.TH TALER.CONF 5 "Mar 20, 2018" "GNU Taler" .SH NAME taler.conf \- Taler configuration file. .SH SYNOPSIS .B taler.conf .SH DESCRIPTION The basic structure of the configuration file is the following. The file is split into sections. Every section begins with "[SECTIONNAME]" and contains a number of options of the form "OPTION=VALUE". Empty lines and lines beginning with a "#" are treated as comments. Files containing default values for many of the options described below are installed under $TALER\_PREFIX/share/taler/config.d/. The configuration file given with \-c to Taler binaries overrides these defaults. .SH GLOBAL OPTIONS The following options are from the "[taler]" section and used by virtually all Taler components. .IP CURRENCY Name of the currency, i.e. "EUR" for Euro. The "[PATHS]" section is special in that it contains paths that can be referenced using "$" in other configuration values that specify filenames. For Taler, it commonly contains the following paths: .IP TALER_HOME Home directory of the user, usually "${HOME}". Can be overwritten by testcases by setting ${TALER_TEST_HOME}. .IP TALER_DATA_HOME Where should Taler store its long-term data. Usually "${TALER_HOME}/.local/share/taler/" .IP TALER_CONFIG_HOME Where is the Taler configuration kept. Usually "${TALER_HOME}/.config/taler/" .IP TALER_CACHE_HOME Where should Taler store cached data. Usually "${TALER_HOME}/.cache/taler/" .IP TALER_RUNTIME_DIR Where should Taler store system runtime data (like UNIX domain sockets). Usually "${TMP}/taler-system-runtime". .SH EXCHANGE OPTIONS The following options are from the "[exchange]" section and used by most exchange tools: .IP DB Plugin to use for the database, i.e. "postgres" .IP PORT Port on which the HTTP server listens, i.e. 8080. .IP MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY Crockford Base32-encoded master public key, public version of the exchange\'s long\-time offline signing key. .IP MASTER_PRIV_FILE Location of the master private key on disk. Only used by tools that can be run offline (as the master key is for offline signing). .IP BASE_URL Specifies the base URL under which the exchange can be reached. Added to wire transfers to enable tracking by merchants. .IP SIGNKEY_DURATION For how long is a signing key valid? .IP LEGAL_DURATION For how long are signatures with signing keys legally valid? .IP LOOKAHEAD_SIGN How long do we generate denomination and signing keys ahead of time? .IP LOOKAHEAD_PROVIDE How long into the future do we provide signing and denomination keys to clients? .SH EXCHANGE POSTGRES BACKEND DATABASE OPTIONS The following options must be in section "[exchangedb\-postgres]" if the "postgres" plugin was selected for the database: .IP CONFIG How to access the database, i.e. "postgres:///taler" to use the "taler" database. Testcases use "talercheck". .SH MERCHANT OPTIONS The following options are from the "[merchant]" section and used by the merchant backend: .IP DB Plugin to use for the database, i.e. "postgres" .IP PORT Port on which the HTTP server listens, i.e. 8080. .IP WIRE_TRANSFER_DELAY How quickly do we want the exchange to send us money? Note that wire transfer fees will be higher if we ask for money to be wired often. Given as a relative time, i.e. "5 s" .IP DEFAULT_MAX_WIRE_FEE Maximum wire fee we are willing to accept from exchanges. Given as a Taler amount, i.e. "EUR:0.1" .IP DEFAULT_MAX_DEPOSIT_FEE Maximum deposit fee we are willing to cover. Given as a Taler amount, i.e. "EUR:0.1" .SH MERCHANT POSTGRES BACKEND DATABASE OPTIONS The following options must be in section "[merchantdb\-postgres]" if the "postgres" plugin was selected for the database: .IP CONFIG How to access the database, i.e. "postgres:///taler" to use the "taler" database. Testcases use "talercheck". .SH MERCHANT INSTANCES The merchant configuration must specify a set of instances, containing at least the "default" instance. The following options must be given in each "[instance-NAME]" section: .IP KEYFILE Name of the file where the instance\'s private key is to be stored, i.e. "${TALER_CONFIG_HOME}/merchant/instance/name.priv" .IP NAME Human-readable name of the instance, i.e. "Kudos Inc." Additionally, for instances that support tipping, the following options are required: .IP TIP_EXCHANGE Base-URL of the exchange that holds the reserve for tipping, i.e. "https://exchange.demo.taler.net/" .IP TIP_EXCHANGE_PRIV_FILENAME Filename with the private key granting access to the reserve, i.e. "${TALER_CONFIG_HOME}/merchant/reserve/tip.priv" .SH KNOWN EXCHANGES (for merchants and wallets) The merchant configuration can include a list of known exchanges if the merchant wants to specify that certain exchanges are explicitly trusted. For each trusted exchange, a section [exchange-NAME] must exist, where NAME is a merchant-given name for the exchange. The following options must be given in each "[exchange-NAME]" section: .IP BASE_URL Base URL of the exchange, i.e. "https://exchange.demo.taler.net/" .IP MASTER_KEY Crockford Base32 encoded master public key, public version of the exchange\'s long\-time offline signing key .IP CURRENCY Name of the currency for which this exchange is trusted, i.e. "KUDOS" .SH KNOWN AUDITORS (for merchants and wallets) The merchant configuration can include a list of known exchanges if the merchant wants to specify that certain auditors are explicitly trusted. For each trusted exchange, a section [auditor-NAME] must exist, where NAME is a merchant-given name for the exchange. The following options must be given in each "[auditor-NAME]" section: .IP BASE_URL Base URL of the auditor, i.e. "https://auditor.demo.taler.net/" .IP AUDITOR_KEY Crockford Base32 encoded auditor public key. .IP CURRENCY Name of the currency for which this auditor is trusted, i.e. "KUDOS" .SH ACCOUNT OPTIONS (for exchanges and merchants) An exchange (or merchant) can have multiple bank accounts. The following options are for sections named "[account-SOMETHING]". The SOMETHING is arbitrary and should be chosen to uniquely identify the bank account for the operator. Additional authentication options may need to be specified in the account section depending on the PLUGIN used. .IP URL Specifies the payto://-URL of the account. The general format is payto://METHOD/DETAILS. This option is used for exchanges and merchants. .IP WIRE_RESPONSE Specifies the name of the file in which the /wire response for this account should be located. Used by the Taler exchange service and the taler\-exchange\-wire tool and the taler\-merchant\-httpd (to generate the files). .IP PLUGIN Name of the plugin can be used to access the account (i.e. "taler-bank" or "ebics"). Used by the merchant backend for back office operations (i.e. to identify incoming wire transfers) and by the exchange. .IP ENABLE_DEBIT Must be set to YES for the accounts that the taler\-exchange\-aggregator should debit. Not used by merchants. .IP ENABLE_CREDIT Must be set to YES for the accounts that the taler\-exchange\-wirewatch should check for credits. (It is yet uncertain if the merchant implementation may check this flag as well.) .IP HONOR_instance Must be set to YES for the instances (where "instance" is the section name of the instance) of the merchant backend that should allow incoming wire transfers for this bank account. .IP ACTIVE_instance Must be set to YES for the instances (where "instance" is the section name of the instance) of the merchant backend that should use this bank account in new offers/contracts. Setting ACTIVE_instance to YES requires also setting ENABLE_instance to YES. .SH TALER-BANK AUTHENTICATION OPTIONS (for accounts) The following authentication options are supported by the "taler-bank" wire plugin. They must be specified in the "[account-]" section that uses the "taler-bank" plugin. .IP TALER_BANK_AUTH_METHOD Authentication method to use. "none" or "basic" are currently supported. .IP USERNAME Username to use for authentication. Used with the "basic" authentication method. .IP PASSWORD Password to use for authentication. Used with the "basic" authentication method. .SH EBICS AUTHENTICATION OPTIONS The following authentication options are supported by the "ebics" wire plugin. They must be specified in the "[account-]" section that uses the "ebics" plugin. .IP NONE Currently the "ebics" implementation is incomplete and does not support authentication. .SH EXCHANGE WIRE FEE OPTIONS For each supported wire method (i.e. "x-taler-bank" or "sepa"), sections named "[fees-METHOD]" state the (aggregate) wire transfer fee and the reserve closing fees charged by the exchange. Note that fees are specified using the name of the wire method, not by the plugin name. You need to replace "YEAR" in the option name by the calendar year for which the fee should apply. Usually, fees should be given for serveral years in advance. .IP WIRE-FEE-YEAR Aggregate wire transfer fee merchants are charged in YEAR. Specified as a Taler amount using the usual amount syntax (CURRENCY:VALUE.FRACTION). .IP CLOSING-FEE-YEAR Reserve closing fee customers are charged in YEAR. Specified as a Taler amount using the usual amount syntax (CURRENCY:VALUE.FRACTION). .SH EXCHANGE COIN OPTIONS The following options must be in sections starting with "[coin_]" and are used by taler\-exchange\-keyup to create denomination keys: .IP VALUE Value of the coin, i.e. "EUR:1.50" for 1 Euro and 50 Cents (per coin). .IP DURATION_OVERLAP How much should validity periods for these coins overlap? .IP DURATION_WITHDRAW How long should the same key be used for clients to withdraw coins of this value? .IP DURATION_SPEND How long do clients have to spend these coins? .IP FEE_WITHDRAW What fee is charged for withdrawl? .IP FEE_DEPOSIT What fee is charged for depositing? .IP FEE_REFRESH What fee is charged for refreshing? .IP FEE_REFUND What fee is charged for refunds? When a coin is refunded, the deposit fee is returned. Instead, the refund fee is charged to the customer. .IP RSA_KEYSIZE What is the RSA keysize modulos (in bits)? .SH AUDITOR OPTIONS The following options must be in section "[auditor]" for the Taler auditor: .IP DB Plugin to use for the database, i.e. "postgres" .IP AUDITOR_PRIV_FILE Name of the file containing the auditor's private key .SH AUDITOR POSTGRES BACKEND DATABASE OPTIONS The following options must be in section "[auditordb\-postgres]" if the "postgres" plugin was selected for the database: .IP CONFIG How to access the database, i.e. "postgres:///taler" to use the "taler" database. Testcases use "talercheck". .SH BUGS Report bugs by using Mantis <https://gnunet.org/bugs/> or by sending electronic mail to <taler@gnu.org> .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBtaler\-exchange\-httpd\fP(1), \fBtaler\-exchange\-keyup\fP(1), \fBtaler\-exchange\-dbinit\fP(1), \fBtaler\-exchange\-wire(1)