# This is the full configuration template available for rsblocks. # NOTE: the (delay) is in **SECONDS** and the float point "." is required. general: seperator: '┃' time: icon: '' format: '%d %b, %I:%M:%S %p' delay: 1.0 memory: enable: true icon: '▦' delay: 2.0 disk: enable: true icon: '' delay: 120.0 # reads from alsa, alsa-utils package should # be installed on the system to make it work. volume: enable: true icon: '' delay: 0.18 card: 'PULSE' # weather format options is available on # https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in # NOTES: # - if the city field set to empty, it will try to read location automatically. # - if you have multiple formats and want to insert space between them use '+' instead. # - giving (city) a value is recommended. weather: enable: true icon: '' city: '' format: '%l:+%t' delay: 7200.0 # 7200 seconds = 2 hours battery: source: 'BAT0' icon: '' enable: false delay: 120.0 cpu_temperature: icon: '' enable: true delay: 120.0