.TH TALER.CONF 5 "Apr 22, 2015" "GNU Taler" .SH NAME taler.conf \- Taler configuration file. .SH SYNOPSIS .B DIRNAME/taler.conf .SH DESCRIPTION The basic structure of the configuration file is the following. The file is split into sections. Every section begins with "[SECTIONNAME]" and contains a number of options of the form "OPTION=VALUE". Empty lines and lines beginning with a "#" are treated as comments. .SH MINT OPTIONS The following options are from the "[mint]" section and used by most mint tools: .IP CURRENCY Name of the currency, i.e. "EUR" for Euro. .IP WIREFORMAT Format used for wire transfers to the merchant, i.e. "SEPA". .IP DB Plugin to use for the database, i.e. "postgres" .IP PORT Port on which the HTTP server listens, i.e. 8080. .IP MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY Crockford Base32-encoded master public key, public version of the mint\'s long\-time offline signing key. .SH Postgres database options The following options must be in section "[mintdb-postgres]": .IP DB_CONN_STR How to access the database, i.e. "postgres:///taler" to use the "taler" database. Testcases use "talercheck". .SH COIN OPTIONS The following options must be in sections starting with "[coin_]" and are used by taler\-mint\-keyup to create denomination keys: .IP VALUE Value of the coin, i.e. "EUR:1.50" for 1 Euro and 50 Cents (per coin). .IP DURATION_OVERLAP How much should validity periods for these coins overlap? .IP DURATION_WITHDRAW How long should the same key be used for clients to withdraw coins of this value? .IP DURATION_SPEND How long do clients have to spend these coins? .IP FEE_WITHDRAW What fee is charged for withdrawl? .IP FEE_DEPOSIT What fee is charged for depositing? .IP FEE_REFRESH What fee is charged for refreshing? .IP RSA_KEYSIZE What is the RSA keysize modulos (in bits)? .SH KEY OPTIONS The following options are from the "[mint_keys]" section and used by most taler\-mint\-keyup to create keys: .IP SIGNKEY_DURATION For how long is a signing key valid? .IP LEGAL_DURATION For how long are signatures with signing keys legally valid? .IP LOOKAHEAD_SIGN How long do we generate denomination and signing keys ahead of time? .IP LOOKAHEAD_PROVIDE How long into the future do we provide signing and denomination keys to clients? .SH BUGS Report bugs by using Mantis <https://gnunet.org/bugs/> or by sending electronic mail to <taler@gnu.org> .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBtaler\-mint\-httpd\fP(1), \fBtaler\-mint\-keyup\fP(1), \fBtaler\-mint\-reservemod\fP(1), \fBtaler\-mint\-dbinit\fP(1)