2) $amount_fraction = (double) ("0." . $amount_chunks[1]); $amount_fraction = $amount_fraction * 1000000; // pack the JSON $json = json_encode (array ('reserve_pub' => $reserve_pk, 'execution_date' => "/Date(" . time() . ")/", 'wire' => array ('type' => 'test'), 'amount' => array ('value' => intval($amount_chunks[0]), 'fraction' => $amount_fraction, 'currency' => $amount_chunks[count($amount_chunks) - 1]))); // craft the HTTP request $req = new http\Client\Request ("POST", "http://" . $mint . "/admin/add/incoming", array ("Content-Type" => "application/json")); $req->getBody()->append ($json); // execute HTTP request $client = new http\Client; $client->enqueue($req)->send (); $resp = $client->getResponse (); // evaluate response $status_code = $resp->getResponseCode (); http_response_code ($status_code); if ($status_code != 200) { echo "Error $status_code when faking the wire transfer. Please report to taler@gnu.org"; } else { echo "Pretend wire transfer successful. Exit through the gift shop and enjoy shopping!"; } ?>