# rsblocks [github](https://github.com/MustafaSalih1993/rsblocks) [crates](https://crates.io/crates/rsblocks) A multi threaded fast status bar for dwm window manager written in **Rust** 🦀

## Features * Multi Threads * Time/Date * Memory Usage * Disk Usage * Weather Temperature * Sound volume * Easy to configure with `rsblocks.yml` file ## Notes * This tool is still in development stage. * currently supports only linux. ## Cargo Installation You can install the binary crate directly ```sh cargo install rsblocks ``` ## Manual Installation You can clone the repo and build from the source code ```sh git clone https://github.com/mustafasalih1993/rsblocks ``` build with **cargo** ```sh cargo build --release ``` move the executable somewhere in your **PATH** (assuming you are in the root dir of the project) ```sh mv ./target/release/rsblocks /usr/local/bin ``` you good to go now and can run `rsblocks` from your terminal or put that in your `.xinitrc` ## Configuration #### Notes: * **rsblocks** will try to read the file `$HOME/.config/rsblocks/rsblocks.yml`, if it does not exist, it will load the defaults. * **rsblocks** will read the configuration file **only** on startup, which means you have to kill it and start it again if you updated your `rsblocks.yml` file. create the directory ```sh mkdir ~/.config/rsblocks ``` copy the [template](./rsblocks.yml) to the new config directory (assuming you are in the root dir of the repo) ```sh cp ./rsblocks.yml ~/.config/rsblocks/rsblocks.yml ``` ## Contributions All Contributions are welcome. ## Credits * [wttr.in](https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in) for using their weather API ## License [MIT](./LICENSE)