same transaction
* (as determined by transaction ID).
* Information about the coin that is being deposited.
struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo coin;
* ECDSA signature affirming that the customer intends
* this coin to be deposited at the merchant identified
* by @e h_wire in relation to the proposal data identified
* by @e h_contract_terms.
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP csig;
* Public key of the merchant. Enables later identification
* of the merchant in case of a need to rollback transactions.
struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP merchant_pub;
* Hash over the proposal data between merchant and customer
* (remains unknown to the Exchange).
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract_terms;
* Salt used by the merchant to compute "h_wire".
struct TALER_WireSaltP wire_salt;
* Information about the receiver for executing the transaction. URI in
* payto://-format.
char *receiver_wire_account;
* Additional details for extensions relevant for this
* deposit operation, possibly NULL!
json_t *extension_details;
* Time when this request was generated. Used, for example, to
* assess when (roughly) the income was achieved for tax purposes.
* Note that the Exchange will only check that the timestamp is not "too
* far" into the future (i.e. several days). The fact that the
* timestamp falls within the validity period of the coin's
* denomination key is irrelevant for the validity of the deposit
* request, as obviously the customer and merchant could conspire to
* set any timestamp. Also, the Exchange must accept very old deposit
* requests, as the merchant might have been unable to transmit the
* deposit request in a timely fashion (so back-dating is not
* prevented).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp;
* How much time does the merchant have to issue a refund request?
* Zero if refunds are not allowed. After this time, the coin
* cannot be refunded.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp refund_deadline;
* How much time does the merchant have to execute the wire transfer?
* This time is advisory for aggregating transactions, not a hard
* constraint (as the merchant can theoretically pick any time,
* including one in the past).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp wire_deadline;
* Fraction of the coin's remaining value to be deposited, including
* depositing fee (if any). The coin is identified by @e coin_pub.
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
* Depositing fee.
struct TALER_Amount deposit_fee;
* @brief Specification for a deposit operation in the
* `struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TransactionList`.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DepositListEntry
* ECDSA signature affirming that the customer intends
* this coin to be deposited at the merchant identified
* by @e h_wire in relation to the proposal data identified
* by @e h_contract_terms.
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP csig;
* Public key of the merchant. Enables later identification
* of the merchant in case of a need to rollback transactions.
struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP merchant_pub;
* Hash over the proposa data between merchant and customer
* (remains unknown to the Exchange).
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract_terms;
* Hash of the public denomination key used to sign the coin.
struct TALER_DenominationHashP h_denom_pub;
* Age commitment hash, if applicable to the denomination. Should be all
* zeroes if age commitment is not applicable to the denonimation.
struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash h_age_commitment;
* true, if age commitment is not applicable
bool no_age_commitment;
* Detailed information about the receiver for executing the transaction.
* URL in payto://-format.
char *receiver_wire_account;
* Salt used to compute h_wire from the @e receiver_wire_account.
struct TALER_WireSaltP wire_salt;
* Time when this request was generated. Used, for example, to
* assess when (roughly) the income was achieved for tax purposes.
* Note that the Exchange will only check that the timestamp is not "too
* far" into the future (i.e. several days). The fact that the
* timestamp falls within the validity period of the coin's
* denomination key is irrelevant for the validity of the deposit
* request, as obviously the customer and merchant could conspire to
* set any timestamp. Also, the Exchange must accept very old deposit
* requests, as the merchant might have been unable to transmit the
* deposit request in a timely fashion (so back-dating is not
* prevented).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp;
* How much time does the merchant have to issue a refund request?
* Zero if refunds are not allowed. After this time, the coin
* cannot be refunded.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp refund_deadline;
* How much time does the merchant have to execute the wire transfer?
* This time is advisory for aggregating transactions, not a hard
* constraint (as the merchant can theoretically pick any time,
* including one in the past).
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp wire_deadline;
* Fraction of the coin's remaining value to be deposited, including
* depositing fee (if any). The coin is identified by @e coin_pub.
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
* Depositing fee.
struct TALER_Amount deposit_fee;
* Has the deposit been wired?
bool done;
* @brief Specification for a refund operation in a coin's transaction list.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefundListEntry
* Public key of the merchant.
struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP merchant_pub;
* Signature from the merchant affirming the refund.
struct TALER_MerchantSignatureP merchant_sig;
* Hash over the proposal data between merchant and customer
* (remains unknown to the Exchange).
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract_terms;
* Merchant-generated REFUND transaction ID to detect duplicate
* refunds.
uint64_t rtransaction_id;
* Fraction of the original deposit's value to be refunded, including
* refund fee (if any). The coin is identified by @e coin_pub.
struct TALER_Amount refund_amount;
* Refund fee to be covered by the customer.
struct TALER_Amount refund_fee;
* @brief Specification for a refund operation. The combination of
* the coin's public key, the merchant's public key and the
* transaction ID must be unique. While a coin can (theoretically) be
* deposited at the same merchant twice (with partial spending), the
* merchant must either use a different public key or a different
* transaction ID for the two transactions. The same goes for
* refunds, hence we also have a "rtransaction" ID which is disjoint
* from the transaction ID. The same coin must not be used twice at
* the same merchant for the same transaction or rtransaction ID.
* Information about the coin that is being refunded.
struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo coin;
* Details about the refund.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefundListEntry details;
* @brief Specification for coin in a melt operation.
* Information about the coin that is being melted.
struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo coin;
* Signature over the melting operation.
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
* Refresh commitment this coin is melted into.
struct TALER_RefreshCommitmentP rc;
* How much value is being melted? This amount includes the fees,
* so the final amount contributed to the melt is this value minus
* the fee for melting the coin. We include the fee in what is
* being signed so that we can verify a reserve's remaining total
* balance without needing to access the respective denomination key
* information each time.
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
* Index (smaller #TALER_CNC_KAPPA) which the exchange has chosen to not
* have revealed during cut and choose.
uint32_t noreveal_index;
* Information about a /coins/$COIN_PUB/melt operation in a coin transaction history.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_MeltListEntry
* Signature over the melting operation.
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
* Refresh commitment this coin is melted into.
struct TALER_RefreshCommitmentP rc;
* Hash of the public denomination key used to sign the coin.
struct TALER_DenominationHashP h_denom_pub;
* Hash of the age commitment used to sign the coin, if age restriction was
* applicable to the denomination. May be all zeroes if no age restriction
* applies.
struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash h_age_commitment;
* true, if no h_age_commitment is applicable
bool no_age_commitment;
* How much value is being melted? This amount includes the fees,
* so the final amount contributed to the melt is this value minus
* the fee for melting the coin. We include the fee in what is
* being signed so that we can verify a reserve's remaining total
* balance without needing to access the respective denomination key
* information each time.
struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee;
* Melt fee the exchange charged.
struct TALER_Amount melt_fee;
* Index (smaller #TALER_CNC_KAPPA) which the exchange has chosen to not
* have revealed during cut and choose.
uint32_t noreveal_index;
* Information about a /purses/$PID/deposit operation in a coin transaction history.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseDepositListEntry
* Exchange hosting the purse, NULL for this exchange.
char *exchange_base_url;
* Public key of the purse.
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
* Contribution of the coin to the purse, including
* deposit fee.
struct TALER_Amount amount;
* Depositing fee.
struct TALER_Amount deposit_fee;
* Signature by the coin affirming the deposit.
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
* Hash of the age commitment used to sign the coin, if age restriction was
* applicable to the denomination.
struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash h_age_commitment;
* Set to true if the coin was refunded.
bool refunded;
* Set to true if there was no age commitment.
bool no_age_commitment;
* Information about a /purses/$PID/deposit operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseDeposit
* Exchange hosting the purse, NULL for this exchange.
char *exchange_base_url;
* Public key of the purse.
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP purse_pub;
* Contribution of the coin to the purse, including
* deposit fee.
struct TALER_Amount amount;
* Depositing fee.
struct TALER_Amount deposit_fee;
* Signature by the coin affirming the deposit.
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig;
* Public key of the coin.
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub;
* Hash of the age commitment used to sign the coin, if age restriction was
* applicable to the denomination. May be all zeroes if no age restriction
* applies.
struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash h_age_commitment;
* Set to true if @e h_age_commitment is not available.
bool no_age_commitment;
* Information about a melt operation.
* Overall session data.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Refresh session;
* Melt fee the exchange charged.
struct TALER_Amount melt_fee;
* @brief Linked list of refresh information linked to a coin.
* Information is stored in a NULL-terminated linked list.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_LinkList *next;
* Denomination public key, determines the value of the coin.
struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub;
* Signature over the blinded envelope.
struct TALER_BlindedDenominationSignature ev_sig;
* Exchange-provided values during the coin generation.
struct TALER_ExchangeWithdrawValues alg_values;
* Signature of the original coin being refreshed over the
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP orig_coin_link_sig;
* CS nonce, if cipher is CS.
struct TALER_CsNonce nonce;
* Offset that generated this coin in the refresh
* operation.
uint32_t coin_refresh_offset;
* Set to true if @e nonce was initialized.
bool have_nonce;
* @brief Enumeration to classify the different types of transactions
* that can be done with a coin.
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TransactionType
* Deposit operation.
* Melt operation.
* Refund operation.
* Recoup-refresh operation (on the old coin, adding to the old coin's value)
* Recoup operation.
* Recoup-refresh operation (on the new coin, eliminating its value)
* Purse deposit operation.
* @brief List of transactions we performed for a particular coin.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TransactionList
* Next pointer in the NULL-terminated linked list.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TransactionList *next;
* Type of the transaction, determines what is stored in @e details.
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TransactionType type;
* Serial ID of this entry in the database.
uint64_t serial_id;
* Details about the transaction, depending on @e type.
* Details if transaction was a deposit operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DepositListEntry *deposit;
* Details if transaction was a melt operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_MeltListEntry *melt;
* Details if transaction was a refund operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefundListEntry *refund;
* Details if transaction was a recoup-refund operation where
* this coin was the OLD coin.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RecoupRefreshListEntry *old_coin_recoup;
* Details if transaction was a recoup operation.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RecoupListEntry *recoup;
* Details if transaction was a recoup-refund operation where
* this coin was the REFRESHED coin.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RecoupRefreshListEntry *recoup_refresh;
* Coin was deposited into a purse.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseDepositListEntry *purse_deposit;
} details;
* Callback with data about a prepared wire transfer.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid row identifier used to mark prepared transaction as done
* @param wire_method which wire method is this preparation data for
* @param buf transaction data that was persisted, NULL on error
* @param buf_size number of bytes in @a buf, 0 on error
typedef void
(*TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WirePreparationIterator) (void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const char *wire_method,
const char *buf,
size_t buf_size);
* Function called with details about deposits that have been made,
* with the goal of auditing the deposit's execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the deposit in our DB
* @param exchange_timestamp when did the deposit happen
* @param deposit deposit details
* @param denom_pub denomination public key of @a coin_pub
* @param done flag set if the deposit was already executed (or not)
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp exchange_timestamp,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Deposit *deposit,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
bool done);
* Function called with details about purse deposits that have been made, with
* the goal of auditing the deposit's execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the deposit in our DB
* @param deposit deposit details
* @param reserve_pub which reserve is the purse merged into, NULL if unknown
* @param flags purse flags
* @param auditor_balance purse balance (according to the
* auditor during auditing)
* @param purse_total target amount the purse should reach
* @param denom_pub denomination public key of @a coin_pub
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseDeposit *deposit,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
enum TALER_WalletAccountMergeFlags flags,
const struct TALER_Amount *auditor_balance,
const struct TALER_Amount *purse_total,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub);
* Function called with details about
* account merge requests that have been made, with
* the goal of auditing the account merge execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the deposit in our DB
* @param reserve_pub reserve affected by the merge
* @param purse_pub purse being merged
* @param h_contract_terms hash over contract of the purse
* @param purse_expiration when would the purse expire
* @param amount total amount in the purse
* @param min_age minimum age of all coins deposited into the purse
* @param flags how was the purse created
* @param purse_fee if a purse fee was paid, how high is it
* @param merge_timestamp when was the merge approved
* @param reserve_sig signature by reserve approving the merge
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp purse_expiration,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
uint32_t min_age,
enum TALER_WalletAccountMergeFlags flags,
const struct TALER_Amount *purse_fee,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp merge_timestamp,
const struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP *reserve_sig);
* Function called with details about purse
* merges that have been made, with
* the goal of auditing the purse merge execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the deposit in our DB
* @param partner_base_url where is the reserve, NULL for this exchange
* @param amount total amount expected in the purse
* @param balance current balance in the purse (according to the auditor)
* @param flags purse flags
* @param merge_pub merge capability key
* @param reserve_pub reserve the merge affects
* @param merge_sig signature affirming the merge
* @param purse_pub purse key
* @param merge_timestamp when did the merge happen
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const char *partner_base_url,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
const struct TALER_Amount *balance,
enum TALER_WalletAccountMergeFlags flags,
const struct TALER_PurseMergePublicKeyP *merge_pub,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_PurseMergeSignatureP *merge_sig,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp merge_timestamp);
* Function called with details about
* history requests that have been made, with
* the goal of auditing the history request execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the deposit in our DB
* @param history_fee fee paid for the request
* @param ts timestamp of the request
* @param reserve_pub reserve history was requested for
* @param reserve_sig signature approving the @a history_fee
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_Amount *history_fee,
const struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp ts,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP *reserve_sig);
* Function called with details about purse refunds that have been made, with
* the goal of auditing the purse refund's execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the deposit in our DB
* @param purse_pub public key of the refunded purse
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub);
* Function called with details about purse refunds that have been made, with
* the goal of auditing the purse refund's execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid row of the refund event
* @param amount_with_fee amount of the deposit into the purse
* @param coin_pub coin that is to be refunded the @a given amount_with_fee
* @param denom_pub denomination of @a coin_pub
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_with_fee,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub);
* Function called with details about coins that were melted,
* with the goal of auditing the refresh's execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the refresh session in our DB
* @param denom_pub denomination public key of @a coin_pub
* @param h_age_commitment age commitment that went into the signing of the coin, may be NULL
* @param coin_pub public key of the coin
* @param coin_sig signature from the coin
* @param amount_with_fee amount that was deposited including fee
* @param noreveal_index which index was picked by the exchange in cut-and-choose
* @param rc what is the commitment
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash *h_age_commitment,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP *coin_sig,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_with_fee,
uint32_t noreveal_index,
const struct TALER_RefreshCommitmentP *rc);
* Callback invoked with information about refunds applicable
* to a particular coin and contract.
* @param cls closure
* @param amount_with_fee amount being refunded
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_with_fee);
* Information about a coin that was revealed to the exchange
* during reveal.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefreshRevealedCoin
* Hash of the public denomination key of the coin.
struct TALER_DenominationHashP h_denom_pub;
* Signature of the original coin being refreshed over the
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP orig_coin_link_sig;
* Hash of the blinded new coin, that is @e coin_ev.
struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP coin_envelope_hash;
* Signature generated by the exchange over the coin (in blinded format).
struct TALER_BlindedDenominationSignature coin_sig;
* Values contributed from the exchange to the
* coin generation (see /csr).
struct TALER_ExchangeWithdrawValues exchange_vals;
* Blinded message to be signed (in envelope).
struct TALER_BlindedPlanchet blinded_planchet;
* Information per Clause-Schnorr (CS) fresh coin to
* be persisted for idempotency during refreshes-reveal.
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_CsRevealFreshCoinData
* Denomination of the fresh coin.
struct TALER_DenominationHashP new_denom_pub_hash;
* Blind signature of the fresh coin (possibly updated
* in case if a replay!).
struct TALER_BlindedDenominationSignature bsig;
* Offset of the fresh coin in the reveal operation.
* (May not match the array offset as we may have
* a mixture of RSA and CS coins being created, and
* this request is only made for the CS subset).
uint32_t coin_off;
* Generic KYC status for some operation.
* Number that identifies the KYC requirement the operation
* was about.
uint64_t requirement_row;
* True if the KYC status is "satisfied".
bool ok;
* Function called on each @a amount that was found to
* be relevant for a KYC check.
* @param cls closure to allow the KYC module to
* total up amounts and evaluate rules
* @param amount encountered transaction amount
* @param date when was the amount encountered
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate,
* #GNUNET_NO to abort iteration
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error (also abort itaration)
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute date);
* Function called with information about a refresh order.
* @param cls closure
* @param num_freshcoins size of the @a rrcs array
* @param rrcs array of @a num_freshcoins information about coins to be created
typedef void
void *cls,
uint32_t num_freshcoins,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefreshRevealedCoin *rrcs);
* Function called with details about coins that were refunding,
* with the goal of auditing the refund's execution.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the refund in our DB
* @param denom_pub denomination public key of @a coin_pub
* @param coin_pub public key of the coin
* @param merchant_pub public key of the merchant
* @param merchant_sig signature of the merchant
* @param h_contract_terms hash of the proposal data known to merchant and customer
* @param rtransaction_id refund transaction ID chosen by the merchant
* @param full_refund true if the refunds total up to the entire value of the deposit
* @param amount_with_fee amount that was deposited including fee
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
const struct TALER_MerchantSignatureP *merchant_sig,
const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
uint64_t rtransaction_id,
bool full_refund,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_with_fee);
* Function called with details about incoming wire transfers.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the refresh session in our DB
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve (also the wire subject)
* @param credit amount that was received
* @param sender_account_details information about the sender's bank account, in payto://-format
* @param wire_reference unique identifier for the wire transfer
* @param execution_date when did we receive the funds
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *credit,
const char *sender_account_details,
uint64_t wire_reference,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date);
* Provide information about a wire account.
* @param cls closure
* @param payto_uri the exchange bank account URI
* @param master_sig master key signature affirming that this is a bank
* account of the exchange (of purpose #TALER_SIGNATURE_MASTER_WIRE_DETAILS)
typedef void
void *cls,
const char *payto_uri,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Provide information about wire fees.
* @param cls closure
* @param fees the wire fees we charge
* @param start_date from when are these fees valid (start date)
* @param end_date until when are these fees valid (end date, exclusive)
* @param master_sig master key signature affirming that this is the correct
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_WireFeeSet *fees,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_date,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Provide information about global fees.
* @param cls closure
* @param fees the global fees we charge
* @param purse_timeout when do purses time out
* @param kyc_timeout when do reserves without KYC time out
* @param history_expiration how long are account histories preserved
* @param purse_account_limit how many purses are free per account
* @param start_date from when are these fees valid (start date)
* @param end_date until when are these fees valid (end date, exclusive)
* @param master_sig master key signature affirming that this is the correct
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_GlobalFeeSet *fees,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative purse_timeout,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative kyc_timeout,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative history_expiration,
uint32_t purse_account_limit,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_date,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Function called with details about withdraw operations.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid unique serial ID for the refresh session in our DB
* @param h_blind_ev blinded hash of the coin's public key
* @param denom_pub public denomination key of the deposited coin
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param reserve_sig signature over the withdraw operation
* @param execution_date when did the wallet withdraw the coin
* @param amount_with_fee amount that was withdrawn
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP *h_blind_ev,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP *reserve_sig,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_with_fee);
* Function called with the session hashes and transfer secret
* information for a given coin.
* @param cls closure
* @param transfer_pub public transfer key for the session
* @param ldl link data for @a transfer_pub
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_TransferPublicKeyP *transfer_pub,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_LinkList *ldl);
* Function called with the results of the lookup of the
* transaction data associated with a wire transfer identifier.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid which row in the table is the information from (for diagnostics)
* @param merchant_pub public key of the merchant (should be same for all callbacks with the same @e cls)
* @param account_payto_uri which account did the transfer go to?
* @param h_payto hash over @a account_payto_uri as it is in the DB
* @param exec_time execution time of the wire transfer (should be same for all callbacks with the same @e cls)
* @param h_contract_terms which proposal was this payment about
* @param denom_pub denomination of @a coin_pub
* @param coin_pub which public key was this payment about
* @param coin_value amount contributed by this coin in total (with fee)
* @param coin_fee applicable fee for this coin
typedef void
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
const char *account_payto_uri,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp exec_time,
const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *coin_value,
const struct TALER_Amount *coin_fee);
* Function called with the results of the lookup of the
* wire transfer data of the exchange.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid identifier of the respective row in the database
* @param date timestamp of the wire transfer (roughly)
* @param wtid wire transfer subject
* @param payto_uri details of the receiver, URI in payto://-format
* @param amount amount that was wired
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop iteration
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp date,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
const char *payto_uri,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount);
* Function called on transient aggregations matching
* a particular hash of a payto URI.
* @param cls
* @param payto_uri corresponding payto URI
* @param wtid wire transfer identifier of transient aggregation
* @param merchant_pub public key of the merchant
* @param total amount aggregated so far
* @return true to continue iterating
typedef bool
void *cls,
const char *payto_uri,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *total);
* Callback with data about a prepared wire transfer.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid row identifier used to mark prepared transaction as done
* @param wire_method which wire method is this preparation data for
* @param buf transaction data that was persisted, NULL on error
* @param buf_size number of bytes in @a buf, 0 on error
* @param finished did we complete the transfer yet?
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop iteration
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WirePreparationCallback)(void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const char *wire_method,
const char *buf,
size_t buf_size,
int finished);
* Function called about recoups the exchange has to perform.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid row identifier used to uniquely identify the recoup operation
* @param timestamp when did we receive the recoup request
* @param amount how much should be added back to the reserve
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param coin public information about the coin
* @param denom_pub denomination key of @a coin
* @param coin_sig signature with @e coin_pub of type #TALER_SIGNATURE_WALLET_COIN_RECOUP
* @param coin_blind blinding factor used to blind the coin
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo *coin,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP *coin_sig,
const union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP *coin_blind);
* Function called about recoups on refreshed coins the exchange has to
* perform.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid row identifier used to uniquely identify the recoup operation
* @param timestamp when did we receive the recoup request
* @param amount how much should be added back to the reserve
* @param old_coin_pub original coin that was refreshed to create @a coin
* @param old_denom_pub_hash hash of public key of @a old_coin_pub
* @param coin public information about the coin
* @param denom_pub denomination key of @a coin
* @param coin_sig signature with @e coin_pub of type #TALER_SIGNATURE_WALLET_COIN_RECOUP
* @param coin_blind blinding factor used to blind the coin
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *old_coin_pub,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *old_denom_pub_hash,
const struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo *coin,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP *coin_sig,
const union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP *coin_blind);
* Function called about reserve closing operations
* the aggregator triggered.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid row identifier used to uniquely identify the reserve closing operation
* @param execution_date when did we execute the close operation
* @param amount_with_fee how much did we debit the reserve
* @param closing_fee how much did we charge for closing the reserve
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param receiver_account where did we send the funds, in payto://-format
* @param wtid identifier used for the wire transfer
* @return #GNUNET_OK to continue to iterate, #GNUNET_SYSERR to stop
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_with_fee,
const struct TALER_Amount *closing_fee,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const char *receiver_account,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid);
* Function called with the amounts historically
* withdrawn from the same origin account.
* @param cls closure
* @param val one of the withdrawn amounts
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_Amount *val);
* Function called with details about expired reserves.
* @param cls closure
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param left amount left in the reserve
* @param account_details information about the reserve's bank account, in payto://-format
* @param expiration_date when did the reserve expire
* @return #GNUNET_OK on success,
* #GNUNET_NO to retry
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on hard failures (exit)
typedef enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *left,
const char *account_details,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expiration_date);
* Function called with information justifying an aggregate recoup.
* (usually implemented by the auditor when verifying losses from recoups).
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid row identifier used to uniquely identify the recoup operation
* @param coin information about the coin
* @param coin_sig signature of the coin of type #TALER_SIGNATURE_WALLET_COIN_RECOUP
* @param coin_blind blinding key of the coin
* @param h_blinded_ev blinded envelope, as calculated by the exchange
* @param amount total amount to be paid back
typedef void
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo *coin,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP *coin_sig,
const union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP *coin_blind,
const struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP *h_blinded_ev,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount);
* Function called on deposits that are past their due date
* and have not yet seen a wire transfer.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid deposit table row of the coin's deposit
* @param coin_pub public key of the coin
* @param amount value of the deposit, including fee
* @param payto_uri where should the funds be wired; URI in payto://-format
* @param deadline what was the requested wire transfer deadline
* @param done did the exchange claim that it made a transfer?
typedef void
void *cls,
uint64_t rowid,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
const char *payto_uri,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp deadline,
bool done);
* Function called with information about the exchange's denomination keys.
* Note that the 'master' field in @a issue will not yet be initialized when
* this function is called!
* @param cls closure
* @param denom_pub public key of the denomination
* @param issue detailed information about the denomination (value, expiration times, fees);
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformation *issue);
* @brief The plugin API, returned from the plugin's "init" function.
* The argument given to "init" is simply a configuration handle.
* Closure for all callbacks.
void *cls;
* Name of the library which generated this plugin. Set by the
* plugin loader.
char *library_name;
* Drop the Taler tables. This should only be used in testcases.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*drop_tables)(void *cls);
* Create the necessary tables if they are not present
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*create_tables)(void *cls);
* Initialize the database of a shard node
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param idx the current shard index, will be appended to tables as suffix
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*create_shard_tables)(void *cls,
uint32_t idx);
* Change already present tables of the database to num partitions
* Only has an effect if there are default partitions only
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param num the number of partitions to create for each partitioned table
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*setup_partitions)(void *cls,
uint32_t num);
* Change already present tables of the database to num foreign tables on
* num foreign servers (shards).
* Only has an effect if there are default partitions only
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param num the number of shard servers to create. The shard servers
* must follow the numbering of [1-N], have the same user as
* the master and have tables named $TABLE_$N where $N is the same
* as the servers index of N.
* @return #GNUNET_OK upon success; #GNUNET_SYSERR upon failure
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*setup_foreign_servers)(void *cls,
uint32_t num);
* Start a transaction.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param name unique name identifying the transaction (for debugging),
* must point to a constant
* @return #GNUNET_OK on success
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*start)(void *cls,
const char *name);
* Start a READ COMMITTED transaction.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param name unique name identifying the transaction (for debugging)
* must point to a constant
* @return #GNUNET_OK on success
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*start_read_committed)(void *cls,
const char *name);
* Start a READ ONLY serializable transaction.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param name unique name identifying the transaction (for debugging)
* must point to a constant
* @return #GNUNET_OK on success
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*start_read_only)(void *cls,
const char *name);
* Commit a transaction.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*commit)(void *cls);
* Do a pre-flight check that we are not in an uncommitted transaction.
* If we are, try to commit the previous transaction and output a warning.
* Does not return anything, as we will continue regardless of the outcome.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @return #GNUNET_OK if everything is fine
* #GNUNET_NO if a transaction was rolled back
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on hard errors
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*preflight)(void *cls);
* Abort/rollback a transaction.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
(*rollback) (void *cls);
* Register callback to be invoked on events of type @a es.
* @param cls database context to use
* @param timeout how long to wait at most
* @param es specification of the event to listen for
* @param cb function to call when the event happens, possibly
* multiple times (until cancel is invoked)
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return handle useful to cancel the listener
struct GNUNET_DB_EventHandler *
(*event_listen)(void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout,
const struct GNUNET_DB_EventHeaderP *es,
GNUNET_DB_EventCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Stop notifications.
* @param cls database context to use
* @param eh handle to unregister.
(*event_listen_cancel)(void *cls,
struct GNUNET_DB_EventHandler *eh);
* Notify all that listen on @a es of an event.
* @param cls database context to use
* @param es specification of the event to generate
* @param extra additional event data provided
* @param extra_size number of bytes in @a extra
(*event_notify)(void *cls,
const struct GNUNET_DB_EventHeaderP *es,
const void *extra,
size_t extra_size);
* Insert information about a denomination key and in particular
* the properties (value, fees, expiration times) the coins signed
* with this key have.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param denom_pub the public key used for signing coins of this denomination
* @param issue issuing information with value, fees and other info about the denomination
* @return status of the query
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformation *issue);
* Fetch information about a denomination key.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param denom_pub_hash hash of the public key used for signing coins of this denomination
* @param[out] issue set to issue information with value, fees and other info about the coin
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *denom_pub_hash,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformation *issue);
* Function called on every known denomination key. Runs in its
* own read-only transaction (hence no session provided). Note that
* the "master" field in the callback's 'issue' argument will NOT
* be initialized yet.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param cb function to call on each denomination key
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*iterate_denomination_info)(void *cls,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to invoke @a cb on every known denomination key (revoked
* and non-revoked) that has been signed by the master key. Runs in its own
* read-only transaction.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param cb function to call on each denomination key
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*iterate_denominations)(void *cls,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationsCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to invoke @a cb on every non-revoked exchange signing key
* that has been signed by the master key. Revoked and (for signing!)
* expired keys are skipped. Runs in its own read-only transaction.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param cb function to call on each signing key
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*iterate_active_signkeys)(void *cls,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ActiveSignkeysCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to invoke @a cb on every active auditor. Disabled
* auditors are skipped. Runs in its own read-only transaction.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param cb function to call on each active auditor
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*iterate_active_auditors)(void *cls,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AuditorsCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to invoke @a cb on every denomination with an active
* auditor. Disabled auditors and denominations without auditor are
* skipped. Runs in its own read-only transaction.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param cb function to call on each active auditor-denomination pair
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AuditorDenominationsCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Get the summary of a reserve.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param[in,out] reserve the reserve data. The public key of the reserve should be set
* in this structure; it is used to query the database. The balance
* and expiration are then filled accordingly.
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*reserves_get)(void *cls,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Reserve *reserve);
* Get the origin of funds of a reserve.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param[out] h_payto set to hash of the wire source payto://-URI
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto);
* Extract next KYC alert. Deletes the alert.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param trigger_type which type of alert to drain
* @param[out] h_payto set to hash of payto-URI where KYC status changed
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*drain_kyc_alert)(void *cls,
uint32_t trigger_type,
struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto);
* Insert a incoming transaction into reserves. New reserves are
* also created through this function.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param balance the amount that has to be added to the reserve
* @param execution_time when was the amount added
* @param sender_account_details information about the sender's bank account, in payto://-format
* @param wire_reference unique reference identifying the wire transfer
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*reserves_in_insert)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *balance,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_time,
const char *sender_account_details,
const char *exchange_account_name,
uint64_t wire_reference);
* Locate a nonce for use with a particular public key.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param nonce the nonce to be locked
* @param denom_pub_hash hash of the public key of the denomination
* @param target public key the nonce is to be locked to
* @return statement execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*lock_nonce)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_CsNonce *nonce,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *denom_pub_hash,
const union TALER_EXCHANGEDB_NonceLockTargetP *target);
* Locate the response for a withdraw request under a hash that uniquely
* identifies the withdraw operation. Used to ensure idempotency of the
* request.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param bch hash that uniquely identifies the withdraw operation
* @param[out] collectable corresponding collectable coin (blind signature)
* if a coin is found
* @return statement execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_withdraw_info)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP *bch,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_CollectableBlindcoin *collectable);
* Perform withdraw operation, checking for sufficient balance
* and possibly persisting the withdrawal details.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param nonce client-contributed input for CS denominations that must be checked for idempotency, or NULL for non-CS withdrawals
* @param collectable corresponding collectable coin (blind signature)
* @param now current time (rounded)
* @param[out] found set to true if the reserve was found
* @param[out] balance_ok set to true if the balance was sufficient
* @param[out] nonce_ok set to false if the nonce was reused
* @param[out] ruuid set to the reserve's UUID (reserves table row)
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_CsNonce *nonce,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_CollectableBlindcoin *collectable,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp now,
bool *found,
bool *balance_ok,
bool *nonce_ok,
uint64_t *ruuid);
* Perform reserve update as part of a batch withdraw operation, checking
* for sufficient balance. Persisting the withdrawal details is done
* separately!
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param now current time (rounded)
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve to debit
* @param amount total amount to withdraw
* @param[out] found set to true if the reserve was found
* @param[out] balance_ok set to true if the balance was sufficient
* @param[out] ruuid set to the reserve's UUID (reserves table row)
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp now,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
bool *found,
bool *balance_ok,
uint64_t *ruuid);
* Perform insert as part of a batch withdraw operation, and persisting the
* withdrawal details.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param nonce client-contributed input for CS denominations that must be checked for idempotency, or NULL for non-CS withdrawals
* @param collectable corresponding collectable coin (blind signature)
* @param now current time (rounded)
* @param ruuid reserve UUID
* @param[out] denom_unknown set if the denomination is unknown in the DB
* @param[out] conflict if the envelope was already in the DB
* @param[out] nonce_reuse if @a nonce was non-NULL and reused
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_CsNonce *nonce,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_CollectableBlindcoin *collectable,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp now,
uint64_t ruuid,
bool *denom_unknown,
bool *conflict,
bool *nonce_reuse);
* Perform deposit operation, checking for sufficient balance
* of the coin and possibly persisting the deposit details.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param deposit deposit operation details
* @param known_coin_id row of the coin in the known_coins table
* @param h_payto hash of the merchant's payto URI
* @param extension_blocked true if an extension is blocking the wire transfer
* @param[in,out] exchange_timestamp time to use for the deposit (possibly updated)
* @param[out] balance_ok set to true if the balance was sufficient
* @param[out] in_conflict set to true if the deposit conflicted
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Deposit *deposit,
uint64_t known_coin_id,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
bool extension_blocked,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *exchange_timestamp,
bool *balance_ok,
bool *in_conflict);
* Perform melt operation, checking for sufficient balance
* of the coin and possibly persisting the melt details.
* @param cls the plugin-specific state
* @param rms client-contributed input for CS denominations that must be checked for idempotency, or NULL for non-CS withdrawals
* @param[in,out] refresh refresh operation details; the noreveal_index
* is set in case the coin was already melted before
* @param known_coin_id row of the coin in the known_coins table
* @param[in,out] zombie_required true if the melt must only succeed if the coin is a zombie, set to false if the requirement was satisfied
* @param[out] balance_ok set to true if the balance was sufficient
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_RefreshMasterSecretP *rms,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Refresh *refresh,
uint64_t known_coin_id,
bool *zombie_required,
bool *balance_ok);
* Check if the given @a nonce was properly locked to the given @a old_coin_pub. If so, check if we already
* created CS signatures for the given @a nonce and @a new_denom_pub_hashes,
* and if so, return them in @a s_scalars. Otherwise, persist the
* signatures from @a s_scalars in the database.
* @param cls the plugin-specific state
* @param nonce the client-provided nonce where we must prevent reuse
* @param old_coin_pub public key the nonce was locked to
* @param num_fresh_coins array length, number of fresh coins revealed
* @param[in,out] crfcds array of data about the fresh coins, of length @a num_fresh_coins
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_CsNonce *nonce,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *old_coin_pub,
unsigned int num_fresh_coins,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_CsRevealFreshCoinData *crfcds);
* Perform refund operation, checking for sufficient deposits
* of the coin and possibly persisting the refund details.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param refund refund operation details
* @param deposit_fee deposit fee applicable for the coin, possibly refunded
* @param known_coin_id row of the coin in the known_coins table
* @param[out] not_found set if the deposit was not found
* @param[out] refund_ok set if the refund succeeded (below deposit amount)
* @param[out] gone if the merchant was already paid
* @param[out] conflict set if the refund ID was re-used
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Refund *refund,
const struct TALER_Amount *deposit_fee,
uint64_t known_coin_id,
bool *not_found,
bool *refund_ok,
bool *gone,
bool *conflict);
* Perform recoup operation, checking for sufficient deposits
* of the coin and possibly persisting the recoup details.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve to credit
* @param reserve_out_serial_id row in the reserves_out table justifying the recoup
* @param coin_bks coin blinding key secret to persist
* @param coin_pub public key of the coin being recouped
* @param known_coin_id row of the @a coin_pub in the known_coins table
* @param coin_sig signature of the coin requesting the recoup
* @param[in,out] recoup_timestamp recoup timestamp, set if recoup existed
* @param[out] recoup_ok set if the recoup succeeded (balance ok)
* @param[out] internal_failure set on internal failures
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
uint64_t reserve_out_serial_id,
const union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP *coin_bks,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
uint64_t known_coin_id,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP *coin_sig,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *recoup_timestamp,
bool *recoup_ok,
bool *internal_failure);
* Perform recoup-refresh operation, checking for sufficient deposits of the
* coin and possibly persisting the recoup-refresh details.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param old_coin_pub public key of the old coin to credit
* @param rrc_serial row in the refresh_revealed_coins table justifying the recoup-refresh
* @param coin_bks coin blinding key secret to persist
* @param coin_pub public key of the coin being recouped
* @param known_coin_id row of the @a coin_pub in the known_coins table
* @param coin_sig signature of the coin requesting the recoup
* @param[in,out] recoup_timestamp recoup timestamp, set if recoup existed
* @param[out] recoup_ok set if the recoup-refresh succeeded (balance ok)
* @param[out] internal_failure set on internal failures
* @return query execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *old_coin_pub,
uint64_t rrc_serial,
const union TALER_DenominationBlindingKeyP *coin_bks,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
uint64_t known_coin_id,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP *coin_sig,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *recoup_timestamp,
bool *recoup_ok,
bool *internal_failure);
* Get all of the transaction history associated with the specified
* reserve.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param[out] balance set to the reserve balance
* @param[out] rhp set to known transaction history (NULL if reserve is unknown)
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_reserve_history)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
struct TALER_Amount *balance,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveHistory **rhp);
* Get truncated transaction history associated with the specified
* reserve.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param[out] balance_in set to the total of inbound
* transactions in the returned history
* @param[out] balance_out set to the total of outbound
* transactions in the returned history
* @param[out] rhp set to known transaction history (NULL if reserve is unknown)
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_reserve_status)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
struct TALER_Amount *balance_in,
struct TALER_Amount *balance_out,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveHistory **rhp);
* The current reserve balance of the specified reserve.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
* @param[out] balance set to the reserve balance
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_reserve_balance)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
struct TALER_Amount *balance);
* Free memory associated with the given reserve history.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param rh history to free.
(*free_reserve_history) (void *cls,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveHistory *rh);
* Count the number of known coins by denomination.
* @param cls database connection plugin state
* @param denom_pub_hash denomination to count by
* @return number of coins if non-negative, otherwise an `enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus`
long long
(*count_known_coins) (void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *denom_pub_hash);
* Make sure the given @a coin is known to the database.
* @param cls database connection plugin state
* @param coin the coin that must be made known
* @param[out] known_coin_id set to the unique row of the coin
* @param[out] denom_pub_hash set to the conflicting denomination hash on conflict
* @param[out] age_hash set to the conflicting age hash on conflict
* @return database transaction status, non-negative on success
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_CoinKnownStatus
* The coin was successfully added.
* The coin was already present.
* Serialization failure.
* Hard database failure.
* Conflicting coin (different denomination key) already in database.
* Conflicting coin (different age hash) already in database.
(*ensure_coin_known)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo *coin,
uint64_t *known_coin_id,
struct TALER_DenominationHashP *denom_pub_hash,
struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash *age_hash);
* Retrieve information about the given @a coin from the database.
* @param cls database connection plugin state
* @param coin the coin that must be made known
* @return database transaction status, non-negative on success
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_known_coin)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo *coin_info);
* Retrieve the denomination of a known coin.
* @param cls the plugin closure
* @param coin_pub the public key of the coin to search for
* @param[out] known_coin_id set to the ID of the coin in the known_coins table
* @param[out] denom_hash where to store the hash of the coins denomination
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_coin_denomination)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
uint64_t *known_coin_id,
struct TALER_DenominationHashP *denom_hash);
* Check if we have the specified deposit already in the database.
* @param cls the `struct PostgresClosure` with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_contract_terms contract to check for
* @param h_wire wire hash to check for
* @param coin_pub public key of the coin to check for
* @param merchant merchant public key to check for
* @param refund_deadline expected refund deadline
* @param[out] deposit_fee set to the deposit fee the exchange charged
* @param[out] exchange_timestamp set to the time when the exchange received the deposit
* @return 1 if we know this operation,
* 0 if this exact deposit is unknown to us,
* otherwise transaction error status
// FIXME: rename!
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp refund_deadline,
struct TALER_Amount *deposit_fee,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *exchange_timestamp);
* Insert information about deposited coin into the database.
* Used in tests and for benchmarking.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param exchange_timestamp time the exchange received the deposit request
* @param deposit deposit information to store
* @return query result status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_deposit)(void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp exchange_timestamp,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Deposit *deposit);
* Insert information about refunded coin into the database.
* Used in tests and for benchmarking.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param refund refund information to store
* @return query result status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_refund)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Refund *refund);
* Select refunds by @a coin_pub, @a merchant_pub and @a h_contract.
* @param cls closure of plugin
* @param coin_pub coin to get refunds for
* @param merchant_pub merchant to get refunds for
* @param h_contract_pub contract (hash) to get refunds for
* @param cb function to call for each refund found
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return query result status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*select_refunds_by_coin)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefundCoinCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Obtain information about deposits that are ready to be executed.
* Such deposits must not be marked as "done", and the
* execution time, the refund deadlines must both be in the past and
* the KYC status must be 'ok'.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param start_shard_row minimum shard row to select
* @param end_shard_row maximum shard row to select (inclusive)
* @param[out] merchant_pub set to the public key of a merchant with a ready deposit
* @param[out] payto_uri set to the account of the merchant, to be freed by caller
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_ready_deposit)(void *cls,
uint64_t start_shard_row,
uint64_t end_shard_row,
struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
char **payto_uri);
* Maximum number of results we return from iterate_matching_deposits().
* Limit on the number of transactions we aggregate at once.
* Aggregate all matching deposits for @a h_payto and
* @a merchant_pub, returning the total amounts.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto destination of the wire transfer
* @param merchant_pub public key of the merchant
* @param wtid wire transfer ID to set for the aggregate
* @param[out] total set to the sum of the total deposits minus applicable deposit fees and refunds
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
struct TALER_Amount *total);
* Create a new entry in the transient aggregation table.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto destination of the wire transfer
* @param exchange_account_section exchange account to use
* @param merchant_pub public key of the merchant
* @param wtid the raw wire transfer identifier to be used
* @param kyc_requirement_row row in legitimization_requirements that need to be satisfied to continue, or 0 for none
* @param total amount to be wired in the future
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
const char *exchange_account_section,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
uint64_t kyc_requirement_row,
const struct TALER_Amount *total);
* Select existing entry in the transient aggregation table.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto destination of the wire transfer
* @param merchant_pub public key of the merchant
* @param exchange_account_section exchange account to use
* @param[out] wtid set to the raw wire transfer identifier to be used
* @param[out] total existing amount to be wired in the future
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
const char *exchange_account_section,
struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
struct TALER_Amount *total);
* Find existing entry in the transient aggregation table.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto destination of the wire transfer
* @param cb function to call on each matching entry
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TransientAggregationCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Update existing entry in the transient aggregation table.
* @a h_payto is only needed for query performance.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto destination of the wire transfer
* @param wtid the raw wire transfer identifier to update
* @param kyc_requirement_row row in legitimization_requirements that need to be satisfied to continue, or 0 for none
* @param total new total amount to be wired in the future
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
uint64_t kyc_requirement_row,
const struct TALER_Amount *total);
* Delete existing entry in the transient aggregation table.
* @a h_payto is only needed for query performance.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto destination of the wire transfer
* @param wtid the raw wire transfer identifier to update
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid);
* Lookup melt commitment data under the given @a rc.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param rc commitment to use for the lookup
* @param[out] melt where to store the result; note that
* melt->session.coin.denom_sig will be set to NULL
* and is not fetched by this routine (as it is not needed by the client)
* @param[out] melt_serial_id set to the row ID of @a rc in the refresh_commitments table
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_melt)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_RefreshCommitmentP *rc,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_Melt *melt,
uint64_t *melt_serial_id);
* Store in the database which coin(s) the wallet wanted to create
* in a given refresh operation and all of the other information
* we learned or created in the reveal step.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param melt_serial_id row ID of the commitment / melt operation in refresh_commitments
* @param num_rrcs number of coins to generate, size of the @a rrcs array
* @param rrcs information about the new coins
* @param num_tprivs number of entries in @a tprivs, should be #TALER_CNC_KAPPA - 1
* @param tprivs transfer private keys to store
* @param tp public key to store
* @return query status for the transaction
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t melt_serial_id,
uint32_t num_rrcs,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefreshRevealedCoin *rrcs,
unsigned int num_tprivs,
const struct TALER_TransferPrivateKeyP *tprivs,
const struct TALER_TransferPublicKeyP *tp);
* Lookup in the database for the fresh coins that we
* created in the given refresh operation.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param rc identify commitment and thus refresh operation
* @param cb function to call with the results
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_refresh_reveal)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_RefreshCommitmentP *rc,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefreshCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Obtain shared secret and transfer public key from the public key of
* the coin. This information and the link information returned by
* @e get_link_data_list() enable the owner of an old coin to determine
* the private keys of the new coins after the melt.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param coin_pub public key of the coin
* @param ldc function to call for each session the coin was melted into
* @param ldc_cls closure for @a tdc
* @return statement execution status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_link_data)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_LinkCallback ldc,
void *tdc_cls);
* Compile a list of all (historic) transactions performed
* with the given coin (melt, refund, recoup and deposit operations).
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param coin_pub coin to investigate
* @param[out] tlp set to list of transactions, NULL if coin is fresh
* @return database transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_coin_transactions)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TransactionList **tlp);
* Free linked list of transactions.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param list list to free
(*free_coin_transaction_list) (void *cls,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TransactionList *list);
* Lookup the list of Taler transactions that was aggregated
* into a wire transfer by the respective @a raw_wtid.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param wtid the raw wire transfer identifier we used
* @param cb function to call on each transaction found
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return query status of the transaction
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*lookup_wire_transfer)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AggregationDataCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Try to find the wire transfer details for a deposit operation.
* If we did not execute the deposit yet, return when it is supposed
* to be executed.
* @param cls closure
* @param h_contract_terms hash of the proposal data
* @param h_wire hash of merchant wire details
* @param coin_pub public key of deposited coin
* @param merchant_pub merchant public key
* @param[out] pending set to true if the transaction is still pending
* @param[out] wtid wire transfer identifier, only set if @a pending is false
* @param[out] coin_contribution how much did the coin we asked about
* contribute to the total transfer value? (deposit value including fee)
* @param[out] coin_fee how much did the exchange charge for the deposit fee
* @param[out] execution_time when was the transaction done, or
* when we expect it to be done (if @a pending is false)
* @param[out] kyc set to the kyc status of the receiver (if @a pending)
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
bool *pending,
struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *exec_time,
struct TALER_Amount *amount_with_fee,
struct TALER_Amount *deposit_fee,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_KycStatus *kyc);
* Function called to insert aggregation information into the DB.
* @param cls closure
* @param wtid the raw wire transfer identifier we used
* @param deposit_serial_id row in the deposits table for which this is aggregation data
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
unsigned long long deposit_serial_id);
* Insert wire transfer fee into database.
* @param cls closure
* @param wire_method which wire method is the fee about?
* @param start_date when does the fee go into effect
* @param end_date when does the fee end being valid
* @param fees how high is are the wire fees
* @param master_sig signature over the above by the exchange master key
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_wire_fee)(void *cls,
const char *wire_method,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_date,
const struct TALER_WireFeeSet *fees,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Insert global fee set into database.
* @param cls closure
* @param start_date when does the fees go into effect
* @param end_date when does the fees end being valid
* @param fees how high is are the global fees
* @param purse_timeout when do purses time out
* @param kyc_timeout when do reserves without KYC time out
* @param history_expiration how long are account histories preserved
* @param purse_account_limit how many purses are free per account
* @param master_sig signature over the above by the exchange master key
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_global_fee)(void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_date,
const struct TALER_GlobalFeeSet *fees,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative purse_timeout,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative kyc_timeout,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative history_expiration,
uint32_t purse_account_limit,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Obtain wire fee from database.
* @param cls closure
* @param type type of wire transfer the fee applies for
* @param date for which date do we want the fee?
* @param[out] start_date when does the fee go into effect
* @param[out] end_date when does the fee end being valid
* @param[out] fees how high are the wire fees
* @param[out] master_sig signature over the above by the exchange master key
* @return query status of the transaction
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_wire_fee)(void *cls,
const char *type,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *start_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *end_date,
struct TALER_WireFeeSet *fees,
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Obtain global fees from database.
* @param cls closure
* @param date for which date do we want the fee?
* @param[out] start_date when does the fee go into effect
* @param[out] end_date when does the fee end being valid
* @param[out] fees how high are the global fees
* @param[out] purse_timeout when do purses time out
* @param[out] kyc_timeout when do reserves without KYC time out
* @param[out] history_expiration how long are account histories preserved
* @param[out] purse_account_limit how many purses are free per account
* @param[out] master_sig signature over the above by the exchange master key
* @return query status of the transaction
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_global_fee)(void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *start_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *end_date,
struct TALER_GlobalFeeSet *fees,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative *purse_timeout,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative *kyc_timeout,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative *history_expiration,
uint32_t *purse_account_limit,
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Obtain information about expired reserves and their
* remaining balances.
* @param cls closure of the plugin
* @param now timestamp based on which we decide expiration
* @param rec function to call on expired reserves
* @param rec_cls closure for @a rec
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_expired_reserves)(void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp now,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveExpiredCallback rec,
void *rec_cls);
* Insert reserve close operation into database.
* @param cls closure
* @param reserve_pub which reserve is this about?
* @param execution_date when did we perform the transfer?
* @param receiver_account to which account do we transfer, in payto://-format
* @param wtid identifier for the wire transfer
* @param amount_with_fee amount we charged to the reserve
* @param closing_fee how high is the closing fee
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_reserve_closed)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_date,
const char *receiver_account,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_with_fee,
const struct TALER_Amount *closing_fee);
* Function called to insert wire transfer commit data into the DB.
* @param cls closure
* @param type type of the wire transfer (i.e. "iban")
* @param buf buffer with wire transfer preparation data
* @param buf_size number of bytes in @a buf
* @return query status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*wire_prepare_data_insert)(void *cls,
const char *type,
const char *buf,
size_t buf_size);
* Function called to mark wire transfer commit data as finished.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid which entry to mark as finished
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*wire_prepare_data_mark_finished)(void *cls,
uint64_t rowid);
* Function called to mark wire transfer as failed.
* @param cls closure
* @param rowid which entry to mark as failed
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*wire_prepare_data_mark_failed)(void *cls,
uint64_t rowid);
* Function called to get an unfinished wire transfer
* preparation data.
* @param cls closure
* @param start_row offset to query table at
* @param limit maximum number of results to return
* @param cb function to call for unfinished work
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*wire_prepare_data_get)(void *cls,
uint64_t start_row,
uint64_t limit,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WirePreparationIterator cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Starts a READ COMMITTED transaction where we transiently violate the foreign
* constraints on the "wire_out" table as we insert aggregations
* and only add the wire transfer out at the end.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @return #GNUNET_OK on success
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*start_deferred_wire_out)(void *cls);
* Store information about an outgoing wire transfer that was executed.
* @param cls closure
* @param date time of the wire transfer
* @param h_payto identifies the receiver account of the wire transfer
* @param wire_account details about the receiver account of the wire transfer,
* including 'url' in payto://-format
* @param amount amount that was transmitted
* @param exchange_account_section configuration section of the exchange specifying the
* exchange's bank account being used
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp date,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
const char *exchange_account_section,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount);
* Function called to perform "garbage collection" on the
* database, expiring records we no longer require.
* @param cls closure
* @return #GNUNET_OK on success,
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on DB errors
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*gc)(void *cls);
* Select deposits above @a serial_id in monotonically increasing
* order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*select_deposits_above_serial_id)(void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DepositCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select purse deposits above @a serial_id in monotonically increasing
* order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseDepositCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select account merges above @a serial_id in monotonically increasing
* order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_AccountMergeCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select purse merges deposits above @a serial_id in monotonically increasing
* order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseMergeCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select history requests above @a serial_id in monotonically increasing
* order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_HistoryRequestCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select purse refunds above @a serial_id in monotonically increasing
* order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseRefundCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select coins deposited into a purse.
* @param cls closure
* @param purse_pub public key of the purse
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PurseRefundCoinCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select refresh sessions above @a serial_id in monotonically increasing
* order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*select_refreshes_above_serial_id)(void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefreshesCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select refunds above @a serial_id in monotonically increasing
* order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*select_refunds_above_serial_id)(void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RefundCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select inbound wire transfers into reserves_in above @a serial_id
* in monotonically increasing order.
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*select_reserves_in_above_serial_id)(void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveInCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select inbound wire transfers into reserves_in above @a serial_id
* in monotonically increasing order by @a account_name.
* @param cls closure
* @param account_name name of the account for which we do the selection
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const char *account_name,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveInCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Select withdraw operations from reserves_out above @a serial_id
* in monotonically increasing order.
* @param cls closure
* @param account_name name of the account for which we do the selection
* @param serial_id highest serial ID to exclude (select strictly larger)
* @param cb function to call on each result
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WithdrawCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to select outgoing wire transfers the exchange
* executed, ordered by serial ID (monotonically increasing).
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id lowest serial ID to include (select larger or equal)
* @param cb function to call for ONE unfinished item
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*select_wire_out_above_serial_id)(void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WireTransferOutCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to select outgoing wire transfers the exchange
* executed, ordered by serial ID (monotonically increasing).
* @param cls closure
* @param account_name name to select by
* @param serial_id lowest serial ID to include (select larger or equal)
* @param cb function to call for ONE unfinished item
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const char *account_name,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WireTransferOutCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to select recoup requests the exchange
* received, ordered by serial ID (monotonically increasing).
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id lowest serial ID to include (select larger or equal)
* @param cb function to call for ONE unfinished item
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*select_recoup_above_serial_id)(void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RecoupCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to select recoup requests the exchange received for
* refreshed coins, ordered by serial ID (monotonically increasing).
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id lowest serial ID to include (select larger or equal)
* @param cb function to call for ONE unfinished item
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_RecoupRefreshCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Function called to select reserve close operations the aggregator
* triggered, ordered by serial ID (monotonically increasing).
* @param cls closure
* @param serial_id lowest serial ID to include (select larger or equal)
* @param cb function to call
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial_id,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReserveClosedCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Obtain information about which reserve a coin was generated
* from given the hash of the blinded coin.
* @param cls closure
* @param bch hash identifying the withdraw operation
* @param[out] reserve_pub set to information about the reserve (on success only)
* @param[out] reserve_out_serial_id set to row of the @a h_blind_ev in reserves_out
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_reserve_by_h_blind)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP *bch,
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
uint64_t *reserve_out_serial_id);
* Obtain information about which old coin a coin was refreshed
* given the hash of the blinded (fresh) coin.
* @param cls closure
* @param h_blind_ev hash of the blinded coin
* @param[out] old_coin_pub set to information about the old coin (on success only)
* @param[out] rrc_serial set to the row of the @a h_blind_ev in the refresh_revealed_coins table
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_old_coin_by_h_blind)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP *h_blind_ev,
struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *old_coin_pub,
uint64_t *rrc_serial);
* Store information that a denomination key was revoked
* in the database.
* @param cls closure
* @param denom_pub_hash hash of the revoked denomination key
* @param master_sig signature affirming the revocation
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *denom_pub_hash,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Obtain information about a denomination key's revocation from
* the database.
* @param cls closure
* @param denom_pub_hash hash of the revoked denomination key
* @param[out] master_sig signature affirming the revocation
* @param[out] rowid row where the information is stored
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *denom_pub_hash,
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig,
uint64_t *rowid);
* Select all of those deposits in the database for which we do
* not have a wire transfer (or a refund) and which should have
* been deposited between @a start_date and @a end_date.
* @param cls closure
* @param start_date lower bound on the requested wire execution date
* @param end_date upper bound on the requested wire execution date
* @param cb function to call on all such deposits
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*select_deposits_missing_wire)(void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_date,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WireMissingCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Check the last date an auditor was modified.
* @param cls closure
* @param auditor_pub key to look up information for
* @param[out] last_date last modification date to auditor status
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*lookup_auditor_timestamp)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *auditor_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *last_date);
* Lookup current state of an auditor.
* @param cls closure
* @param auditor_pub key to look up information for
* @param[out] auditor_url set to the base URL of the auditor's REST API; memory to be
* released by the caller!
* @param[out] enabled set if the auditor is currently in use
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*lookup_auditor_status)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *auditor_pub,
char **auditor_url,
bool *enabled);
* Insert information about an auditor that will audit this exchange.
* @param cls closure
* @param auditor_pub key of the auditor
* @param auditor_url base URL of the auditor's REST service
* @param auditor_name name of the auditor (for humans)
* @param start_date date when the auditor was added by the offline system
* (only to be used for replay detection)
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_auditor)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *auditor_pub,
const char *auditor_url,
const char *auditor_name,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date);
* Update information about an auditor that will audit this exchange.
* @param cls closure
* @param auditor_pub key of the auditor (primary key for the existing record)
* @param auditor_url base URL of the auditor's REST service, to be updated
* @param auditor_name name of the auditor (for humans)
* @param change_date date when the auditor status was last changed
* (only to be used for replay detection)
* @param enabled true to enable, false to disable
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*update_auditor)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *auditor_pub,
const char *auditor_url,
const char *auditor_name,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp change_date,
bool enabled);
* Check the last date an exchange wire account was modified.
* @param cls closure
* @param payto_uri key to look up information for
* @param[out] last_date last modification date to auditor status
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*lookup_wire_timestamp)(void *cls,
const char *payto_uri,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *last_date);
* Insert information about an wire account used by this exchange.
* @param cls closure
* @param payto_uri wire account of the exchange
* @param start_date date when the account was added by the offline system
* (only to be used for replay detection)
* @param master_sig public signature affirming the existence of the account,
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_wire)(void *cls,
const char *payto_uri,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Update information about a wire account of the exchange.
* @param cls closure
* @param payto_uri account the update is about
* @param change_date date when the account status was last changed
* (only to be used for replay detection)
* @param enabled true to enable, false to disable (the actual change)
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*update_wire)(void *cls,
const char *payto_uri,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp change_date,
bool enabled);
* Obtain information about the enabled wire accounts of the exchange.
* @param cls closure
* @param cb function to call on each account
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_wire_accounts)(void *cls,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WireAccountCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Obtain information about the fee structure of the exchange for
* a given @a wire_method
* @param cls closure
* @param wire_method which wire method to obtain fees for
* @param cb function to call on each account
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_wire_fees)(void *cls,
const char *wire_method,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_WireFeeCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Obtain information about the global fee structure of the exchange.
* @param cls closure
* @param cb function to call on each fee entry
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_global_fees)(void *cls,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_GlobalFeeCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Store information about a revoked online signing key.
* @param cls closure
* @param exchange_pub exchange online signing key that was revoked
* @param master_sig signature affirming the revocation
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP *exchange_pub,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Obtain information about a revoked online signing key.
* @param cls closure
* @param exchange_pub exchange online signing key that was revoked
* @param[out] master_sig signature affirming the revocation
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP *exchange_pub,
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Lookup information about current denomination key.
* @param cls closure
* @param h_denom_pub hash of the denomination public key
* @param[out] meta set to various meta data about the key
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *h_denom_pub,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyMetaData *meta);
* Add denomination key.
* @param cls closure
* @param h_denom_pub hash of the denomination public key
* @param denom_pub the denomination public key
* @param meta meta data about the denomination
* @param master_sig master signature to add
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *h_denom_pub,
const struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *denom_pub,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyMetaData *meta,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Activate future signing key, turning it into a "current" or "valid"
* denomination key by adding the master signature.
* @param cls closure
* @param exchange_pub the exchange online signing public key
* @param meta meta data about @a exchange_pub
* @param master_sig master signature to add
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP *exchange_pub,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_SignkeyMetaData *meta,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Lookup signing key meta data.
* @param cls closure
* @param exchange_pub the exchange online signing public key
* @param[out] meta meta data about @a exchange_pub
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP *exchange_pub,
struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_SignkeyMetaData *meta);
* Insert information about an auditor auditing a denomination key.
* @param cls closure
* @param h_denom_pub the audited denomination
* @param auditor_pub the auditor's key
* @param auditor_sig signature affirming the auditor's audit activity
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *h_denom_pub,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *auditor_pub,
const struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP *auditor_sig);
* Obtain information about an auditor auditing a denomination key.
* @param cls closure
* @param h_denom_pub the audited denomination
* @param auditor_pub the auditor's key
* @param[out] auditor_sig set to signature affirming the auditor's audit activity
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_DenominationHashP *h_denom_pub,
const struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP *auditor_pub,
struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP *auditor_sig);
* Lookup information about known wire fees.
* @param cls closure
* @param wire_method the wire method to lookup fees for
* @param start_time starting time of fee
* @param end_time end time of fee
* @param[out] fees set to wire fees for that time period; if
* different wire fee exists within this time
* period, an 'invalid' amount is returned.
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const char *wire_method,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_time,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_time,
struct TALER_WireFeeSet *fees);
* Lookup information about known global fees.
* @param cls closure
* @param start_time starting time of fee
* @param end_time end time of fee
* @param[out] fees set to wire fees for that time period; if
* different global fee exists within this time
* period, an 'invalid' amount is returned.
* @param[out] purse_timeout set to when unmerged purses expire
* @param[out] kyc_timeout set to when reserves without kyc expire
* @param[out] history_expiration set to when we expire reserve histories
* @param[out] purse_account_limit set to number of free purses
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_time,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_time,
struct TALER_GlobalFeeSet *fees,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative *purse_timeout,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative *kyc_timeout,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative *history_expiration,
uint32_t *purse_account_limit);
* Lookup the latest serial number of @a table. Used in
* exchange-auditor database replication.
* @param cls closure
* @param table table for which we should return the serial
* @param[out] latest serial number in use
* @return transaction status code, #GNUNET_DB_STATUS_HARD_ERROR if
* @a table does not have a serial number
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*lookup_serial_by_table)(void *cls,
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReplicatedTable table,
uint64_t *serial);
* Lookup records above @a serial number in @a table. Used in
* exchange-auditor database replication.
* @param cls closure
* @param table table for which we should return the serial
* @param serial largest serial number to exclude
* @param cb function to call on the records
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return transaction status code, GNUNET_DB_STATUS_HARD_ERROR if
* @a table does not have a serial number
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*lookup_records_by_table)(void *cls,
enum TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReplicatedTable table,
uint64_t serial,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_ReplicationCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Insert record set into @a table. Used in exchange-auditor database
* replication.
* @param cls closure
* @param tb table data to insert
* @return transaction status code, #GNUNET_DB_STATUS_HARD_ERROR if
* @a table does not have a serial number
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_records_by_table)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_TableData *td);
* Function called to grab a work shard on an operation @a op. Runs in its
* own transaction.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param job_name name of the operation to grab a word shard for
* @param delay minimum age of a shard to grab
* @param size desired shard size
* @param[out] start_row inclusive start row of the shard (returned)
* @param[out] end_row exclusive end row of the shard (returned)
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*begin_shard)(void *cls,
const char *job_name,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delay,
uint64_t shard_size,
uint64_t *start_row,
uint64_t *end_row);
* Function called to abort work on a shard.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param job_name name of the operation to abort a word shard for
* @param start_row inclusive start row of the shard
* @param end_row exclusive end row of the shard
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*abort_shard)(void *cls,
const char *job_name,
uint64_t start_row,
uint64_t end_row);
* Function called to persist that work on a shard was completed.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param job_name name of the operation to grab a word shard for
* @param start_row inclusive start row of the shard
* @param end_row exclusive end row of the shard
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*complete_shard)(void *cls,
const char *job_name,
uint64_t start_row,
uint64_t end_row);
* Function called to grab a revolving work shard on an operation @a op. Runs
* in its own transaction. Returns the oldest inactive shard.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param job_name name of the operation to grab a revolving shard for
* @param shard_size desired shard size
* @param shard_limit exclusive end of the shard range
* @param[out] start_row inclusive start row of the shard (returned)
* @param[out] end_row inclusive end row of the shard (returned)
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*begin_revolving_shard)(void *cls,
const char *job_name,
uint32_t shard_size,
uint32_t shard_limit,
uint32_t *start_row,
uint32_t *end_row);
* Function called to release a revolving shard back into the work pool.
* Clears the "completed" flag.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param job_name name of the operation to grab a word shard for
* @param start_row inclusive start row of the shard
* @param end_row inclusive end row of the shard
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*release_revolving_shard)(void *cls,
const char *job_name,
uint32_t start_row,
uint32_t end_row);
* Function called to delete all revolving shards.
* To be used after a crash or when the shard size is
* changed.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @return #GNUNET_OK on success
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on failure
enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue
(*delete_shard_locks)(void *cls);
* Function called to save the configuration of an extension
* (age-restriction, peer2peer, ...)
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param extension_name the name of the extension
* @param config JSON object of the configuration as string, maybe NULL (== disabled extension)
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*set_extension_config)(void *cls,
const char *extension_name,
const char *config);
* Function called to retrieve the configuration of an extension
* (age-restriction, peer2peer, ...)
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param extension_name the name of the extension
* @param[out] config JSON object of the configuration as string, maybe NULL (== disabled extension)
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_extension_config)(void *cls,
const char *extension_name,
char **config);
* Function called to store configuration data about a partner
* exchange that we are federated with.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param master_pub public offline signing key of the partner exchange
* @param start_date when does the following data start to be valid
* @param end_date when does the validity end (exclusive)
* @param wad_frequency how often do we do exchange-to-exchange settlements?
* @param wad_fee how much do we charge for transfers to the partner
* @param partner_base_url base URL of the partner exchange
* @param master_sig signature with our offline signing key affirming the above
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_partner)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP *master_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp start_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp end_date,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative wad_frequency,
const struct TALER_Amount *wad_fee,
const char *partner_base_url,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Function called to persist an encrypted contract associated with a reserve.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param econtract the encrypted contract
* @param[out] econtract_sig set to the signature over the encrypted contract
* @param[out] in_conflict set to true if @a econtract
* conflicts with an existing contract;
* in this case, the return value will be
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_contract)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
const struct TALER_EncryptedContract *econtract,
bool *in_conflict);
* Function called to retrieve an encrypted contract.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param pub_ckey set to the ephemeral DH used to encrypt the contract, key used to lookup the contract by
* @param[out] purse_pub public key of the purse of the contract
* @param[out] econtract_sig set to the signature over the encrypted contract
* @param[out] econtract_size set to the number of bytes in @a econtract
* @param[out] econtract set to the encrypted contract on success, to be freed by the caller
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ContractDiffiePublicP *pub_ckey,
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
struct TALER_PurseContractSignatureP *econtract_sig,
size_t *econtract_size,
void **econtract);
* Function called to retrieve an encrypted contract.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub key to lookup the contract by
* @param[out] econtract set to the encrypted contract on success, to be freed by the caller
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
struct TALER_EncryptedContract *econtract);
* Function called to create a new purse with certain meta data.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub public key of the new purse
* @param merge_pub public key providing the merge capability
* @param purse_expiration time when the purse will expire
* @param h_contract_terms hash of the contract for the purse
* @param age_limit age limit to enforce for payments into the purse
* @param flags flags for the operation
* @param purse_fee fee we are allowed to charge to the reserve (depending on @a flags)
* @param amount target amount (with fees) to be put into the purse
* @param purse_sig signature with @a purse_pub's private key affirming the above
* @param[out] in_conflict set to true if the meta data
* conflicts with an existing purse;
* in this case, the return value will be
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
const struct TALER_PurseMergePublicKeyP *merge_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp purse_expiration,
const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
uint32_t age_limit,
enum TALER_WalletAccountMergeFlags flags,
const struct TALER_Amount *purse_fee,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
const struct TALER_PurseContractSignatureP *purse_sig,
bool *in_conflict);
* Function called to clean up one expired purse.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param start_time select purse expired after this time
* @param end_time select purse expired before this time
* @return transaction status code (#GNUNET_DB_STATUS_SUCCESS_NO_RESULTS if no purse expired in the given time interval).
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start_time,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute end_time);
* Function called to obtain information about a purse.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub public key of the new purse
* @param[out] purse_expiration set to time when the purse will expire
* @param[out] amount set to target amount (with fees) to be put into the purse
* @param[out] deposited set to actual amount put into the purse so far
* @param[out] h_contract_terms set to hash of the contract for the purse
* @param[out] merge_timestamp set to time when the purse was merged, or NEVER if not
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *purse_expiration,
struct TALER_Amount *amount,
struct TALER_Amount *deposited,
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *merge_timestamp);
* Function called to return meta data about a purse by the
* purse public key.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub public key of the purse
* @param[out] merge_pub public key representing the merge capability
* @param[out] purse_expiration when would an unmerged purse expire
* @param[out] h_contract_terms contract associated with the purse
* @param[out] age_limit the age limit for deposits into the purse
* @param[out] target_amount amount to be put into the purse
* @param[out] balance amount put so far into the purse
* @param[out] purse_sig signature of the purse over the initialization data
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
struct TALER_PurseMergePublicKeyP *merge_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *purse_expiration,
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
uint32_t *age_limit,
struct TALER_Amount *target_amount,
struct TALER_Amount *balance,
struct TALER_PurseContractSignatureP *purse_sig);
* Function called to return meta data about a purse by the
* merge capability key.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param merge_pub public key representing the merge capability
* @param[out] purse_pub public key of the purse
* @param[out] purse_expiration when would an unmerged purse expire
* @param[out] h_contract_terms contract associated with the purse
* @param[out] age_limit the age limit for deposits into the purse
* @param[out] target_amount amount to be put into the purse
* @param[out] balance amount put so far into the purse
* @param[out] purse_sig signature of the purse over the initialization data
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseMergePublicKeyP *merge_pub,
struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *purse_expiration,
struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
uint32_t *age_limit,
struct TALER_Amount *target_amount,
struct TALER_Amount *balance,
struct TALER_PurseContractSignatureP *purse_sig);
* Function called to execute a transaction crediting
* a purse with @a amount from @a coin_pub. Reduces the
* value of @a coin_pub and increase the balance of
* the @a purse_pub purse. If the balance reaches the
* target amount and the purse has been merged, triggers
* the updates of the reserve/account balance.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub purse to credit
* @param coin_pub coin to deposit (debit)
* @param amount fraction of the coin's value to deposit
* @param coin_sig signature affirming the operation
* @param amount_minus_fee amount to add to the purse
* @param[out] balance_ok set to false if the coin's
* remaining balance is below @a amount;
* in this case, the return value will be
* @param[out] conflict the same coin was deposited into
* this purse with a different amount already
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP *coin_sig,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_minus_fee,
bool *balance_ok,
bool *conflict);
* Set the current @a balance in the purse
* identified by @a purse_pub. Used by the auditor
* to update the balance as calculated by the auditor.
* @param cls closure
* @param purse_pub public key of a purse
* @param balance new balance to store under the purse
* @return transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
const struct TALER_Amount *balance);
* Function called to obtain a coin deposit data from
* depositing the coin into a purse.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub purse to credit
* @param coin_pub coin to deposit (debit)
* @param[out] amount set fraction of the coin's value that was deposited (with fee)
* @param[out] h_denom_pub set to hash of denomination of the coin
* @param[out] phac set to hash of age restriction on the coin
* @param[out] coin_sig set to signature affirming the operation
* @param[out] partner_url set to the URL of the partner exchange, or NULL for ourselves, must be freed by caller
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
struct TALER_Amount *amount,
struct TALER_DenominationHashP *h_denom_pub,
struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash *phac,
struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP *coin_sig,
char **partner_url);
* Function called to approve merging a purse into a
* reserve by the respective purse merge key. The purse
* must not have been merged into a different reserve.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub purse to merge
* @param merge_sig signature affirming the merge
* @param merge_timestamp time of the merge
* @param reserve_sig signature of the reserve affirming the merge
* @param partner_url URL of the partner exchange, can be NULL if the reserves lives with us
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve to credit
* @param[out] no_partner set to true if @a partner_url is unknown
* @param[out] no_balance set to true if the @a purse_pub is not paid up yet
* @param[out] no_reserve set to true if the @a reserve_pub is not known
* @param[out] in_conflict set to true if @a purse_pub was merged into a different reserve already
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
const struct TALER_PurseMergeSignatureP *merge_sig,
const struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp merge_timestamp,
const struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP *reserve_sig,
const char *partner_url,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
bool *no_partner,
bool *no_balance,
bool *in_conflict);
* Function called insert request to merge a purse into a reserve by the
* respective purse merge key. The purse must not have been merged into a
* different reserve.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub purse to merge
* @param merge_sig signature affirming the merge
* @param merge_timestamp time of the merge
* @param reserve_sig signature of the reserve affirming the merge
* @param purse_fee amount to charge the reserve for the purse creation, NULL to use the quota
* @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve to credit
* @param[out] in_conflict set to true if @a purse_pub was merged into a different reserve already
* @param[out] no_reserve set to true if @a reserve_pub is not a known reserve
* @param[out] insufficient_funds set to true if @a reserve_pub has insufficient capacity to create another purse
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
const struct TALER_PurseMergeSignatureP *merge_sig,
const struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp merge_timestamp,
const struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP *reserve_sig,
const struct TALER_Amount *purse_fee,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
bool *in_conflict,
bool *no_reserve,
bool *insufficient_funds);
* Function called to approve merging of a purse with
* an account, made by the receiving account.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param purse_pub public key of the purse
* @param[out] merge_sig set to the signature confirming the merge
* @param[out] merge_timestamp set to the time of the merge
* @param[out] partner_url set to the URL of the target exchange, or NULL if the target exchange is us. To be freed by the caller.
* @param[out] reserve_pub set to the public key of the reserve/account being credited
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PurseContractPublicKeyP *purse_pub,
struct TALER_PurseMergeSignatureP *merge_sig,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *merge_timestamp,
char **partner_url,
struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub);
* Function called to persist a signature that
* prove that the client requested an
* account history. Debits the @a history_fee from
* the reserve (if possible).
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param reserve_pub account that the history was requested for
* @param reserve_sig signature affirming the request
* @param request_timestamp when was the request made
* @param history_fee how much should the @a reserve_pub be charged for the request
* @param[out] balance_ok set to TRUE if the reserve balance
* was sufficient
* @param[out] idempotent set to TRUE if the request is already in the DB
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP *reserve_sig,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp request_timestamp,
const struct TALER_Amount *history_fee,
bool *balance_ok,
bool *idempotent);
* Function called to initiate closure of an account.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param reserve_pub public key of the account to close
* @param reserve_sig signature affiming that the account is to be closed
* @param request_timestamp timestamp of the close request
* @param[out] final_balance set to the final balance in the account that will be wired back to the origin account
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_close_request)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
const struct TALER_ReserveSignatureP *reserve_sig,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp request_timestamp,
struct TALER_Amount *final_balance);
* Function called to persist a request to drain profits.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param wtid wire transfer ID to use
* @param account_section account to drain
* @param payto_uri account to wire funds to
* @param request_timestamp time of the signature
* @param amount amount to wire
* @param master_sig signature affirming the operation
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*insert_drain_profit)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
const char *account_section,
const char *payto_uri,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp request_timestamp,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Function called to get information about a profit drain event.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param wtid wire transfer ID to look up drain event for
* @param[out] serial set to serial ID of the entry
* @param[out] account_section set to account to drain
* @param[out] payto_uri set to account to wire funds to
* @param[out] request_timestamp set to time of the signature
* @param[out] amount set to amount to wire
* @param[out] master_sig set to signature affirming the operation
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
(*get_drain_profit)(void *cls,
const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
uint64_t *serial,
char **account_section,
char **payto_uri,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *request_timestamp,
struct TALER_Amount *amount,
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Get profit drain operation ready to execute.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param[out] serial set to serial ID of the entry
* @param[out] wtid set set to wire transfer ID to use
* @param[out] account_section set to account to drain
* @param[out] payto_uri set to account to wire funds to
* @param[out] request_timestamp set to time of the signature
* @param[out] amount set to amount to wire
* @param[out] master_sig set to signature affirming the operation
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t *serial,
struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid,
char **account_section,
char **payto_uri,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *request_timestamp,
struct TALER_Amount *amount,
struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig);
* Set profit drain operation to finished.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param serial serial ID of the entry to mark finished
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t serial);
* Insert KYC requirement for @a h_payto account into table.
* @param cls closure
* @param requirements requirements that must be checked
* @param h_payto account that must be KYC'ed
* @param[out] requirement_row set to legitimization requirement row for this check
* @return database transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const char *requirements,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
uint64_t *requirement_row);
* Begin KYC requirement process.
* @param cls closure
* @param h_payto account that must be KYC'ed
* @param provider_section provider that must be checked
* @param provider_account_id provider account ID
* @param provider_legitimization_id provider legitimization ID
* @param[out] process_row row the process is stored under
* @return database transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
const char *provider_section,
const char *provider_account_id,
const char *provider_legitimization_id,
uint64_t *process_row);
* Update KYC process with updated provider-linkage and/or
* expiration data.
* @param cls closure
* @param process_row row to select by
* @param provider_section provider that must be checked (technically redundant)
* @param h_payto account that must be KYC'ed (helps access by shard, otherwise also redundant)
* @param provider_account_id provider account ID
* @param provider_legitimization_id provider legitimization ID
* @param expiration how long is this KYC check set to be valid (in the past if invalid)
* @return database transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t process_row,
const char *provider_section,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
const char *provider_account_id,
const char *provider_legitimization_id,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration);
* Lookup KYC requirement.
* @param cls closure
* @param legi_row identifies requirement to look up
* @param[out] requirements space-separated list of requirements
* @param[out] h_payto account that must be KYC'ed
* @return database transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
uint64_t requirement_row,
char **requirements,
struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto);
* Lookup KYC process meta data.
* @param cls closure
* @param provider_section provider that must be checked
* @param h_payto account that must be KYC'ed
* @param[out] process_row set to row with the legitimization data
* @param[out] expiration how long is this KYC check set to be valid (in the past if invalid)
* @param[out] provider_account_id provider account ID
* @param[out] provider_legitimization_id provider legitimization ID
* @return database transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const char *provider_section,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
uint64_t *process_row,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute *expiration,
char **provider_account_id,
char **provider_legitimization_id);
* Lookup an
* @a h_payto by @a provider_legitimization_id.
* @param cls closure
* @param provider_section
* @param provider_legitimization_id legi to look up
* @param[out] h_payto where to write the result
* @param[out] process_row identifies the legitimization process on our end
* @return database transaction status
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const char *provider_section,
const char *provider_legitimization_id,
struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
uint64_t *process_row);
* Call us on KYC processes satisfied for the given
* account.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto account identifier
* @param spc function to call for each satisfied KYC process
* @param spc_cls closure for @a spc
* @return transaction status code
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_SatisfiedProviderCallback spc,
void *spc_cls);
* Call @a kac on withdrawn amounts after @a time_limit which are relevant
* for a KYC trigger for a the (debited) account identified by @a h_payto.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto account identifier
* @param time_limit oldest transaction that could be relevant
* @param kac function to call for each applicable amount, in reverse chronological order (or until @a kac aborts by returning anything except #GNUNET_OK).
* @param kac_cls closure for @a kac
* @return transaction status code, @a kac aborting with #GNUNET_NO is not an error
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute time_limit,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_KycAmountCallback kac,
void *kac_cls);
* Call @a kac on aggregated amounts after @a time_limit which are relevant for a
* KYC trigger for a the (credited) account identified by @a h_payto.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto account identifier
* @param time_limit oldest transaction that could be relevant
* @param kac function to call for each applicable amount, in reverse chronological order (or until @a kac aborts by returning anything except #GNUNET_OK).
* @param kac_cls closure for @a kac
* @return transaction status code, @a kac aborting with #GNUNET_NO is not an error
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute time_limit,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_KycAmountCallback kac,
void *kac_cls);
* Call @a kac on merged reserve amounts after @a time_limit which are relevant for a
* KYC trigger for a the wallet identified by @a h_payto.
* @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
* @param h_payto account identifier
* @param time_limit oldest transaction that could be relevant
* @param kac function to call for each applicable amount, in reverse chronological order (or until @a kac aborts by returning anything except #GNUNET_OK).
* @param kac_cls closure for @a kac
* @return transaction status code, @a kac aborting with #GNUNET_NO is not an error
enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
void *cls,
const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute time_limit,
TALER_EXCHANGEDB_KycAmountCallback kac,
void *kac_cls);
#endif /* _TALER_EXCHANGE_DB_H */