Preliminary work on integrating key exchanges with Merkle trick

I still need to work out exactly what proerties are needed.
And it won't tex yet.
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Jeff Burdges 2016-04-29 04:20:59 +02:00
parent e7d4ccec98
commit a9f5958d16

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@ -128,7 +128,29 @@ risks regardless.
\smallskip \smallskip
We could add an existing post-quantum key exchange, but these all We propose two variations on Taler's refresh protocol that offer
resistane to a quantum adversary.
First, we describe attaching contemporary post-quantum key exchanges,
based on either super-singular eliptic curve isogenies \cite{SIDH} or
ring learning with errors (Ring-LWE) \cite{Peikert14,NewHope}.
These provide strong post-quantum security so long as the underlying
scheme retain their post-quantum security.
Second, we propose a hash based scheme that
Merkle tree based scheme that provides a
query complexity bound suitable for current deployments, and
depends only upon the strength of the hash function used.
much smaller
but these all
incur significantly larger key sizes, requiring more badwidth and incur significantly larger key sizes, requiring more badwidth and
storage space for the exchange, and take longer to run. storage space for the exchange, and take longer to run.
In addition, the established post-quantum key exchanges based on In addition, the established post-quantum key exchanges based on
@ -168,12 +190,261 @@ In these systems, anonymity is not post-quantum due to the zero-knowledge
proofs they employ. proofs they employ.
\section{Taler's refresh protocol}
We first describe Taler's refresh protocol adding place holders
$\eta$, $\lambda$, $\Lambda$, $\mu$, and $\Mu$ for key material
involved in post-quantum operations. We view $\Lambda$ and $\Mu$
as public keys with respective private keys $\lambda$ and $\mu$,
and $\eta$ as the symetric key resulting from the key exchange
between them.
We require there be effeciently computable
$\CPK$, $\CSK$, $\LPK$, $\LSK$, $\KEX_2$ and $\KEX_3$ such that
\item $\mu = \CSK(s)$ for a random bitstring $s$,
$\Mu = \CPK(\mu)$,
\item $\lambda = \LSK(t,\mu)$ and $\Lambda = \LPK(t,\mu)$
for a random bitstring $t$, and
\item $\eta = \KEX_2(\lambda,\Mu) = \KEX_3(\Lambda,\mu)$.
In particular, if $\KEX_3(\Lambda,\mu)$ would fail
then $\KEX_2(\lambda,\Mu)$ must fail too.
% Talk about assumption that if KEX_2 works then KEX_3 works?
If these are all read as empty, then our description below reduces
to Taler's existing refresh protocol.
We let $\kappa$ denote the exchange's taxation security parameter,
meaning the highest marginal tax rate is $1/\kappa$. Also, let
$\theta$ denote the maximum number of coins returned by a refresh.
A coin $(C,\Mu,S)$ consists of
a Ed25519 public key $C = c G$,
a post-quantum public key $\Mu$, and
an RSA-FDH signature $S = S_d(C || \Mu)$ by a denomination key $d$.
A coin is spent by signing a contract with $C$. The contract must
specify the recipiant merchant and what portion of the value denoted
by the denomination $d$ they recieve.
If $\Mu$ is large, we may replace it by $H(C || \Mu)$ to make signing
contracts more efficent.
There was of course a blinding factor $b$ used in the creation of
the coin's signature $S$. In addition, there was a private seed $s$
used to generate $c$, $b$, and $\mu$, but we need not retain $s$
outside the refresh protocol.
$$ c = H(\textr{"Ed25519"} || s)
\qquad \mu = \CSK(s)
\qquad b = H(\textr{"Blind"} || s) $$
We begin refresh with a possibly tainted coin $(C,\Mu,S)$ that
we wish to refresh into $n \le \theta$ untainted coins.
In the change sitaution, our coin $(C,M,S)$ was partially spent and
retains only a part of the value determined by the denominaton $d$.
There is usually no denomination that matchets this risidual value
so we must refresh from one coin into $n \le \theta$.
For $x$ amongst the symbols $c$, $C$, $\mu$, $\Mu$, $b$, and $s$,
we let $x_{j,i}$ denote the value normally denoted $x$ of
the $j$th cut of the $i$th new coin being created.
% So $C_{j,i} = c_{j,i} G$, $\Mu_{j,i}$, $m_{j,i}$, and $b^{j,i}$
% must be derived from $s^{j,i}$ as above.
We need only consider one such new coin at a time usually,
so let $x'$ denote $x^{j,i}$ when $i$ and $j$ are clear from context.
So as above $c'$, $\mu'$, and $b_j$ are derived from $s_j$,
and both $C' = c' G$ and $\Mu' = \CSK(s')$.
\paragraph{Wallet phase 1.}
\item For $j=1 \cdots \kappa$:
\item Create random $\zeta_j$ and $l_j$.
\item Also compute $L_j = l_j G$.
\item Generate $\lambda_j$, $\Lambda_j$, and
$\eta_j = \KEX_2(\lambda,\Mu)$ as appropriate
using $\mu$. % or possibly $\Mu$.
\item Set the linking commitment $\Gamma_{j,0} = (L_j,\Lambda_j)$.
\item Set $k_j = H(l_j C || \eta_j)$.
\item For $i=1 \cdots n$:
\item Set $s' = H(\zeta_j || i)$.
\item Derive $c'$, $m'$, and $b'$ from $s'$ as above.
\item Compute $C' = c' G$ and $\Mu' = \CPK(m')$ too.
\item Compute $B_{j,i} = B_{b'}(C' || \Mu')$.
\item Encrypt $\Eta_{j,i} = E_{k_j}(s')$.
\item Set the coin commitments $\Gamma_{j,i} = (\Eta_{j,i},B_{j,i})$
\item Send $(C,\Mu,S)$ and the signed commitments
$\Gamma_* = S_C( \Gamma_{j,i} \quad\textrm{for}\quad j=1\cdots\kappa, i=0 \cdots n )$.
\paragraph{Exchange phase 1.}
\item Verify the signature $S$ by $d$ on $(C || \Mu)$.
\item Verify the signatures by $C$ on the $\Gamma_{j,i}$ in $\Gamma_*$.
\item Pick random $\gamma \in \{1 \cdots \kappa\}$.
\item Mark $C$ as spent by saving $(C,\gamma,\Gamma_*)$.
\item Send $\gamma$ as $S(C,\gamma)$.
\paragraph{Wallet phase 2.}
\item Save $S(C,\gamma)$.
\item For $j = 1 \cdots \kappa$ except $\gamma$:
\item Create a proof $\lambda_j^{\textrm{proof}}$ that
$\lambda_j$ is compatable with $\Lambda_j$ and $\Mu$.
\item Set a responce tuple
$R_j = (\zeta_j,l_j,\lambda_j,\lambda_j^{\textrm{proof}})$.
\item Send $S_C(R_j \quad\textrm{for}\quad j \ne \gamma )$.
\paragraph{Exchange phase 2.}
\item Verify the signature by $C$.
\item For $j = 1 \cdots \kappa$ except $\gamma$:
\item Compute $\eta_j = \KEX_2(\lambda_j,\Mu)$.
\item Verify that $\Lambda_j = \LPK(???)$
\item Set $k_j = H(l_j C || \eta_j)$.
\item For $i=1 \cdots n$:
\item Decrypt $s' = D_{k_j}(\Eta_{j,i})$.
\item Compute $c'$, $m'$, and $b'$ from $s_j$.
\item Compute $C' = c' G$ too.
\item Verify $B' = B_{b'}(C' || \Mu')$.
\item If verifications all pass then send $S_{d_i}(B_\gamma)$.
We could optionally save long-term storage space by
replacing $\Gamma_*$ with both $\Gamma_{\gamma,0}$ and
$S_C(\Eta_{j,i} \quad\textrm{for}\quad j \ne \gamma )$.
It's clear this requires the wallet send that signature in some phase,
but also the wallet must accept a phase 2 responce to a phase 1 request.
\section{Post-quantum key exchanges}
In \cite{SIDH}, there is a Diffie-Helman like key exchange (SIDH)
based on computing super-singular eliptic curve isogenies which
functions as a drop in replacement, or more likely addition, for
Taler's refresh protocol.
In SIDH, private keys are the kernel of an isogeny in the 2-torsion
or the 3-torsion of the base curve. Isogenies based on 2-torsion can
only be paired with isogenies based on 3-torsion, and visa versa.
This rigidity makes constructing signature schemes with SIDH hard
\cite{}, but does not impact our use case.
We let $\mu$ and $\Mu$ be the SIDH 2-torsion private and public keys,
repectively. We simlarly let $\lambda_j$ and $\Lambda_j$ be the
SIDH 3-torsion private and public keys.
% DO IT :
We define $\CPK$, $\CSK$, $\LPK$, $\LSK$, $\KEX_2$ and $\KEX_3$
as appropriate from \cite{SIDH} too.
Ring-LWE based key exchanges like \cite{Peikert14,NewHope} require
that both Alice and Bob's keys be ephemeral because the success or
failure of the key exchange leaks one bit about both keys\cite{}.
As a result, authentication with Ring-LWE based schemes remains
We observe however that the Taler wallet controls both sides during
the refresh protocol, so the wallet can ensure that the key exchange
always succeeds. In fact, the Ring-LWE paramaters could be tunned to
make the probability of failure arbitrarily high, saving the exchange
bandwidth, storage, and verification time.
We let $\mu$ and $\Mu$ be Alice (initator) side the private and public
keys, repectively. We simlarly let $\lambda_j$ and $\Lambda_j$ be the
Bob (respondent) private and public keys.
% DO IT :
Again now, $\CPK$, $\CSK$, $\LPK$, $\LSK$, $\KEX_2$ and $\KEX_3$
can be defined from \cite{Peikert14,NewHope}. % DO IT
\section{Hashed-based one-sided public keys}
We now define our hash-based encryption scheme.
Let $\delta$ denote our query security paramater and
let $\mu$ be a bit string.
For $j \le \kappa$, we define a Merkle tree $T_j$ of height $\delta$
with leaves $\eta_{j,t} = H(\mu || "YeyCoins!" || t || j)$
for $t \le 2^\delta$.
Let $\Lambda_j$ denote the root of $T_j$, making
$\LPK(j,\mu)$ the Merkle tree root function.
Set $\Mu = H(\Lambda_1 || \cdots || \Lambda_\kappa)$,
which defines $\CPK(\mu)$.
Now let $\lambda_{j,t}$ consist of $(j,t,\eta_{j,t})$ along with
both the Merkle tree path that proves $\eta_{j,i}$ is a leaf of $T_j$,
and $(\Lambda_1,\ldots,\Lambda_\kappa)$,
making $\LSK(t,\mu)$ an embelished Merkle tree path function.
We define $\KEX_2(\lambda_{j,t},\Mu) = \eta_{j,t}$
if $\lambda_{j,t}$ proves that $\eta_{j,t}$ is a leaf for $\Mu$,
or empty otherwise.
$\Mu = H(\Lambda_1 || \cdots || \Lambda_\kappa)$
$H(\eta_{j,i})$ along with a path
$\eta$, $\lambda$, $\Lambda$, $\mu$, and $\Mu$ for key material
We require there be effeciently computable
$\CPK$, $\CSK$, $\LPK$, $\LSK$, $\KEX_2$ and $\KEX_3$ such that
\item $\mu = \CSK(s)$ for a random bitstring $s$,
$\Mu = \CPK(\mu)$,
\item $\lambda = \LSK(t,\mu)$ and $\Lambda = \LPK(t,\mu)$
for a random bitstring $t$, and
\item $\eta = \KEX_2(\lambda,\Mu) = \KEX_3(\Lambda,\mu)$.
In particular, if $\KEX_3(\Lambda,\mu)$ would fail
then $\KEX_2(\lambda,\Mu)$ must fail too.
% \newpage
% \appendix
% \section{}
Let $\kappa$ and $\theta$ denote Let $\kappa$ and $\theta$ denote
@ -210,6 +481,7 @@ In addition, there was a value $s$ such that
but we try not to retain $s$ if possible. but we try not to retain $s$ if possible.
We have a tainted coin $(C,M,S)$ that we wish to We have a tainted coin $(C,M,S)$ that we wish to
refresh into $n \le \theta$ untained coins. refresh into $n \le \theta$ untained coins.
For simplicity, we allow $x'$ to stand for the component For simplicity, we allow $x'$ to stand for the component
@ -261,45 +533,6 @@ Exchange phase 2.
\section{Withdrawal} \section{Withdrawal}
% \newpage
% \appendix
% \section{}
$l$ denotes Merkle tree levels
yields $2^l$ leaves
costs $2^{l+1}$ hashing operations
$a$ denotes number of leaves used
yields $2^{a l}$ outcomes
commit H(h) and h l C and E_{l C)(..)
reveal h and l
x_n ... x_1 c G
waiting period of 10 min