/* This file is part of libbrandt.
* Copyright (C) 2016 GNUnet e.V.
* libbrandt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* libbrandt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* libbrandt. If not, see .
* @file internals.h
* @brief This header contains library internal structs.
* @author Markus Teich
#include "brandt.h"
enum rounds {
msg_init = 0,
msg_bid = 1,
msg_outcome = 2,
msg_decrypt = 3,
msg_last = 4
enum auction_type {
auction_firstPrice = 0,
auction_mPlusFirstPrice = 1,
auction_last = 2
enum outcome_type {
outcome_private = 0,
outcome_public = 1,
outcome_last = 2
struct msg_head {
uint32_t prot_version GNUNET_PACKED;
uint32_t msg_type GNUNET_PACKED;
* This struct describes an auction and is always linked to a description buffer
* of #description_len bytes of arbitrary data where the description of the item
* to be sold is stored. This buffer should also contain information linking the
* auction to the payment system (which exact prices do the k possibilities
* refer to, payment system seller identity, …). All fields are stored in
* network byte order.
* \todo: align to a multiple of 64bit
* \todo: versionsnummer */
struct BRANDT_DescrP {
/** Hash code over the remaining elements of this struct followed by the
* description buffer of #description_len bytes */
struct GNUNET_HashCode hash GNUNET_PACKED;
/** Starting time of the auction. Bidders have to join the auction via
* BRANDT_join until this time */
struct GNUNET_TIME_AbsoluteNBO time_start;
/** The maximum duration the participants have to complete each round. */
struct GNUNET_TIME_RelativeNBO time_round;
/** The length of the description in bytes */
uint32_t description_len GNUNET_PACKED;
/** reserved for future use. Must be zeroed out. */
uint32_t reserved1 GNUNET_PACKED;
/** The amount of possible prices */
uint16_t k GNUNET_PACKED;
/** Auction type. 0 means first price Auction, >= 0 means M+1st price
* auction with an amount of m items being sold. */
uint16_t m GNUNET_PACKED;
/** Outcome type. 0 means private outcome, everything else means public
* outcome. */
uint16_t outcome_public GNUNET_PACKED;
/** reserved for future use. Must be zeroed out. */
uint16_t reserved2 GNUNET_PACKED;
struct BRANDT_Auction {
/** Starting time of the auction. Bidders have to join the auction via
* BRANDT_join until this time */
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute time_start;
/** The maximum duration the participants have to complete each round. */
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative time_round;
/** Auction type. 0 means first price Auction, >= 0 means M+1st price
* auction with an amount of m items being sold. */
uint16_t m;
/** Outcome type. 0 means private outcome, everything else means public
* outcome. */
uint16_t outcome_public;
/** Link to the next delayed task (auction start trigger, round trigger) */
struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *task;
void *closure; /** auction closure given by the user */
BRANDT_CbResult result; /** result reporting callback */
BRANDT_CbBroadcast bcast; /** broadcast callback */
BRANDT_CbUnicast ucast; /** unicast callback */
BRANDT_CbStart start; /** start callback */
int seller_mode; /** If 0 we are bidding, selling otherwise */
enum rounds cur_round; /** The round we expect messages from */
gcry_mpi_t round_progress; /** Stores which round messages were received */
uint16_t n; /** The amount of bidders/agents */
uint16_t k; /** The amount of possible prices */
uint16_t i; /** Own agents index, only used when bidding */
uint16_t b; /** Own bid */
gcry_mpi_t x; /** Own private additive key share */
gcry_mpi_point_t *y; /** public multiplicative key shares, size: n */
gcry_mpi_point_t Y; /** Shared public key */
gcry_mpi_point_t **alpha; /** alphas, size: n*k */
gcry_mpi_point_t **beta; /** betas, size: n*k */
gcry_mpi_point_t **gamma2; /** gamma2, for public outcome, size: n*k */
gcry_mpi_point_t ***gamma3; /** gamma3, for private outcome, size: n*n*k */
gcry_mpi_point_t **delta2; /** delta2, for public outcome, size: n*k */
gcry_mpi_point_t ***delta3; /** delta3, for private outcome, size: n*n*k */
gcry_mpi_point_t **phi2; /** phi2, for public outcome, size: n*k */
gcry_mpi_point_t ***phi3; /** phi3, for private outcome, size: n*n*k */
/** proofs for the correctnes of the phi values for private outcomes,
* size: n*n*k */
struct proof_2dle ***phiproofs3;
gcry_mpi_point_t *tmpa1; /** used for temporary storage, size: k */
gcry_mpi_point_t *tmpb1; /** used for temporary storage, size: k */
#endif /* ifndef _BRANDT_INTERNALS_H */