  This file is part of TALER
  Copyright (C) 2022 Taler Systems SA

  TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
  Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

  TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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 * @file include/taler_kyclogic_plugin.h
 * @brief KYC API specific logic C interface
 * @author Christian Grothoff

#include <jansson.h>
#include <gnunet/gnunet_util_lib.h>
#include <gnunet/gnunet_db_lib.h>
#include "taler_util.h"

 * Possible states of a KYC check.

   * The provider has passed the customer.

   * Something to do with the user (bit!).

   * Something to do with the provider (bit!).

   * The interaction ended in definitive failure.
   * (kind of with both parties).

   * The interaction is still ongoing.

   * One of the parties hat a temporary failure.

   * The interaction with the user is ongoing.

   * The provider is still checking.

   * The user aborted the check (possibly recoverable).

   * The provider had an (internal) failure.


 * Plugin-internal specification of the configuration
 * of the plugin for a given KYC provider.
struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProviderDetails;

 * Handle for an initiation operation.
struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_InitiateHandle;

 * Handle for an KYC proof operation.
struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProofHandle;

 * Handle for an KYC Web hook operation.
struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_WebhookHandle;

 * Function called with the result of a KYC initiation
 * operation.
 * @param ec #TALER_EC_NONE on success
 * @param redirect_url set to where to redirect the user on success, NULL on failure
 * @param provider_user_id set to user ID at the provider, or NULL if not supported or unknown
 * @param provider_legitimization_id set to legitimization process ID at the provider, or NULL if not supported or unknown
 * @param error_msg_hint set to additional details to return to user, NULL on success
typedef void
  enum TALER_ErrorCode ec,
  const char *redirect_url,
  const char *provider_user_id,
  const char *provider_legitimization_id,
  const char *error_msg_hint);

 * Function called with the result of a proof check
 * operation.
 * Note that the "decref" for the @a response
 * will be done by the plugin.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param status KYC status
 * @param expiration until when is the KYC check valid
 * @param http_status HTTP status code of @a response
 * @param[in] response to return to the HTTP client
typedef void
  void *cls,
  enum TALER_KYCLOGIC_KycStatus status,
  struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration,
  unsigned int http_status,
  struct MHD_Response *response);

 * Function called with the result of a webhook
 * operation.
 * Note that the "decref" for the @a response
 * will be done by the plugin.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param account_id account the webhook was about
 * @param status KYC status
 * @param expiration until when is the KYC check valid
 * @param http_status HTTP status code of @a response
 * @param[in] response to return to the HTTP client
typedef void
  void *cls,
  const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *account_id,
  enum TALER_KYCLOGIC_KycStatus status,
  struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration,
  unsigned int http_status,
  struct MHD_Response *response);

 * Function the plugin can use to lookup an
 * @a h_payto by @a provider_legitimization_id.
 * Must match the `kyc_provider_account_lookup`
 * of the exchange's database plugin.
 * @param cls closure
 * @param provider_section
 * @param provider_legitimization_id legi to look up
 * @param[out] h_payto where to write the result
 * @return database transaction status
typedef enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
  void *cls,
  const char *provider_section,
  const char *provider_legitimization_id,
  struct TALER_PaytoHashP *h_payto);

 * @brief The plugin API, returned from the plugin's "init" function.
 * The argument given to "init" is simply a configuration handle.
struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_Plugin

   * Closure for all callbacks.
  void *cls;

   * Name of the library which generated this plugin.  Set by the
   * plugin loader.
  char *library_name;

   * Load the configuration of the KYC provider.
   * @param cls closure
   * @param provider_section_name configuration section to parse
   * @return NULL if configuration is invalid
  struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProviderDetails *
  (*load_configuration)(void *cls,
                        const char *provider_section_name);

   * Release configuration resources previously loaded
   * @param[in] pd configuration to release
  (*unload_configuration)(struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProviderDetails *pd);

   * Initiate KYC check.
   * @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
   * @param pd provider configuration details
   * @param account_id which account to trigger process for
   * @param cb function to call with the result
   * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
   * @return handle to cancel operation early
  struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_InitiateHandle *
  (*initiate)(void *cls,
              const struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProviderDetails *pd,
              const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *account_id,
              TALER_KYCLOGIC_InitiateCallback cb,
              void *cb_cls);

   * Cancel KYC check initiation.
   * @param[in] ih handle of operation to cancel
  (*initiate_cancel) (struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_InitiateHandle *ih);

   * Check KYC status and return status to human.
   * @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
   * @param pd provider configuration details
   * @param account_id which account to trigger process for
   * @param cb function to call with the result
   * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
   * @return handle to cancel operation early
  struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProofHandle *
  (*proof)(void *cls,
           const struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProviderDetails *pd,
           const struct TALER_PaytoHashP *account_id,
           const char *provider_user_id,
           const char *provider_legitimization_id,
           TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProofCallback cb,
           void *cb_cls);

   * Cancel KYC proof.
   * @param[in] ph handle of operation to cancel
  (*proof_cancel) (struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProofHandle *ph);

   * Check KYC status and return result for Webhook.
   * @param cls the @e cls of this struct with the plugin-specific state
   * @param pd provider configuration details
   * @param plc callback to lookup accounts with
   * @param plc_cls closure for @a plc
   * @param http_method HTTP method used for the webhook
   * @param url_path rest of the URL after `/kyc-webhook/`
   * @param connection MHD connection object (for HTTP headers)
   * @param body_size number of bytes in @a body
   * @param body HTTP request body
   * @param cb function to call with the result
   * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
   * @return handle to cancel operation early
  struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_InitiateHandle *
  (*webhook)(void *cls,
             const struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProviderDetails *pd,
             TALER_KYCLOGIC_ProviderLookupCallback plc,
             void *plc_cls,
             const char *http_method,
             const char *url_path,
             struct MHD_Connection *connection,
             size_t body_size,
             const void *body,
             TALER_KYCLOGIC_WebhookCallback cb,
             void *cb_cls);

   * Cancel KYC webhook execution.
   * @param[in] wh handle of operation to cancel
  (*webhook_cancel) (struct TALER_KYCLOGIC_WebhookHandle *wh);
