This file is part of TALER
Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 GNUnet e.V.
TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
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* @file taler-mint-httpd_parsing.h
* @brief functions to parse incoming requests
* @author Florian Dold
* @author Benedikt Mueller
* @author Christian Grothoff
#include "taler_util.h"
* Process a POST request containing a JSON object. This
* function realizes an MHD POST processor that will
* (incrementally) process JSON data uploaded to the HTTP
* server. It will store the required state in the
* "connection_cls", which must be cleaned up using
* #TMH_PARSE_post_cleanup_callback().
* @param connection the MHD connection
* @param con_cls the closure (points to a `struct Buffer *`)
* @param upload_data the POST data
* @param upload_data_size number of bytes in @a upload_data
* @param json the JSON object for a completed request
* @return
* #GNUNET_YES if json object was parsed or at least
* may be parsed in the future (call again);
* `*json` will be NULL if we need to be called again,
* and non-NULL if we are done.
* #GNUNET_NO is request incomplete or invalid
* (error message was generated)
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error
* (we could not even queue an error message,
* close HTTP session with MHD_NO)
TMH_PARSE_post_json (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
void **con_cls,
const char *upload_data,
size_t *upload_data_size,
json_t **json);
* Function called whenever we are done with a request
* to clean up our state.
* @param con_cls value as it was left by
* #TMH_PARSE_post_json(), to be cleaned up
TMH_PARSE_post_cleanup_callback (void *con_cls);
* Constants for JSON navigation description.
enum TMH_PARSE_JsonNavigationCommand
* Access a field.
* Param: const char *
* Access an array index.
* Param: int
* Return base32crockford encoded data of
* constant size.
* Params: (void *, size_t)
* Return base32crockford encoded data of
* variable size.
* Params: (void **, size_t *)
* Return a json object, which must be
* of the given type (JSON_* type constants,
* or -1 for any type).
* Params: (int, json_t **)
* Return a `struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_PublicKey` which was
* encoded as variable-size base32crockford encoded data.
* Return a `struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_Signature` which was
* encoded as variable-size base32crockford encoded data.
* Return a `struct TALER_Amount` which was
* encoded within its own json object.
* Return a `struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute` which was
* encoded within its own json object.
* Param: struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute *
* Return a `uint64_t` which was
* encoded as a JSON integer.
* Param: uint64_t *
* Navigate through a JSON tree.
* Sends an error response if navigation is impossible (i.e.
* the JSON object is invalid)
* @param connection the connection to send an error response to
* @param root the JSON node to start the navigation at.
* @param ... navigation specification (see `enum TMH_PARSE_JsonNavigationCommand`)
* @return
* #GNUNET_YES if navigation was successful
* #GNUNET_NO if json is malformed, error response was generated
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error
TMH_PARSE_navigate_json (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
const json_t *root,
* @brief Specification for how to parse a JSON field.
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification
* Name of the field. NULL only to terminate array.
const char *field_name;
* Where to store the result. Must have exactly
* @e destination_size bytes, except if @e destination_size is zero.
* NULL to skip assignment (but check presence of the value).
void *destination;
* How big should the result be, 0 for variable size. In
* this case, @e destination must be a "void **", pointing
* to a location that is currently NULL and is to be allocated.
size_t destination_size_in;
* @e destination_size_out will then be set to the size of the
* value that was stored in @e destination (useful for
* variable-size allocations).
size_t destination_size_out;
* Navigation command to use to extract the value. Note that
* destination_size_in and @e destination_size_out to have a
* meaning. #TMH_PARSE_JNC_FIELD and #TMH_PARSE_JNC_INDEX must not be used here!
enum TMH_PARSE_JsonNavigationCommand command;
* JSON type to use, only meaningful in connection with a @e command
* value of #TMH_PARSE_JNC_RET_TYPED_JSON. Typical values are
int type;
* Parse JSON object into components based on the given field
* specification.
* @param connection the connection to send an error response to
* @param root the JSON node to start the navigation at.
* @param spec field specification for the parser
* @return
* #GNUNET_YES if navigation was successful (caller is responsible
* for freeing allocated variable-size data using
* #TMH_PARSE_release_data() when done)
* #GNUNET_NO if json is malformed, error response was generated
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error
TMH_PARSE_json_data (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
const json_t *root,
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification *spec);
* Release all memory allocated for the variable-size fields in
* the parser specification.
* @param spec specification to free
TMH_PARSE_release_data (struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification *spec);
* Generate line in parser specification for fixed-size value.
* @param field name of the field
* @param value where to store the value
#define TMH_PARSE_MEMBER_FIXED(field,value) { field, value, sizeof (*value), 0, TMH_PARSE_JNC_RET_DATA, 0 }
* Generate line in parser specification for variable-size value.
* @param field name of the field
* Generate line in parser specification for 64-bit integer
* given as an integer in JSON.
* @param field name of the field
* @param[out] u64 integer to initialize
* @return corresponding field spec
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification
TMH_PARSE_member_uint64 (const char *field,
uint64_t *u64);
* Generate line in parser specification for JSON array value.
* @param field name of the field
* @param[out] jsonp address of JSON pointer to initialize
* @return corresponding field spec
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification
TMH_PARSE_member_array (const char *field,
json_t **jsonp);
* Generate line in parser specification for JSON object value.
* @param field name of the field
* @param[out] jsonp address of pointer to JSON to initialize
* @return corresponding field spec
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification
TMH_PARSE_member_object (const char *field,
json_t **jsonp);
* Generate line in parser specification for RSA public key.
* @param field name of the field
* @param[out] pk key to initialize
* @return corresponding field spec
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification
TMH_PARSE_member_denomination_public_key (const char *field,
struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey *pk);
* Generate line in parser specification for RSA public key.
* @param field name of the field
* @param sig the signature to initialize
* @return corresponding field spec
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification
TMH_PARSE_member_denomination_signature (const char *field,
struct TALER_DenominationSignature *sig);
* Generate line in parser specification for an amount.
* @param field name of the field
* @param[out] amount a `struct TALER_Amount *` to initialize
* @return corresponding field spec
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification
TMH_PARSE_member_amount (const char *field,
struct TALER_Amount *amount);
* Generate line in parser specification for an absolute time.
* @param field name of the field
* @param[out] atime time to initialize
* @return corresponding field spec
struct TMH_PARSE_FieldSpecification
TMH_PARSE_member_time_abs (const char *field,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute *atime);
* Generate line in parser specification indicating the end of the spec.
* Parse amount specified in JSON format.
* @param connection the MHD connection (to report errors)
* @param f json specification of the amount
* @param[out] amount set to the amount specified in @a f
* @return
* #GNUNET_YES if parsing was successful
* #GNUNET_NO if json is malformed, error response was generated
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error, error response was not generated
TMH_PARSE_amount_json (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
json_t *f,
struct TALER_Amount *amount);
* Parse absolute time specified in JSON format. The JSON format is
* "/TIMEVAL/" where TIMEVAL is in seconds. Additionally, we
* support "/forever/" and "/never/" to represent the end of time.
* @param connection the MHD connection (to report errors)
* @param f json specification of the amount
* @param[out] time set to the time specified in @a f
* @return
* #GNUNET_YES if parsing was successful
* #GNUNET_NO if json is malformed, error response was generated
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error, error response was not generated
TMH_PARSE_time_abs_json (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
json_t *f,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute *time);
* Extraxt fixed-size base32crockford encoded data from request.
* Queues an error response to the connection if the parameter is missing or
* invalid.
* @param connection the MHD connection
* @param param_name the name of the parameter with the key
* @param[out] out_data pointer to store the result
* @param out_size expected size of @a out_data
* @return
* #GNUNET_YES if the the argument is present
* #GNUNET_NO if the argument is absent or malformed
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error (error response could not be sent)
TMH_PARSE_mhd_request_arg_data (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
const char *param_name,
void *out_data,
size_t out_size);
* Extraxt variable-size base32crockford encoded data from request.
* Queues an error response to the connection if the parameter is missing
* or the encoding is invalid.
* @param connection the MHD connection
* @param param_name the name of the parameter with the key
* @param[out] out_data pointer to allocate buffer and store the result
* @param[out] out_size set to the size of the buffer allocated in @a out_data
* @return
* #GNUNET_YES if the the argument is present
* #GNUNET_NO if the argument is absent or malformed
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error (error response could not be sent)
TMH_PARSE_mhd_request_var_arg_data (struct MHD_Connection *connection,
const char *param_name,
void **out_data,
size_t *out_size);