129 lines
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129 lines
3.4 KiB
use std::env;
use std::{fs::File, io::Error, io::Read};
use yaml_rust::{yaml, YamlLoader};
pub struct Time {
pub format: String,
pub icon: String,
pub struct Memory {
pub icon: String,
pub enabled: bool,
pub struct Disk {
pub icon: String,
pub enabled: bool,
pub struct Volume {
pub icon: String,
pub enabled: bool,
pub struct Settings {
pub seperator: String,
pub time: Time,
pub memory: Memory,
pub disk: Disk,
pub volume: Volume,
pub fn load() -> Result<Settings, Error> {
let yml_source = env::var("HOME").unwrap() + "/.config/rsblocks/rsblocks.yml";
let mut data = String::new();
let mut file = match File::open(yml_source) {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(_) => {
println!("~/.config/rsblocks/rsblocks.yml file not found, loading defaults!");
return Ok(load_defaults());
file.read_to_string(&mut data)?;
let yml_content = &YamlLoader::load_from_str(&data).unwrap()[0];
let settings = gen_settings(yml_content);
fn gen_settings(doc: &yaml::Yaml) -> Settings {
// setting icons
let seperator = get_or_set_string(doc, "general", "seperator", "|");
let time_icon = get_or_set_string(doc, "time", "icon", "");
let time_format = get_or_set_string(doc, "time", "format", "%T");
let mem_icon = get_or_set_string(doc, "memory", "icon", "");
let disk_icon = get_or_set_string(doc, "disk", "icon", "");
let volume_icon = get_or_set_string(doc, "volume", "icon", "");
// setting enable status, everything false by default
let disk_enabled = get_or_set_bool(doc, "disk", "enable");
let memory_enabled = get_or_set_bool(doc, "memory", "enable");
let volume_enabled = get_or_set_bool(doc, "volume", "enable");
Settings {
time: Time {
format: time_format,
icon: time_icon,
memory: Memory {
icon: mem_icon,
enabled: memory_enabled,
disk: Disk {
icon: disk_icon,
enabled: disk_enabled,
volume: Volume {
icon: volume_icon,
enabled: volume_enabled,
// getting the bool value from rsblocks.yml file or set it false if it does not exist
fn get_or_set_bool(doc: &yaml::Yaml, parent: &str, child: &str) -> bool {
let val: bool;
if doc[parent][child].is_badvalue() {
val = false;
} else {
val = doc[parent][child].as_bool().unwrap()
// getting the value from the rsblocks.yml file or set the default in the last parameter
fn get_or_set_string(doc: &yaml::Yaml, parent: &str, child: &str, default_val: &str) -> String {
let val: String;
if doc[parent][child].is_badvalue() {
val = String::from(default_val)
} else {
val = String::from(doc[parent][child].as_str().unwrap());
fn load_defaults() -> Settings {
Settings {
seperator: String::from("|"),
time: Time {
format: String::from("%T"),
icon: String::from(""),
memory: Memory {
icon: String::from(""),
enabled: false,
disk: Disk {
icon: String::from(""),
enabled: false,
volume: Volume {
icon: String::from(""),
enabled: false,