/* This file is part of libbrandt.
* Copyright (C) 2016 GNUnet e.V.
* libbrandt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* libbrandt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* libbrandt. If not, see .
* @file test_brandt.c
* @brief testing API functions.
* @author Markus Teich
#include "platform.h"
#include "brandt.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "util.h"
#define MIN(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
struct msg {
uint16_t sender;
uint16_t receiver;
void *buf;
size_t buf_len;
struct testcase {
uint16_t n;
uint16_t k;
uint16_t *bids;
uint16_t m;
uint16_t outcome_public;
uint16_t ret;
struct BRANDT_Auction **ad;
uint16_t *id;
uint16_t *result_called;
static struct testcase tcase;
static struct BRANDT_Result *
expected_outcome (uint16_t i)
struct BRANDT_Result *ret = NULL;
int32_t highest_bidder = -1;
int32_t highest_bid = -1;
int32_t mpf_highest_bidder;
int32_t mpf_highest_bid = -1;
int32_t prev_mpf_highest_bidder = -1;
uint16_t winners = MIN (tcase.m, tcase.n);
uint16_t cur_winner = 0;
if (0 == tcase.n)
return NULL;
if (0 == tcase.m)
for (uint16_t h = 0; h < tcase.n; h++)
if (tcase.bids[h] > highest_bid)
highest_bid = tcase.bids[highest_bidder = h];
if (!tcase.outcome_public && !(i == highest_bidder || i == tcase.n))
return NULL;
ret = GNUNET_new (struct BRANDT_Result);
ret->bidder = highest_bidder;
ret->price = highest_bid;
ret->status = BRANDT_bidder_won;
return ret;
/* find M+1st highest bidder to determine selling price */
for (uint16_t h = 0; h < tcase.n; h++)
if (tcase.bids[h] > mpf_highest_bid)
mpf_highest_bid = tcase.bids[prev_mpf_highest_bidder = h];
for (uint16_t m = 0; m < MIN (tcase.m, tcase.n - 1); m++)
mpf_highest_bidder = -1;
mpf_highest_bid = -1;
for (uint16_t h = 0; h < tcase.n; h++)
if (tcase.bids[h] > mpf_highest_bid &&
(tcase.bids[h] < tcase.bids[prev_mpf_highest_bidder] ||
(tcase.bids[h] == tcase.bids[prev_mpf_highest_bidder] &&
h > prev_mpf_highest_bidder)))
mpf_highest_bid = tcase.bids[mpf_highest_bidder = h];
prev_mpf_highest_bidder = mpf_highest_bidder;
/* for simplicity always locate the big block if we need to report at
* least one winner. with private outcome for losing bidders or winners
* only none or one element will be used respectively. */
if (tcase.outcome_public || i == tcase.n ||
tcase.bids[i] > mpf_highest_bid ||
(tcase.bids[i] == mpf_highest_bid && i < mpf_highest_bidder))
ret = GNUNET_new_array (winners, struct BRANDT_Result);
/* report winners */
for (uint16_t h = 0; h < tcase.n; h++)
if (((tcase.bids[h] == mpf_highest_bid && h < mpf_highest_bidder) ||
tcase.bids[h] > mpf_highest_bid) && /* h is a winner */
(tcase.outcome_public || i == h || i == tcase.n)) /* needs report */
if (cur_winner >= winners)
weprintf ("got too many winners");
_exit (1);
ret[cur_winner].bidder = h;
ret[cur_winner].price = mpf_highest_bid;
ret[cur_winner].status = BRANDT_bidder_won;
return ret;
static void
bidder_start (void *arg)
uint16_t i = *(uint16_t *)arg;
weprintf ("starting bidder %d", i);
BRANDT_bidder_start (tcase.ad[i], i, tcase.n);
static void
transfer_message (void *arg)
struct msg *m = (struct msg *)arg;
struct msg_head *h = (struct msg_head *)m->buf;
weprintf ("xfer msg %d %x from %d to %d", ntohl (
h->msg_type), arg, m->sender, m->receiver);
BRANDT_got_message (tcase.ad[m->receiver], m->sender, m->buf, m->buf_len);
GNUNET_free (m->buf);
GNUNET_free (m);
static uint16_t
cb_start (void *auction_closure)
uint16_t *s = (uint16_t *)auction_closure;
if (tcase.n != *s)
weprintf ("start callback called from bidder");
_exit (1);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < tcase.n; i++)
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&bidder_start, &tcase.id[i]);
return tcase.n;
static int
cb_broadcast (void *auction_closure,
const void *msg,
size_t msg_len)
uint16_t *s = (uint16_t *)auction_closure;
struct msg *m;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= tcase.n; i++)
if (i == *s)
m = GNUNET_new (struct msg);
m->sender = *s;
m->receiver = i;
m->buf = GNUNET_new_array (msg_len, unsigned char);
memcpy (m->buf, msg, msg_len);
m->buf_len = msg_len;
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&transfer_message, m);
return 0;
static int
cb_unicast (void *auction_closure,
const void *msg,
size_t msg_len)
uint16_t *s = (uint16_t *)auction_closure;
struct msg *m;
m = GNUNET_new (struct msg);
m->sender = *s;
m->receiver = tcase.n; /* == seller */
m->buf = GNUNET_new_array (msg_len, unsigned char);
memcpy (m->buf, msg, msg_len);
m->buf_len = msg_len;
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&transfer_message, m);
return 0;
static void
cb_result (void *auction_closure,
struct BRANDT_Result results[],
uint16_t results_len)
uint16_t *s = (uint16_t *)auction_closure;
struct BRANDT_Result *must = expected_outcome (*s);
if (0 == results_len)
weprintf ("expected result is: %p", must);
weprintf ("computed result is: (nil) (by agent %d)", *s);
if (NULL != must)
tcase.ret = 1;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < results_len; i++)
weprintf ("expected result is: bidder %d got status %d with price %d",
weprintf (
"computed result is: bidder %d got status %d with price %d (by agent %d)",
if (NULL == must ||
must[i].bidder != results[i].bidder ||
must[i].status != results[i].status ||
must[i].price != results[i].price)
tcase.ret = 1;
tcase.result_called[*s] = 1;
if (must)
GNUNET_free (must);
static void
run_auction (void *arg)
const char description[] = "test description for test_auction";
void *desc;
size_t desc_len;
tcase.ad[tcase.n] = BRANDT_new (&cb_result,
sizeof (description),
GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get (),
tcase.k, /* number of prizes */
tcase.m, /* m */
tcase.outcome_public); /* outcome public */
if (!tcase.ad[tcase.n])
weprintf ("BRANDT_new() failed.");
_exit (1);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < tcase.n; i++)
tcase.ad[i] = BRANDT_join (&cb_result,
sizeof (description),
tcase.bids[i]); /* bid */
if (!tcase.ad[i])
weprintf ("BRANDT_join() failed.");
tcase.ret = 1;
if (tcase.ad[tcase.n]->k != tcase.ad[i]->k ||
tcase.ad[tcase.n]->m != tcase.ad[i]->m ||
tcase.ad[tcase.n]->outcome_public != tcase.ad[i]->outcome_public ||
!= tcase.ad[i]->time_start.abs_value_us ||
!= tcase.ad[i]->time_round.rel_value_us ||
!tcase.ad[tcase.n]->seller_mode || /* todo: split out */
weprintf ("error/mismatch in basic auction data");
tcase.ret = 1;
static int
test_auction (uint16_t n,
uint16_t k,
uint16_t *bids,
uint16_t m,
uint16_t outcome_public)
tcase.n = n;
tcase.k = k;
tcase.bids = bids;
tcase.m = m;
tcase.outcome_public = outcome_public;
tcase.ret = 0;
weprintf ("######################################");
weprintf ("testing %s auction with m = %d and %s outcome",
tcase.m > 0 ? "M+1ST PRICE" : "FIRST PRICE",
tcase.outcome_public ? "PUBLIC" : "PRIVATE");
weprintf ("######################################");
tcase.ad = GNUNET_new_array (tcase.n + 1, struct BRANDT_Auction *);
tcase.id = GNUNET_new_array (tcase.n + 1, uint16_t);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= tcase.n; i++)
tcase.id[i] = i;
tcase.result_called = GNUNET_new_array (tcase.n + 1, uint16_t);
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_run (&run_auction, NULL);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i <= tcase.n; i++)
BRANDT_destroy (tcase.ad[i]);
if (!tcase.result_called[i])
weprintf ("result callback not called for bidder %d", i);
tcase.ret = 1;
GNUNET_free (tcase.ad);
GNUNET_free (tcase.id);
GNUNET_free (tcase.result_called);
return tcase.ret;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int ret = 0;
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccDlogContext *edc;
edc = GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_prepare (1024, 16);
BRANDT_init (edc);
ret |= 0 ||
test_auction (0, 2, NULL, 0, 0) ||
test_auction (0, 2, NULL, 0, 1) ||
test_auction (0, 2, NULL, 1, 0) ||
test_auction (0, 2, NULL, 2, 0) ||
test_auction (2, 2, (uint16_t[]) { 1, 0 }, 1, 0) ||
test_auction (3, 2, (uint16_t[]) { 0, 0, 1 }, 2, 0) ||
test_auction (3, 2, (uint16_t[]) { 0, 1, 1 }, 0, 0) ||
test_auction (3, 2, (uint16_t[]) { 0, 1, 1 }, 0, 1) ||
GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_dlog_release (edc);
return ret;