" AND wire_target_h_payto=$3"/* merchant could have a 2nd bank account */
" deposit_serial_id"
" ,coin_pub"
" ,amount_with_fee_val AS amount_val"
" ,amount_with_fee_frac AS amount_frac)"
" ,ref AS ("/* find applicable refunds -- NOTE: may do a full join on the master, maybe find a left-join way to integrate with query above to push it to the shards? */
" amount_with_fee_val AS refund_val"
" ,amount_with_fee_frac AS refund_frac"
" ,coin_pub"
" ,deposit_serial_id"/* theoretically, coin could be in multiple refunded transactions */
" FROM refunds"
" WHERE coin_pub IN (SELECT coin_pub FROM dep)"
" AND deposit_serial_id IN (SELECT deposit_serial_id FROM dep))"
" ,ref_by_coin AS ("/* total up refunds by coin */
" SUM(refund_val) AS sum_refund_val"
" ,SUM(refund_frac) AS sum_refund_frac"
" ,coin_pub"
" ,deposit_serial_id"/* theoretically, coin could be in multiple refunded transactions */
" FROM ref"
" GROUP BY coin_pub, deposit_serial_id)"
" ,norm_ref_by_coin AS ("/* normalize */
" sum_refund_val + sum_refund_frac / 100000000 AS norm_refund_val"
" ,sum_refund_frac % 100000000 AS norm_refund_frac"
" ,coin_pub"
" ,deposit_serial_id"/* theoretically, coin could be in multiple refunded transactions */
" FROM ref_by_coin)"
" ,fully_refunded_coins AS ("/* find applicable refunds -- NOTE: may do a full join on the master, maybe find a left-join way to integrate with query above to push it to the shards? */
" dep.coin_pub"
" FROM norm_ref_by_coin norm"
" JOIN dep"
" ON (norm.coin_pub = dep.coin_pub"
" AND norm.deposit_serial_id = dep.deposit_Serial_id"
" AND norm.norm_refund_val = dep.amount_val"
" AND norm.norm_refund_frac = dep.amount_frac))"
" ,fees AS ("/* find deposit fees for not fully refunded deposits */
" denom.fee_deposit_val AS fee_val"
" ,denom.fee_deposit_frac AS fee_frac"
" ,cs.deposit_serial_id"/* ensures we get the fee for each coin, not once per denomination */
" FROM dep cs"
" JOIN known_coins kc"/* NOTE: may do a full join on the master, maybe find a left-join way to integrate with query above to push it to the shards? */
" USING (coin_pub)"
" JOIN denominations denom"
" USING (denominations_serial)"
" WHERE coin_pub NOT IN (SELECT coin_pub FROM fully_refunded_coins))"
" ,dummy AS ("/* add deposits to aggregation_tracking */
" INSERT INTO aggregation_tracking"
" (deposit_serial_id"
" ,wtid_raw)"
" SELECT deposit_serial_id,$4"
" FROM dep)"
"SELECT"/* calculate totals (deposits, refunds and fees) */
" CAST(COALESCE(SUM(dep.amount_val),0) AS INT8) AS sum_deposit_value"/* cast needed, otherwise we get NUMBER */
" ,COALESCE(SUM(dep.amount_frac),0) AS sum_deposit_fraction"/* SUM over INT returns INT8 */
" ,CAST(COALESCE(SUM(ref.refund_val),0) AS INT8) AS sum_refund_value"
" ,COALESCE(SUM(ref.refund_frac),0) AS sum_refund_fraction"
" ,CAST(COALESCE(SUM(fees.fee_val),0) AS INT8) AS sum_fee_value"
" ,COALESCE(SUM(fees.fee_frac),0) AS sum_fee_fraction"
" FROM dep "
" FULL OUTER JOIN ref ON (FALSE)"/* We just want all sums */