# This file is in the public domain
# Wrapper around 'taler-bank-manage' to first configure the required
# testing accounts before launching the bank properly.
# Takes 3 arguments:
# $1: the configuration file name
# $2: the database name
# $3: serve-http or serve-uwsgi

set -eu

# Ensure starting accounts exist
taler-bank-manage -c $1 --with-db $2 django provide_accounts

# This is 'x' hashed by Django

# hack password hash directly into the database:
echo "UPDATE auth_user SET password='$PW_HASH'" | psql -Aqt $2

# Note that calling
# taler-bank-manage -c $1 --with-db $2 django changepassword Bank x
# does not work: (1) it always insists on going interactive, and (2)
# rejects 'x' as a password.

# Now run Django for good
exec taler-bank-manage -c $1 --with-db $2 $3